Table of Correspondence: Stone Attributes

abundance / alexandrite, azurite, calcite, chrysoberyl, citrine, fluorite, tigereye
balance / agate, snowflake obsidian, tourmaline, unakite
courage, confidence / carnelian, diamond, garnet, jade, jasper (red), ruby, topaz
creativity / aventurine (yellow), citrine, jasper (yellow), rutilated quartz, topaz
friendship / rhodochrosite, rhodonite
gardening, plants / moss agate, jade
goddess stones / amber, aquamarine, emerald, lapis lazuli, moonstone, obsidian
guidance, enlightenment / amazonite, aventurine, labradorite, lapis lazuli, opal, sapphire
harmony / apatite, chrysoprase, rose quartz, rhodochrosite, sodalite
intellect, academics / agate, apatite (golden), citrine,
intuition / amethyst, lapis lazuli, moonstone,
love / emerald, garnet, lapis lazuli, moonstone, rose quartz,
loyalty / agate, diamond, garnet,
legal / hematite
luck / aventurine, chrysoprase, fairy cross, jade, leopardskin jasper, malachite, opal
marriage / agate, peridot
meditation / aventurine, moss agate, serpentine, sodalite,
mental health / amethyst, blue lace agate, garnet, goldstone, hematite, jet, onyx, peridot, rose quartz
money, prosperity / amethyst, bloodstone, chrysoprase, citrine, emerald, malachite, sapphire, tigereye, turquoise
peace, tranquility / amethyst, blue topaz, aquamarine, blue lace agate, hematite, sapphire, sodalite
physical health / agate, aquamarine, bloodstone, hematite, jade,
power / ruby
protection / amethyst, chrysoprase, coral, jet, lapis lazuli, malachite, moonstone, obsidian, onyx, tigereye, turquoise
purity, purification / bloodstone, diamond, jasper (white), pearl, quartz crystal
rain / bloodstone, moss agate,
self-confidence / amazonite, iolite
spirituality / amethyst, calcite, fluorite, howlite, lapis lazuli, malachite, moonstone, opal, peridot, quartz crystal
success / citrine
truth / agate, azurite, emerald
visions / amazonite, aventurine, calcite, hematite, labradorite, obsidian, opal, turquoise
wisdom, intellect / amber, chrysoprase, citrine, jade
women's needs / aquamarine, coral, garnet, moonstone, pearl
Table of Correspondence: Stone Colors
Red / Courage, energy, activity, health.
Pink / Healing, friendship, tender romantic love.
Orange / Changing luck, power, controlling a situation, rapid change, energy.
Yellow / Creativity, mental power, wisdom, scholarship, generosity, prosperity, success, cheerfulness.
Green / Marriage, harmony, balance, handicraft, abundance, joy, luck, money.
Light blue / Harmony, understanding, journeys, peace, spiritual healing.
Dark blue / Spirituality, spiritual healing, self-mastery.
Purple / Breaking bad luck, protection, psychic and spiritual growth, prosperity, success.
Black / Powerful protection, defense against dark forces, binding.
Brown / Common sense, pragmatism, material abundance.
White, colorless / Purity, spiritual guidance, choosing the right path, centering, clear inner vision.
Type of stone / Traditional meanings and lore
agate / Agates in general are associated with grace, good health, and stability. They are considered calming, soothing stones. Agates are said to assure marital fidelity. Folklore holds that a person gazing at an agate can only tell the truth and will be aided in remembering. Perhaps an agate would make a good "worry stone" for students faced with a test! Some folk traditions hold that an agate is a charm to keep a child from falling, another association with stability. Water in which a blue agate was soaked was once thought to cure illnesses.
agate, blue lace / Associated with peace and tranquility, and the thyroid. Said to assist and support people suffering from depression.
agate, moss and picture / Moss agate was used by some Native American groups to bring on rain. The cloudy appearance is associated with clouds in the sky and hence the gods, so moss agate is sometimes used in meditation to carry the mind skyward. Moss agates are also a traditional gardener's talisman. Buried in the garden or set out as decoration, they were used as a charm to assure good crops.
alexandrite / Alexandrite is associated with grace and purity. Like many green stones, it is associated with abundance, though in the case of Alexandrite, it is an abundance of joy and hope.
