Teacher Exit Survey 2012/13

Primary (inc. nursery), Secondary & Special

Please complete this survey if you are a teacher leaving at the end of this term.

It would be really helpful if you could encourage any other colleagues that you know are leaving to complete it, as the results are very valuable to the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Team. The information given offers us an opportunity to learn more about the movement of teachers and, if necessary, what may be needed for improved retention.

The survey can be completed anonymously if you feel more comfortable with that but of course all information will be treated with the strictest confidence and no one will be identified in any analysis.

The analysis of the data gives us a greater insight into which school phase teachers are leaving and why. This in turn helps us to manage the future supply and retention of teachers in Oxfordshire.

This questionnaire includes questions about your current teaching post and your destination and aims to identify any possible factors that would encourage teachers to remain in Oxfordshire:

NOTE -this questionnaire applies to you if you are:

  • taking a post in another Oxfordshire school;
  • taking a different post within the same school;
  • increasing/reducing your contracted hours;
  • taking a teaching post in another LEA;
  • changing career;
  • ceasing paid employment.

All questions require 'tick-box' answers only so hopefully the questionnaire will just take five minutes to complete. Please note that all answers are confidential, your replies will not be able to be identified in the analysis and Oxfordshire County Council will not disclose this information to any third party without your explicit consent.

Thank you for your help with this data collection. The annual report will be available on the intranet in autumn 2013. If you have any questions please the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Team on 01865 797397.

SECTION A – Current post details:

1a. School Phase: (Please tick appropriate box)

Primary (inc. nursery)  Secondary  Special 

1b. Name of school: ______(this is not compulsory)

2. Position or post:

Class teacher  Advanced Skills Teacher Special needs teacher 

Head of dept.  Other senior teacher  Head of year 

Headteacher  Deputy/Assistant Head  Other 

(Please state)…………..

3. Please indicate the relevant salary scale for your post:

MPS  UPS  Leadership  TLR  AST  ET  Unqualified 

4.Do you have Qualified Teacher Status? Yes  No 

5. Type of contract: Permanent  Temporary/Fixed 

6. If temporary/fixed, please state the length in terms: ___ terms

7. Nature of contract: Full-time  Part-time 

8(a). Key stage(s) taught: FS  KS1  KS2  KS3 KS4  KS5 

8(b). Which subject(s) do you teach? (Secondary teachers only)

Geography  Technology  Art  Mathematics 

English  Science  ICT  Economics 

Drama  History  RE  Modern Languages 

Special Needs  Music  Other: ______

9. Time spent in your current school:______years

10. Time spent in current post:______years

11. How long, in minutes, does it take you to travel to school?

0 – 9  10 – 29  30 – 45  Over 46 

12. What means of transport do you use to travel to school?

Car  Train  Bicycle  Bus  Motorbike  Walk 

SECTION B – Reasons for leaving:

13. What factors influenced your decision to leave your job?

Promotion/further careerLength of journey to work 

Pupil behaviourRelationship with colleagues 

Home relocationTo do Supply work

End of contractSchool management style

Unsatisfactory payPersonal/domestic reasons

OFSTED inspectionLength of working hours

WorkloadHigh housing costs

To have a babyProfessional development

RetirementGeneral dis-satisfaction with teaching

Other (please state) ______

14. Of the factors selected above, which is the most important?

The most important factor is:______

15. Which of the following factors would encourage you to stay within the school/county/teaching profession as a whole?

Leisure cardJob shareTravel allowance

Childcareprofessional developmentAccommodation support 

Other (please state) ______

SECTION C– Your destination:

16. Have you got another job?Yes No 

17. If you are staying in education, please indicate what you will be doing:

(Please tick one box only)

Teaching in the same schoolWorking in a college

Teaching in the sameauthorityLecturing at a University

Teaching in another authorityTeaching outside the UK

Teaching in the independent sectorSupply teaching

Other (please state)______

18. If you will not be teaching, please indicate what you will be doing:

(Please tick one box only)

RetiringSelf-employedMaternity/caring for family

TravellingFurther studyPublic sector work

Private sector work

Other (please state)______

SECTION D – Personal details:

19. How long have you worked as a teacher? ______years

20.How old are you?

Under 29 30 - 39  40 - 49 50- 59 Over 60 

21.Where do you live?

OxfordshireWiltshireNorthamptonshire Berkshire  Buckinghamshire  Gloucestershire 


22. What is your gender?Male Female 

23. What is your ethnic origin?

Asian or Asian British:Bangladeshi IndianPakistani Other  ______

Black or Black British:AfricanCaribbean



Mixed:White & AsianWhite & Black African

White & Black CaribbeanOther______

White:BritishIrish Other  ______
Any other ethnic background (please state) ______

24.Are there any other comments that you would like to make? (especially if there are things that could have been done to change your decision)



25. For leavers from leadership positions only

From time to time there may be opportunities for teachers in leadership positionsi.e. headteachers, deputies, assistant headteachers who have recently left a permanent position or retired to take up temporary leadership posts. These positions may include support work, a temporary leadership post or consultancy work within Oxfordshire. If you would like your name to be included in a register of interested people please give your name and contact details below.

Name:______Address 1:______

Tel:______Address 2:______

Email: ______Town______


If you are taking a break from teaching and may wish to return you can gain information from the Teaching Agency (TA) web site:

or if you would like to discuss returning to the teaching profession, please call the TA on 0800 085 0971

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.