MINUTES Umatilla County EOCCO Citizens Advisory Council Friday, January 9, 2015 Hermiston
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 8:35 AM
ATTENDANCE: Rod Harwood/SAH; Chair, Angela Treadwell/Umatilla/Morrow Co. Head Start & WIC, Antonio Martinez/UCHS/Transformation Grant, Bart Murray/GOBHI, Carol Johnson/Lifeways/Connexions, Carol Speed/GOBHI, Carolyn Mason/UCHS, Darrin Umbarger/Clearview Disability Resource Center, Heather Metcalfe/GSMC/Connexions, Heidi Eidler/EOCIL, Jenna Lorenzen/Public Health/UCHS, Juli Gregory/GSMC, Kevin Campbell/EOCCO/GOBHI, Leidi Rodriguez/GSMC/Connexions, Mary Ann Wren/Advantage Dental, Nora Kramer/OR Childhood Development, Scott Young/Columbia Care, Susan Montgomery/GOBHI/EOHSC, Kathy Thomas/GSMC, Catie Brenaman/GSMC/Connexions, Jeremy Umbarger/Clearview Disability Resource Center, Maritza Madrigal/GSMC/Connexions, T. Blair Smith/DMAP, Angie Curtis/CHD Developmental Screening, Megan DeBolt/UCHD
AGENDA ITEM / REVIEW/FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS / RECOMMENDATIONS/ACTIONS1. Welcome and Introductions / Participants introduced themselves, mentioning their names along with the organization they represent. / ACTION: Rod Harwood asked that we stay away from using abbreviations or acronyms as much as possible.
2. Review of Minutes from
December 12, 2014. / December 12, 2014 minutes were reviewed and approved with the exception of one change. The meeting was in Pendleton, not in Milton Freewater. / ACTION: Minutes were approved.
3. Identified GAPS and Recommended Preventative Health Care Practices.
o Community Members Feedback "what are you hearing from consumers"?
o Around the Room-Preventative Care and other activities. / Scott Young says New Roads will be hosting an open house in one month as this will mark one year of service. New Roads is a 5-bed transitional home which assists individuals with mental health disorders from ages 17 to 24 transition into a lower level of care. This program is currently full and in the process of putting together a wait list. New Roads is located across the street from the prison. They are looking to build more buildings in this area, allowing room for more programs to serve the Mental Health population.
Members of the group continue to express frustration regarding clients being "dropped off" OHP, as well as, the MMIS system being unreliable. Kevin encouraged agencies to keep appointments with clients as their benefits will be retroactive. Kevin says the second phase has been pushed back to February 1st rather than January 1st to avoid additional back log.
Heather expressed a concern for clients who are needing to be seen for pain management as appointments can be up to three months out. Also EOCCO hasn't been covering as they / ACTION: New Roads will be hosting an open house in one month. For further information, you may contact Scott Young at 541-429-1992.
ACTION: Kevin suggests contacting Dina Rossi at 503-265-2908 to let her know of issues or concerns.
are only able to be seen around every 28 days. Dr. Rigert and Dr. Rousseau with Columbia Pain Group are from Hood River and only see clients in Hermiston on Fridays.
Lines for Life is providing needs assessments for pain clinics around the state. Looking to involve Dentists and Physicians in order to create a network.
Catie says enrollment assisters continue to have trouble obtaining their ID #'s. / ACTION: Contact Marina Cassandra for assistance on obtaining ID #'s.
4. Developmental Screening
Assessment-Angela Curtis / Angela provided a power point presentation and project overview on the "Health Eastern Oregon Consortium". 180K per year for three years has been received for this grant which is used to provide developmental screenings for young children. Umatilla County is currently at 16.4%, however this number may not be accurate as screenings are more than likely being provided, but not billed. In order to bill for these screenings, they must be reviewed by a Physician, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner and the family member must be present. Angie will be working with Umatilla County to provide support depending on the interest and needs. / ACTION: Angie encourages agencies or individuals to contact her for further information and assistance, as well as, free materials.
5. Umatilla County EOCCO
Report/September 2013-
August 2014. / Kevin briefly discussed the EOCCO Cost and Utilization report and discussed some areas of concern. The report shows that the senior population is under represented because the majority are covered by Medicare and Medicaid. There is a need to extend more effort to engage this population into care. Kevin encouraged the group to read the report at their leisure.
Every other month Kevin will be providing up-to-date data. At this time the data is reflected by clinic to clinic data, but would like to become person-to-person. Kevin encourages each agency to have a "go to" which should be a full time staff who can focus on stats. Kevin would like this to be in place within the next twelve months. / ACTION: GOBHI/EOCCO are looking into the possibility of contracting with an agency with more expertice to provide coaching as well as working with Juli and others to identify barriers to care. More focus on quality of care and early prevention and improving predictability on how much is spent.
6. Focus of Incentives Funds
Update. / Chuck Wood was not available to give an update, but Rod says Chuck is planning to contact BMCC in hopes to involve interns and/or a communications major. The suggestion was also made to involve the media to inform the public and engage clients. / ACTION: This will be a standing agenda item so updates will be provided at each meeting.
7. Regional Community
Advisory Council-BMCC / Rod says that at the last R-CAC meeting they were asking questions regarding developmental screenings (which is why Angie was asked to provide a presentation) as this is one of
Items on the improvement plan. / ACTION: Rod handed out a memo regarding Technical Assistance to Eastern Oregon CCO and read through the bolded areas. (please see attached memo)
8. Election of New Officers / Rod explained that terms were up for Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. / ACTION: The group voted to have Rod Harwood continue as Chair, Jenna Lorenzen as Vice Chair and Charity Murphy as Secretary. The group agreed unanimously.
9. Good of the Order, agenda
Items, and set a date for the
Next meeting. / Kevin shared that they will be providing "Culture of Poverty" Training which will be held at the Convention Center on March 6th.
Violence Prevention Assessment is going on right now. Dr. Joe Dake will be contacting people and asking a series of questions related to violence. Please contact Rod if you know anyone who may be willing to speak with Dr. Dake. / ACTION: Next meeting will be Friday, February 13th, 2015 at the Oregon Childhood Development Coalition. 403 Peabody Street, Milton Freewater, Oregon.
Recorder: Joely Cimmiyotti / Adjourn-10:45 AM