To: East Surrey District

Group Scout Leaders

District Executive Members

District Officers

Assistant District Commissioners

25 May 2016

Dear Colleagues,

As you will be aware, Phil Hands stood down as your District Commissioner at the end last year after completing a number of years in the role. We are very grateful for all the commitment, support and hard work that Phil gave in steering the District during his time in the role and also to Dave Cooper who is now acting as DC until a permanent appointment is made.

We are now in a position to start the search for a new permanent District Commissioner and the process for this is outlined as follows:

·  Would anybody receiving this letter please give it the widest possible circulation, both inside and outside Scouting.

·  Nominations of people to take up the role of District Commissioner should be sent to Phil Currie, Deputy County Commissioner (contact details below) by Wednesday 6 July 2016.

·  It is not necessary to gain the person’s permission for the nomination. What is required is the widest possible selection of names to review. You may, if you wish, nominate yourself.

·  After that date, a selection committee appointed by the District Executive will consider the names submitted and compile a shortlist of candidates.

·  I will then invite those people for a discussion about the post, without obligation on either part, before reaching a conclusion regarding an appointment.

·  The name will then be announced to the District.

It is important that the widest possible list of names is received and that everybody is engaged in this process. Nominations should be sent to Phil either by email or in an envelope marked ‘Private and Confidential’ to his home address. Contact details of are given below.

Please give this matter your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Joe Rogerson

County Commissioner

Phil Currie: 48 Ashcombe Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1NA

/ Surrey County Scout Council
President: Michael More-Molyneux Lord Lieutenant of Surrey
County Commissioner: Joe Rogerson Email:
County Office: Bentley Copse, Hound House Road, Shere, Guildford, GU5 9JH
Tel: 01483 203451 Fax: 01483 203062 Email:
Registered Charity No: 305819