ENTRY FORM - 19th INTERNATIONAL SHOW- on the 12th of AUGUST 2017.

Closing date: 10.06.2017

Name Pony or Cob: ………………………………… Registration n° :………….

Section: A / B / C / D / PB Date of Birth:………………

Sex: M / S / G Colour: …………… Height in cm: ……………………

For Sale: yes / no Withfoal : yes / no Foaltobeenteredseparately!

Name of sire: ………………………………………. Registration n°: ………...

Name of dam:………………………………………. Registration n°: ………...

Name sire of dam: …………………………………. Registration n°: ………...

Breeder’s name andaddress, country: ………………………………………………


Owner’s full name andaddress, country: …………………………………………...


Telephone number of theowner: ………………………………………………

E-mail address:…………………………………….

The above horse is enteredforthefollowing classes:

In hand class n°: ……………

Performance class n°:……………

Full name of rider/driver: ………….

Date of birth:……………………..

Arrival date:……… August 2017. Approx. time: …………. h

Departure date:…… August 2017

Stablingneeded: ……………………... stables .

Date:…………………… Signature:…………………

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Total cost:

Entry fee Pony/Cob ……. x € 35,- = …….

Entry fee Foal ……. x € 25, - = …….

Stabling per night ……. x € 35,- = …….

Caravan or lorry per night ……. x € 20,- = …….

Tent per night ……. x € 12,50 = …….

Catalogue ……. x € 10,- = …….

Ponies for sale ……. x € 10,- = …….

Tickets for party (adults) ……. x € 35,- = …….

TOTAL : € …….

Entry form andpayment must bewithyourSociety beforethe 10th of June 2017

Aftertheclosing date allcostsfor entries andbookingextrasremainpayabletotheorganization at alltimes. Reimbursement of costs is notpossible.

I enclose a copy of registrationcertificatesforeach pony entered.

I herebycertifythat details given on theexhibit(s) are correct.

I have readtherules of the 19th International Welsh Show andagreetoabidebythem.

Entry form toarrive at the International Show Secretarybeforethe 10th of June 2017!!

Date :

Name andsignature :