2013 Annual APSAD Awards for

Excellence In Science and Research

Award Details and Nomination Form

The Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD) is the pre-eminent membership organisation catering to the interests of professional alcohol and other drug workers in Australasia. The membership of APSAD is drawn from such diverse specialities as clinicians, practitioners, educators, policy specialists and academics. The Annual APSAD Awards for Excellence in Science and Research are designed to provide peer recognition for those working in the drug and alcohol field in Australasia.

APSAD offers three Awards for excellence in science and research:

1. Early Career Award

2. Senior Scientist Award

3. First People’s Award

Recipients of the APSAD Awards will be recognised as having made an outstanding contribution to reducing the harms associated with alcohol and other drug use in Australasia.

The successful recipients of the 2013 Awards will be announced during the 33rd APSAD Conference in Brisbane 24 - 27 November.

Focus of the Awards

The Early Career Award is for excellence in research and practice relative to career opportunities.

The Senior Scientist Award is for a scientist who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of substance use and misuse.

The First People’s Awardrecognises an individual that has made an important contribution to the advancement of the health of Aboriginal, Islander or Māori people.

All three Awards reflect excellence in the application of theory and knowledge to any aspect of drug and alcohol use or misuse.

The Awards are designed to:

  • acknowledge significant contributions to AOD science;
  • recognise and support young scientists with exceptional potential; and
  • provide role models for the future generations of Australasian AOD scientists


APSAD Awards 2013

1. Early Career Award


You must be not more than 5 years post your last postgraduate degree and have been working in the field as a researcher or scientist for less than 10 years.

While applicants are still eligible for consideration on the basis of having an undergraduate qualification alone, it is anticipated that successful applicants will have higher degrees. In recognition of the diversity of career paths, applicants who do not fit within these criteria are encouraged to apply and state their unique circumstances.

Selection Criteria

Evidence of a special or unique contribution to research in any aspect of substance misuse. For example, a major research paper in a high impact journal, a series of papers that constitute programmatic research, evidence of work in progress that has been underpinned by a peer reviewed grant that clearly advanced theoretical understanding and had some data to support the research, such as (but not limited to) conference presentations or published abstracts.

Nature of the Award

  1. A plaque

2.$2,500, to go towards subsidising the costs of attending an international or national conference of the nominee’s choice. This could include the APSAD conference.

2. Senior Scientist Award


Significant, long-term contribution to a given discipline that is related to the drug and alcohol field.

Selection Criteria

Evidence of the practical application of published research findings to theoretical knowledge or contribution to evidence based practice.


Evidence of significant advancement in areas such as; basic sciences, in experimental laboratory settings, and in ethnographic and/or sociological sciences.

Nature of the Award

  1. A plaque
  2. $2,500, to go towards subsidising the costs of attending an international or national conference of the nominee’s choice. This could include the APSAD conference.

3. First People’s Award


You can be an Australasian Indigenous person in research, training, practice, prevention, or policy in any area related to substance use at any stage of your career.APSAD also has a Senior Scientist Award and anEarly Career Award, which are also open to Indigenous professionals.

Selection Criteria

Evidence of a significant contribution toresearch, training, practice, prevention or policyin any aspect of substance use. Nominees need to show the extent of the impact of their work and how it has made a substantial and practical contribution to one of these areas.In rating the nominee the extent to which the practical suggestions, treatment and policies have been taken up in the field will be considered.

For example:

  • Research: major research papers in high impact journals,the impact factor of journals published
  • Policy: a central role in the development of important policy that has been taken up at a local, state, national or international level, orleadership in the form of management practices and implementation of evidenced based practices
  • Training: a substantial program of training and workforce development using evidence based strategies that have had a demonstrated impact on responses to Indigenous health
  • Prevention and treatment: the development or implementation of evidence based practices to prevent drug use, prevent harms or treat the consequences of drug use.

Nature of the Award

  1. A plaque
  2. $2,500, to go towards subsidising the costs of attending an international or national conference of the nominee’s choice. This could include the APSAD conference.

Nomination Process

Nominees must be nominated by a current APSAD member.

