Dear Friends of Humanity and the Ageless Wisdom,

Following the conclusion of the 30th International Conference of the Seven Ray Institute and University of the Seven Rays, and intensive planning for a new nine year Cycle of Dynamic Conferences leading to the all-important year of 2025, we are now ready to resume our ASK Program, to be broadcast or ‘webinared’ mainly from the Temple of Silence in Finland and wherever in the world we may be (when possible).

This program will now to be offered in a fuller form and some of the meditations to be offered are listed below. The next nine years are so important that we students of spiritual occultism who know something about the power of meditation and who have been trained in spiritually occult meditation must gather all our forces to benevolently affect the consciousness of humanity during this important transitional period. Master D.K has given us some important meditations to be used at this time of preparation for the Externalization of the Hierarchy and the Reappearance of the Christ.

Master Djwhal Khul continuously emphasizes the importance of the occult work of meditation. He points out how little we give opportunity to the Master or to the soul to influence:

LOM 276-277:

According to the success of the meditation, according to the ability of the student to shut off the lower and contact the higher, so will come the opportunity of the Master to accomplish successfully the scientific definite work that needs His attention. Students of meditation would be astounded and perhaps discouraged, could they realise how seldom they provide the right conditions through meditation which will enable their watching Teacher to bring about certain effects. By the frequency of the student's ability to do this comes indication of progress, and the possibility of carrying him on another step. Emphasise this point in teaching, for it carries with it an incentive to greater diligence and application. If the pupil himself on his side provides not the just conditions, the Master's hands are tied and He can do but little. Self-effort is the key to progress, coupled to conscious comprehending application to the work laid down.When that effort is made with perseverance, then comes the opportunity of the Master to carry out His side of the work.


·  This LINK is for the broadcasting - all of the below listed meditations:

·  If we have any webinars for any of the subjects, those links are sent for you separately.

·  You are welcomed to give the link to your co-workers or to whomever that you think would benefit of participating.

MEDITATIONS IN THE ASK-Project During the Following Days:

On SUNDAYS (Sun Day)

·  “Reflective Meditations On Attracting Money For Hierarchical Purposes” (by D.K)

On WEDNESDAYS (Mercury Day)

·  “Triangles Meditations”

·  Some explanatory webinars will be also offered. The links for the webinars will be sent separately.

On THURSDAYS (Jupiter Day)

·  “Reflective Meditations Upon Preparation For The Reappearance of The Christ” (by D.K)

·  Preparing the Way is considered the most important work for all disciples at this time.

·  Recommended reading: A.A.Bailey_Reappearance of the Christ

On FRIDAYS (Venus Day)

·  “Dissipating Glamour Initiative: Dispelling Individual Glamour” (by D.K)

·  Some explanatory webinars will be also offered. The links for the webinars will be sent separately.

·  Later, at the right time there will be undertaken work for the Dissipation of Group and World Glamour.

·  Recommended reading: A.A.Bailey_Glamour: A World Problem

On SATURDAYS (Saturn Day)

·  “Soul of the Nations”

·  We will continue our process of invoking the soul of every nation with the purpose of bringing the more spiritual energies of each nation into play and offsetting the retarding effect of the personality forces.

·  This will continue to involve a study of the rayological and astrological energies and forces (as available from Master DK) associated with every nation.

·  Recommended reading: A.A.Bailey_Destiny of the Nations

LINK for the D.K’s Meditations on Makara website

·  Click this link to download the meditations by D.K under “the ASK-Project Meditations”:

Schedule of the Meditations

As before, we will alternate with different starting times for every other week. Every other week we will have either AM times or PM times. If there is going to be a Full Moon, Ingress or any other Festival Day on the same day an ASK PROJECT Meditation is scheduled, then we will not have the ASK PROJECT Meditation.

Please see the schedule below.