amazonite / Cool, refreshing green amazonite is the "hope stone," associated with increased self-confidence. It is said to inspire faith, hope, and self-respect, and reduce self-damaging behavior. It is also associated with positive relationships with others. In some traditions, amazonite is associated with clairvoyance, and touching it to the forehead is said to unlock one's psychic ability.
amber / Amber is sometimes called "Freya's Tears," and is associated with this goddess of Northern Europe. Warriors once carried amber charms for luck in battle, which probably came from the association with Freya. The Greeks were the first to discover the electrical properties of amber rubbed with cloth. Their word for amber -- elektron -- gave us the word "electricity." Because amber is warm to the touch and sometimes fragrant, it is associated with sensuality and is a traditional part of love charms. Gazing at amber was supposed to improve eyesight. The golden-yellow color and its origins as plant material associate amber strongly with the sun. Like many golden and yellow stones, it is associated with wisdom. It is also said to purify the spirit and warm the heart.
amethyst / The Romans wore amber as a protection against drunkenness. Even today some people believe that amethyst helps achieve sobriety and recovery from addiction, and to overcome evil thoughts. The rich purple color is associated with spirituality, and the stone is considered a meditative stone. According to folklore, amethyst enhances psychic powers, and a piece of amethyst was sometimes kept with tarot cards or other divination tools. Placed under one's pillow, amethyst is a traditional charm against nightmares and insomnia. It was also used as a charm to help men attract women. Gazing at amethyst is supposed to be calming. Amethysts are also associated with prosperity.
apatite / Golden apatite is associated with intellectual pursuits, while dichroic blue has oceanic associations. Most apatite is linked to harmony.
aquamarine / The soothing, sea-blue color associates aquamarine with calming effects and mental clarity. According to legend, aquamarine was created when Leviathan, the great sea monster, slept encircling the world. The weight of his body compressed sea water into stone. It is also linked in legend to sea goddesses. Because of its association with the sea, aquamarine was a favorite luck charm among ancient fishermen. It was also linked to the "internal sea." Drinking from cups carved from aquamarine was supposed to help digestive troubles and bladder problems. Aquamarine was also carried as a charm by people who were dieting or who were plagued with urinary tract problems.
aventurine / Sometimes called "the stone of Heaven," aventurine is said to have been used by shamans to open up the "inner eye." The Tibetans revered aventurine and believed it helped in divination. They used it in the eyes of their sacred statues to symbolize the divine ability to see all. Folklore holds that the stone attracts money. It is considered a gambler's talisman. Aventurine has traditionally been used in charms by those seeking new pathways, both physical and spiritual, in their lives. In some traditions, aventurine is said to promote leadership. It is also associated with blocking others from stealing one's own happiness. Orange and yellow aventurine are traditionally associated with joy and creativity.
azurite / Azurite is associated with healing, intuition, and truth. The blue and green bands link calmness and spirituality with abundance and prosperity, a worthy goal to strive for. The dual coloration is also associated with the bond between the conscious and the subconscious minds, so is linked to discovering the power of a unified mind.
bloodstone / The name "heliotrope," as with the plant of the same name, means "sun-turning." This stems from a belief that the stone would turn sun-red when placed in water. The red spots on this stone have long been associated with blood, hence much of the folklore that has built up around bloodstone has to do with a magical association with blood. For example, in ancient Europe, warriors used the stone as a charm to stop wounds from bleeding, and as a powerful charm for healing. In the Middle Ages, the red spots on bloodstone were believed to be the blood of Jesus Christ; hence people believed it had great powers. Because of its green color, the stone is also associated with money and fertility. Some people believe it brings rain, while others believe it can spiritually cleanse a room or house.
calcite / Icelandic spar is sometimes associated with spirituality. It may also be linked to vision in various ways, either increasing one's creative vision, or confounding an enemy's vision. Colored calcites are associated with the typical meanings of the colors: gold for intelect, green for healing and abundance, pink for joy and love, red for health.
carnelian / Carnelians are traditionally associated with courage. It was once believed that carnelians could help dispell melancholy and fears, and help people achieve a positive outlook. It is also supposed to dispel envy and rage. The stone was sometimes used as a charm to prevent wicked sorcerors from reading one's mind, and to ward off "psychic attacks." Carnelians are also associated with sexual appetite, especially in men, and are traditionally used in charms for love and seduction. Carnelian also gives us courage regarding our own mortality, and helps remind us of our cherished place in the cycle of life.
