Professional Development Plan

School Counselor

Use this form to address specific deficiencies in employee performance.

Refer to the Professional Development Plan Instructions for guidance on how to complete this form.


Employee Name: Click here to enter name. / Social Security Number: Click here to enter SSN.
Location: Click here to enter location. / Position: Click here to enter title.
Dates employee was hired:
In this position: Click here to enter position hire date. / In CCSD: Click here to enter CCSD Hire date.
Is the employee tenured? Choose an item.
Has the employee been given at least one written warning prior to being placed on a PDP? Choose an item.


Status: Choose a Status.

If PDP is initial version -

·  Date PDP Begins: Click here to enter PDP Start date.

·  Date PDP Ends (PDP should last at least 4 work weeks): Click here to enter PDP End date.

·  Comments: Click here to enter comments.

·  Employee Signature: ______ Date: ______

·  Principal or Supervisor Signature: ______Date: ______

·  Date copy sent to Professional Standards and Ethics: ______

If PDP is modified -

·  Date Modified: Click here to enter PDP Modification Date.

·  PDP End Date (often the same as the initial end date): Click here to enter PDP End Date.

·  Comments: Click here to enter comments.

·  Date modified copy sent to Professional Standards and Ethics: Click here to enter a date.

If PDP is extended -

·  Date Extended: Click here to enter Date PDP Extended.

·  New PDP End Date: Click here to enter PDP Extended End date.

·  Comments: Click here to enter comments.

·  Date extended copy sent to Professional Standards and Ethics: Click here to enter a date.

If PDP is completed –

·  Date PDP Completed: Click here to enter PDP Completion date.

·  Recommended Action: Click here to enter recommended action.

·  Comments: Click here to enter comments.

·  Employee Signature: ______ Date: ______

·  Principal or Supervisor Signature: ______Date: ______

·  Date completed PDP sent to Professional Standards and Ethics: ______


1.  Accountability Standard (A) - The professional school counselor monitors and evaluates the processes and results of the school counseling program.

A1: The professional school counselor collects data for school counseling activities and interventions.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

Met Not Met

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A2: The professional school counselor submits a written results report for his/her school counseling activities and interventions.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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A3: The professional school counselor uses the guidance curriculum and closing-the-gap data to evaluate and plan future school counseling activities.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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A4: The professional school counselor contributes to an annual program audit of the school counseling program.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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2.  Foundation Standard (F) – The professional school counselor plans and organizes the foundation of a standards-based, data-driven comprehensive school counseling program that is aligned with the school strategic plan and the district comprehensive school counseling model.

F1: The professional school counselor articulates and demonstrates the school counseling program mission.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

Met Not Met

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F2: The professional school counselor articulates and demonstrates the beliefs and philosophy of the school counseling program that is aligned with the school strategic plan.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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F3: The professional school counselor utilizes the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) national standards to develop the content of the school counseling curriculum.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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F4: The professional school counselor plans a school counseling program in the three domains of academic, career, and personal/social development to promote and enhance student achievement.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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3.  Delivery System Standard (DS) – The professional school counselor delivers a comprehensive school counseling program through school guidance curriculum, individual student planning, responsive services, and system support.

DS1: The professional school counselor provides all students with a school guidance curriculum that is comprehensive in scope, proactive in nature, and developmental in design.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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DS2: The professional school counselor coordinates ongoing systemic activities designed to help students on an individual or small group basis to establish personal goals and develop future plans.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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DS3: The professional school counselor addresses the immediate needs or concerns of students by providing specific ongoing responsive services such as consultation, individual or small group counseling, crisis counseling, referrals, and peer facilitation.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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DS4: The professional school counselor maintains and enhances the total school counseling program by providing system support through professional development, consultation, collaboration, and program management.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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4.  Management Standard (MS) – The professional school counselor manages a comprehensive school counseling program.

MS1: The professional school counselor works with school administration to develop an individual Partnership Agreement defining the school counselor’s role in the school counseling program.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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MS2: The professional school counselor establishes and convenes a school counseling advisory council for the comprehensive school counseling program.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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MS3: The professional school counselor participates in the design and implementation of school guidance curriculum and closing the gap action plans aligning with school and school counseling program goals.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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MS4: The professional school counselor organizes and manages time to implement an effective school counseling program.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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5.  Professional Duties and Responsibilities

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

·  Choose an item.

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Page 1 of 1 Created 4/03; Revised 7/06; 7/09; 3/12