Present : Cllrs. E. Brown, I. Burrows, E. Charlton, E. Faulks, V. Fletcher, J. Ridley, A. Sharp, J. Thompson, L. Thompson, D. Thornhill and S. Walker; press and public; C. McGivern (mins.).

  1. Public participation –

a)Innerhaugh Mews planning application – A group of people attended the meeting to object to this application. They were concerned that the development was on the flood plain. This would pose a risk to the proposed dwellings, as well as increasing the risk, due to run off, to existing properties. They also said that the plans did not take into account the calor gas tanks on site, which would be below the turning space. Access would be via Innerhaugh Mews, which is already congested, and would pass the children’s play area. Cllr. Charlton said that after Innerhaugh Mews was built home owners had put in paved areas and conservatories on their land, which had an impact for run off of surface water. It was also noted that the existing properties have never been fully occupied. Cllr. Fletcher said that she had serious concerns about the application. The Environment Agency have opposed the plans.

b)Hedge at Whittis Hill – Mrs Oliver said that she had contacted NCC, requesting that they cut the hedge between the road and her property. This job had been carried out by NCC in the past, but her husband had taken on the work in order to keep the area tidy. Cllr. Sharp agreed that former employees of NCC remembered doing the work, and he said that he had arranged a meeting on the 2nd October and hopes to visit the site to get this resolved.

c)Lowering of kerbs – A member of the public wondered when the work to lower kerbs in certain areas to allow better access for wheelchair users would begin Cllr. Sharp said one had been done, and the rest will be completed soon. This work has been funded by £5,500 from Cllr. Sharp’s Members Allowance.

d)Seat at Geeswood – Mrs. Brown asked when the seat at Geeswood would be replaced. Cllr. Charlton confirmed that it is on the Handyman’s job list.

  1. Apologies – were received from Cllr. Robson.
  1. Declarations of Interest in items on agenda – Cllr. Fletcher declared an interest in the planning application for Chesterwood Villa, as it belongs to her neighbour.
  1. Minutes of previous meeting – having been circulated, were agreed and signed with the following amendment.

Point 12 should say Northern Power Grid and not NCC.

  1. Vacancy on Parish Council – a letter of interest had been received from Laura Thompson, and she was co-opted onto the Parish Council.
  1. Report from Northumberland County Council

Cllr. Sharp said that the missing sign had now been replaced at Langley. Work to repair the road surface from Hill House to Standalone has still to be done. There have been further discussions about post-16 school transport, but following a vote the decision stays the same. A kerb is to be raised at Park Style to stop surface water running onto the path at this point. Cllr. Sharp said that the Police were aware of recent problems and were keeping an eye on things. The road work at AllerwashCleugh has not been completed yet. The drain outside the war memorial has now been cleared. It was noted that the trees outside the library have still not been pruned, with NCC now claiming they are not their responsibility. Cllr. Sharp is looking into this.

  1. Highways –

a)Flashing speed signs – Cllrs. Burrows and Charlton met with Neil Snowdon to discuss the signs. He said that the best location would be halfway between the 30mph sign and Innerhaugh Mews. He confirmed that NCC will install the pole and then inform the Clerk, so that we can proceed.

b)Hedge west ofInnerhaugh– During the meeting above Mr. Snowdon saw that the hedge was very overgrown and blocking the path. He said that it was the responsibility of NCC’s NEAT team. The Clerk will chase this up.

c)Lands End Road junction –The Parish Council discussed the plans that had been circulated and said they were happy for them to go ahead. Cllr. Walker said that the vegetation behind the railings needed to be cut back to improve sight lines from here, and he has made a start on this.

  1. Lighting – nothing to report, although it was noted that the flood lighting on the old bridge remains turned off.
  1. Planning applications –

14/02675/FUL – New roof with parapet creating balcony area over existing lounge and garden room at Chesterwood Villa - No objections.