chrysoberyl / Golden chrysoberyl is associated with wisdom, intellect, and abundance. Greener shades and dichroic forms are linked to generosity, optimism, hope, and renewal.
chrysoprase / Cheerful apple-green chrysoprase is associated with uplifting the spirits, reducing greed, banishing envy, increasing wisdom, and easing stress. Like most green stones, it is used as a charm to draw money and luck. It is sometimes associated with the protection of children, as well as communication and easy eloquence.
citrine / Sunny yellow citrine is said to lift the spirits and instill confidence. Like most yellow stones, it is associated with creativity, wisdom, mental health, and the power of the mind. It has also been used in charms for money and abundance, as citrine is associated with generosity and prosperity. It is the stone of success.
coral / Red coral has been long believed to protect children from harm. In many European nations, coral beads were a traditional baby gift. In ancient times, it was used to ward off the "evil eye." It is supposed to draw luck if used as an ornament in the home. Sailors used coral as a talisman against bad weather. Coral is also associated with the female reproductive system, and has been used in ancient healing traditions for women's problems. No doubt the calcium in coral was an excellent tonic for pregnant and nursing women!
diamond / Diamond's transparent fire has been associated with courage. It is also a stone of fidelity, purity, and innocence; hence its popularity in wedding jewelry. Diamonds are said to remove evil thoughts; however, because large, high-quality diamonds are so fabulously expensive, they have attracted avaricious people of less-than-sterling morals, often with tragic results. The horrendous conditions of diamond miners in some countries testifies to the ability of diamonds to inspire greed. It is said that the diamond intensifies the qualities of the wearer.
emerald / Green emerald, like other green stones, is associated with love and wealth. Its rarity and beauty has led people to believe it has especially strong properties. In Greek lore, the emerald was associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. One traditional charm to attract love is to set an emerald in front of a lit green candle. After the candle burns down, the emerald is carried, hidden, close to the heart. Emeralds are also associated with mental clarity and perception. They are said to lift depression and strengthen memory. Emeralds are also valuable to those seeking truth, or who have difficulty telling the truth, particularly when it comes to self-knowledge.
fairy cross (staurolite) / Fairy crosses are often used as luck charms. They are also prized as religious jewelry, particularly by Christians who see the natural cross as an affirmation of their faith. Older associations link the fairy cross with a mystical connection to nature.
fluorite / Fluorite's associates are linked to its colors: blue for calmness, purple for spirituality and metaphysical properties, yellow for wisdom, green for abundance, and white for purity. Its ability to fluoresce under black light increases its spiritual connections.
garnet / The French call the garnet gouette de sange, which means "drop of blood." In Egyptian culture, garnets signified passion, loyalty, and love. According to legend, Noah suspended a garnet in the ark to disperse light. Garnet slices were once used in stained glass windows in Medieval cathedrals and temples. In the Middle Ages, red garnet was believed to cure a person of melancholy. Women used to wear a garnet tied at the waist to help menstrual disorders, as the deep red color was associated with blood. As with other red stones, garnet is associated with strength, vigor, and courage. Garnets were also used in charms to protect against thieves. Folklore holds that a stolen garnet will bring bad luck until returned to its rightful owner.
goldstone / Sparkling goldstone is said to lift the spirits.
hematite / Powdered hematite was once used as a pigment for artist's paints. Because of its blood-red color when sliced thinly, hematite was believed to protect a person against bleeding. Egyptians believed the stone cured hysteria and anxiety. The Roman doctor Galen prescribed it for headaches and inflamations of the eyelids. Many people believe that hematite is a strong "grounding" stone, to help people feel calm and centered, and increase the ability to concentrate. It is reputed to be calming and soothing, which makes it a good choice for "worry" stones. It is also supposed to be associated with psychic powers. One form of divination consisted of looking into a large piece of polished hematite by candlelight. Hematite is also associated with prevailing in legal encounters, and is supposed to be an excellent stone to carry when in court or serving on jury duty.
howlite / Smooth, white howlite is said to be calming and soothing. Like other white stones, it is associated with spiritual guidance and purity. For some people, the gray streaks represent finding one's true path.
iolite / Though fairly new on the gem market, iolite has been known as water sapphire long enough to have built up some folklore around its properties. Iolite is said to enhance leadership qualities, promote inner strength, and support self-confidence. It is a good stone for executives.