NOTE: -1 means “minus 1 day”, NOTE: +1 means “plus 1 day”

Brisbane / Vietnam / BZ
5pm / 20:00 / 1:00P / 12:00P / 11:00A / 10:00A / 5:00A+1 / 3:00A+1 / 12:00A+1 / 2:00P+
5am / 08:00 / 1:00A / 12:00A / 11:00P-1 / 10:00P-1 / 5:00P / 3:00P / 12:00P / 2:00A
DAY / GMT / Country / DAY / GMT / Country / DAY / GMT / Country
9JUN / 5pm / Reappearance / 9JUL / 5am / Philippines / 11AUG / 5pm / Reappearance
10JUN / 5pm / Dissip. Glamour / 10JUL / 5am / Money Med. / 12AUG / 5pm / Dissip. Glamour
11JUN / 5pm / Bangladesh / 13JUL / 5pm / Triangle / 13AUG / 5pm / Kuwait
12JUN / 5pm / Money Med. / 14JUL / 5pm / Reappearance / 14AUG / 5pm / Money Med.
15JUN / 5pm / Triangle / 15JUL / 5pm / Dissip. Glamour / 17AUG / 5am / Triangle
16JUN / 5pm / Reappearance / 16JUL / 5pm / Unit. Arab Emirates / 18AUG / LEO FM
17JUN / 5pm / Dissip. Glamour / 17JUL / 5pm / Money Med. / 19AUG / 5am / Dissip. Glamour
18JUN / 5pm / Sri Lanka / 20JUL / CANCER FM / 20AUG / 5am / Czech Republic
19JUN / 5pm / Money Med. / 21JUL / 5am / Reappearance / 21AUG / 5am / Money Med.
20JUN / ASALA Blue FM / 22JUL / 5am / Dissip. Glamour / 24AUG / 5pm / Triangle
21JUN / Ingress Cancer / 22JUL / Ingress Leo / 25AUG / 5pm / Reappearance
22JUN / 5am / Triangle / 23JUL / 5am / Croatia / 26AUG / 5pm / Dissip. Glamour
23JUN / 5am / Reappearance / 24JUL / 5am / Money Med. / 27AUG / 5pm / Cuba
24JUN / 5am / Dissip. Glamour / 27JUL / 5pm / Triangle / 28AUG / 5pm / Money Med.
25JUN / Middsummer / 28JUL / 5pm / Reappearance / 31AUG / 5am / Triangle
27JUN / Middsummer / 29JUL / 5pm / Dissip. Glamour / 1SEP / 5am / Reappearance
29JUN / 5pm / Triangle / 30JUL / 5pm / Tunisia / 2SEP / 5am / Dissip. Glamour
30JUN / 5pm / Reappearance / 31JUL / 5pm / Money Med. / 3SEP / 5am / Romania
1JUL / 5pm / Dissip. Glamour / 3AUG / 5am / Triangle / 4SEP / 5am / Money Med.
2JUL / 5pm / Columbia / 4AUG / 5am / Reappearance / 7SEP / 5pm / Triangle
3JUL / 5pm / Money Med. / 5AUG / 5am / Dissip. Glamour / 8SEP / 5pm / Reappearance
6JUL / 5am / Triangle / 6AUG / 5am / Nicaragua / 9SEP / 5pm / Dissip. Glamour
7JUL / 5am / Reappearance / 7AUG / 5am / Money Med. / 10SEP / 5pm / Mongolia
8JUL / 5am / Dissip. Glamour / 10AUG / 5pm / Triangle / 11SEP / 5pm / Money Med.

FM=Full Moon - In the Soul of the Nation meditations may come changes without notice!

Given that these meditations are supposed to be available to as many people in the world as possible, the purpose of the alternation is to make it possible for more meditators to join. For some both times may be possible, but for others only one time will be possible according to their schedule.

We realize that this Meditation Schedule is intense and it may not be possible for you to participate in all of them (and at times we may have to postpone a certain meditation until the next week or so), but given the condition of humanity’s consciousness, we believe that an all-out Meditation Program in support of Hierarchical Intentions is now strongly needed. Please do your best to be with us!

For One Great Unified Effort For the Illumination of Humanity!

Michael and Tuija Robbins

On behalf of the ASK-Project;

The Morya Federation;

The University of the Seven Rays;

The Seven Ray Institute;

The Blue Rose Sisterhood and

The Northern Light Society