Cesar Chavez High School

Tardy and Attendance Policies


In accordance with State statute and Governing Board Policy, every teacher must formally record attendance for their students. Teachers will use Synergy to record attendance.

Defined by Statute ARS 15-521:

“Every teacher shall:

Take and maintain daily classroom attendance.

Comply with all rules and policies of the governing board that relate to the duties prescribed in this section. “

Governing Board Policy J-0511 JE-R:

“Each time a class meets, the teacher shall check and formally record the attendance of all students assigned to the class.”

Absence defined:

Non-attendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period.

Tardy defined:

Not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing.

Detention defined:

A 10-25 minute opportunity for a student to recover seat time lost due to their tardy in an academically focused setting with their teacher of record. The detention can occur before school, during lunch, or after school. The student should be given 24 hours’ notice prior to being required to serve detention.

In accordance with the CCHS Attendance and Tardy Plan all students must be in class on time to maintain an effective learning environment. Any students who do not adhere to the CCHS policy will face the following consequences:

Absences: District policy – Absence refers to “unexcused” and “excused” absences.

  • Absence 1-3

School Messenger will notify parent/guardian by phone/email for period and/or all day absences

 The teacher of record will make informal contact with student

A “We Missed You” card will be provided by that teacher to the student upon their return to class.

The teacher of record will document contact with student in Synergy

  • Absence 3-4

 The teacher of record will refer the student to the Student Liaison

The Student Liaison will call home

An Attendance letter or Truancy Warning letter will be sent home, depending on the student’s age

The teacher of record will call home and document contact in Synergy

  • Absence 5-7

The Student Liaison will conference with the student to identify the reason for the absences and document contact in Synergy

The student may be placed on an Attendance Contract.

  • Absences 8-10

A second Attendance/Truancy letter will be sent home

The student may be cited for truancy to the C.U.T.S. program (Court Unified Truancy Suppression)

The Student Liaison will assign the student to Attendance Success Group

The Student Liaison will call home and document all contact in Synergy

  • Absences 10+

 If a student continues to be absent, a discipline referral will be issued for excessive absences by the teacher of record and the student will be assigned to In-School Suspension.

The teacher of record will call home

Contact will be documented in Synergy

 If poor attendance continues, the student may be dropped to evening school.

  • Absence 12

If a student obtains his/her 12th absence, they will be referred for an Attendance Hearing. The Hearing Committee, made up of the APS, a certified staff member and a classified staff member, will review the interventions and determine if the student should be placed in Evening School.

Tardies: Any student who enters class after the ringing of the tardy bell without a proper excuse will receive:

  • Tardy 1-


  • Tardy 2 +/semester –

Classroom teacher of record will call home and document contact in Synergy

Student will be given 24 hour notice and required to serve detention with the teacher of record. (A referral will be written for students who do not attend for Defiance of Authority and submitted to the APS.)

  • Tardy 5 and every 3rd tardy thereafter (8, 11, 14, 17…) / semester –

A call home from the student’s classroom teacher of record and documented in Synergy

The classroom teacher of record will write referral for excessive tardiesand submit the referral to the APS.