14/02124/FUL – Renovation& extension of existing three bedroom dwelling, the extension being on the north side of the building, part two storey and part single storey at East Haydon Cottage - No objections.


Outline application for residential development of up to 4 dwellings at land west of 42 Innerhaugh Mews -

Object - The proposed access to this site is via Innerhaugh Mews, a road which is already congested. Further development can only exacerbate this. In addition the access would pass the play area, increasing the risk to children.

We understand that the Environment Agency have objected to the plans on grounds of flood risk. The whole site is on a flood plain, and the increased run off from these properties would not only increase the likelihood of flooding on the development site, but it would also increase the risk to the existing properties. We note that the site is discounted for development in the latest Strategic Housing Land Availability Assesment (2047), noting the “high risk of flooding.”

Haydon Parish Council has been made aware of public opposition to this development, which it unanimously supports. We therefore strongly object to these plans.

14/02567/FUL – Resubmission – Construction of two semi-detached three bedroomed houses on land within the curtilage of Belmont House - Objections set out prior to resubmission remain.

14/02250/VARYCO – Variation of condition 6 to planning permission 20070418 Buildings south west of Arran, Belmont – No objections.

  1. Accounts –paid as in budget.
  1. Parish Projects –

a)The Bridge/Development Trust – After the other trees on Church Street were pruned two trees in front of the library were left untouched. NCC now claim that these trees are not their responsibility. It was agreed that both the Clerk and Cllr. Charlton would pass on emails on the subject to Cllr. Sharp.Cllr. Faulks said that the branches are brushing against the roof of the library, and the DT was concerned that in a storm tiles would be damaged.

b)Shaftoe Green – The Handyman will look at the work needed to replace rotten gate posts. One of the bins needs to be replaced and the Clerk will investigate this.

c)John Martin Trail – Cllr. said that more copies of the trail leaflet were needed. Mr. Ford explained that several boxes of the leaflet were stored at the Community Centre. These will be delivered to the Bridge.

  1. Any other business -

a)Cllr. Brown said that he was unable to attend the meeting with Archdigital to discuss the roll-out of superfast broadband, as he had to attend a training course. The Clerk will send apologies and ask them to keep the PC up to date.

b)Cllr. L. Thompson said that she would like to set up a Facebook page for the PC, as this would be a means of bringing up parish issues in a different way. She will circulate here ideas to Cllrs to make sure everyone approves of what is done. She said that it would celebrate what goes on in the village, as well as taking on board complaints. Cllr. Walker agreed to be involved in the project. Cllr. Charlton said that the DT had been trying to find someone to set up a Facebook page for them. The possibility of linking these two things will be looked at.

c)Cllr. J. Thompson read out a message from the GITS who have decided to go ahead with a fireworks display on the old bridge at the New Year. They have already had discussions with NCC and the Police, and will have to have the old bridge closed from 3pm. The new bridge will be closed from 11.30pm to midnight. They said that they would need lots of volunteers, and requested information on insurance from the Clerk. It was hoped that the Christmas trees/lights would go ahead, with fewer trees on the bridge, (to allow for firework display), and some on Church Street.

d)Cllr. Charlton raised the issue of parking on pavements. She said that in some places it was impossible to walk along the pavements with a pushchair. A strongly worded note in the Haydon News was requested.

e)Cllr. Charlton had studied the latest version of the SHLAA. The proposed sites for development were discussed. It was agreed that Cllrs. Charlton and Walker will confer and submit the PC’s response to the document.

f)Cllr. Walker said that an exemption from a licence to burn rubbish at the cemetery had been received. Work will go ahead when the weather permits.

g)Cllr. J. Thompson said that the unveiling of the Larkin plaque and the event at the General Havelock had gone well and had been very well supported. She said that the PC should be proud of this and of the work done on their behalf by Cllr. Robson and Dennis Telford.

h)The Parish Council said that they wanted to put on record their appreciation of the work that the Clerk carries out on their behalf.