SPE Member Group Funding Request Form

Procedure for Application for Financial Aid by SPE Member Groups

The Society of Plastic Engineers wants all its member groups Sections, Divisions and SIGs - to grow and prosper. It is recognized that, from time to time, some of the member groups representing the Society may need an infusion of additional funds. An application form has been developed to facilitate this procedure so that justification in written form can be sent to the Executive Committee. The form follows on Page 2 of this document.

The request will be evaluated by the Executive Committee (EC) and the Finance Committee (FC) regarding the relevance of the request to the overall mission of SPE and the availability of the requested funds. An answer to the request will be provided by the EC no later then 30 days after submission.

It is important to bear in mind that SPE is a business. There have been years when the Society has not had unencumbered funds. During any such time period, the Society may not be able to support fund allocation to its member groups. Another potential resource for a group needing support is to seek assistance from one of the stronger member groups.

Approach the issue as if you were trying to get capital from within your own business or from a bank. If you were the loan officer, would you support the funding requested? The way to answer this is first to demonstrate what the need is relative to your member group and SPE in general. Second, your application should show how the funding will be paid back to the Society with a time table and a specific plan. This essentially requires that the application convinces the evaluators of how your member group will generate the funds necessary to repay the loan and when the payment would be expected.

Any request should have a positive answer to at least one, preferably more, of the following questions:

  • Will the funds lead to substantially higher member retention or more new SPE members?
  • Will the results of granting the funds, lead to future financial returns for SPE?
  • Will the loan be used to develop materials or resources that will have added value to the Society and its membership?

Before spending substantial effort on these endeavors, it would be prudent to discuss any request with the appropriate members of the EC on the potential relevance of any request.

Member Group: Section / Division / Special Interest Group: ______

Date of Request: ______

Amount Requested: ______

Request Category:


Other Event ______

Membership Drive

Operating Funds

Other ______

Description (Please describe below or on a separate sheethow the funds will be used and repaid):

Approved Not Approved

SPEPresident ______Date ______

Approved Not Approved

FinanceCommittee Chair ______Date ______