Nominees do NOT have to be members of APSAD.



i)a Nomination Form completed and signed by both the Nominator and the Nominee

ii)a brief statement by the Nominator indicating why they support the case of their Nominee


i)a 1 –2 page document addressing the selection criteria

ii)A copy of the Nominee’s CV. This should differentiate peer reviewed and other publications, and provide impact factors and citation rates and/or other evidence of research impact

iii)copies of 3-5 prominent publications (i.e. career best publications)

The closing date for nominations and receipt of all associated documentation for the 2013 APSAD Awards is 17:0020 September 2013

Submitting the application:

Please email your nomination form, completed documentation and additional material to with the subject line ‘2013 APSAD Awards’.

Submissions must be made electronically. (You can post your material to the APSAD Office, but you must also send an electronic copy.)

Please ensure you have read and understood the relevant criteria prior to completing the form.

For further information please contact Liz Baxter at the APSAD Awards Office on (02) 92522287.

Note: there are three (3) Awards and the nomination form can be used for allthree (with the relevant sections completed). An applicant can only be nominated for one award in a single year.

APSAD Awards 2013 Nomination Form


This nomination form relates to:

1. Early Career Award

2. Senior Scientist Award

3. First People’s Award

(please mark the relevant box)

Note: An individual can only be nominated for one (1) Award.



Nominee’s name:
Nominee’s position:
Nominee’s organisation:
Nominee’s qualifications:
(where and when obtained)
Best contact phone No:
Fax No:


Nominator’s name:
Nominator’s position:
Nominator’s APSAD Membership No:
Nominator’s address:
Nominator’s phone No:
Nominator’s fax No:
Nominator’s email:

Please note that you must fill in all sections above.


[Complete either section 3A. 3B. OR 3C]

3A. Early Career Award

3a.1 – to be completed by the Nominator

Please indicate the Nominee’s special or unique contribution to AOD research as an early career researcher with less than 10 years’ experience in the AOD field


APSAD Awards 2013

3a.2 - To be completed by the Nominee

Contribution summary: Provide a brief summary – no more than 2 pages – outlining the nominee’s contribution to the alcohol and drug field. This section is critical to the success of your nomination.

3a.2 continued (pg. 2)

3B. Senior Scientist Award

3b.1 - To be completed by the Nominator

Please state the nature of the Nominee’s long-term contribution to a given discipline related to the AOD field (maximum half page)

3b.2 - To be completed by the Nominee

Contribution summary: Provide a brief summary – maximum 2 pages – outlining the nominee’s special or unique contribution as per the selection criteria. This section is critical to the success of your nomination.

3b.2 continued (pg. 2)

3C. First People’s Award

3c.1 - To be completed by the Nominator

Please state the nature of the Nominee’s significant contribution to a given discipline related to the AOD field (maximum half page)

3c.2 - To be completed by the Nominee

Contribution summary: Provide a brief summary – maximum 2 pages – outlining the nominee’s special or unique contribution as per the selection criteria. This section is critical to the success of your nomination.

3c.3 continued (pg. 2)


The following documents are (please tick one):

attached or

being forwarded under separate cover.

  1. A copy of the nominee’s CV
  2. Copies of 3-5 prominent publications
  3. A brief statement indicating why I support my nominee
  4. Section 5 - Sign-off.



I, (Name in block letters) ______, as an APSAD member, submit this nomination for the 2013APSAD Awards.

Signed: ………………………………………………..

Date: …………………………………………………..


I, (Name in block letters) ______, agree to be nominated for consideration as a recipient of the 2013APSAD Awards.

I acknowledge that, if the successful recipient of the Award, it is expected I will be available to attend the 2013 APSAD Conference from 24 - 27 November in Brisbane to receive the Award.

Signed: ………………………………………………..

Date: …………………………………………………..

Please email your nomination form and completed documentation to the APSAD Executive Officer at .

NB: you need toemail all supporting documentation.

For further information contact Liz Baxter at APSAD on (02) 9252-2287.

Application deadline: 17:00 Friday20 September 2013


APSAD Awards 2013