PCA, Kalena


Parent-Child Activity

Participant: Kalena, Mom and Dad

Other:Sibling (Jaz, age 2)

Date:May 18, 2006

Communication: ASL

Duration: 20 minutes

Setting: Living room floor

Materials: Variety of toys (including cars, stuffed animals, etc) and tools (hammer, wrench, screwdriver, etc.)

Jaz bangs screwdriver on floor. Mom looks at her.

Mom: No, don’t bang, easy (1:42)

Jaz bangs screwdriver more gently, she looks up at her mother

Mom: Better, start now? Okay. (to Kal) You, put in the center, something big

Kal: B-I-G(looks at items)

Mom: Big, which? (2:01)

Kal touches something and looks at her mom

Mom: Decide for yourself, which?

Kal puts a number “4” from a large puzzle in the center

Mom: More? Where’s big? (2:15)

Kal adds a picture frame and a hammer, a wrench and a can. Mom high-fives her. (2:40)

Kal picks up a Hello Kitty doll and looks at mom

Mom: Fine

Kal puts the doll in the can, she picks up another toy and puts it in the can

Mom: Many, many (2:53)

Kal picks up a cap and puts it in

Mom: Is that big?

Kal: No (She takes it out), oops

Mom: Be careful

Kalena takes something else and adds it, then she adds a Frisbee ring, then a toy microphone

Mom: Many, good, good

Kal touches something else to add

Mom: Big?

Kal: No (she lets it go)

Mom: How many are there?

Kalena: (counts) 12 (3:27)

Mom: (points to hammer) the top and bottom are the same, (Kal counted hammer twice)

Kal: No, not the same (takes out three tools)

Mom: Ok good, ok, all of these are big, now how many small? (to husband) get those out of the way (clears sorting space) (to Kalena) small

Kal brings six items into the sorting space

Mom: Good! (high fives her), how many? (4:18)

Kal: (Counts), 6

Mom: (looks at paper) Now…

Kal: I want to see (4:36)

Mom: (shows Kal the paper), now, which has a really funny feel to it

Kal touches one items and pulls her hand away

Mom: You’re right! (to dad) I told her to find something that feels funny

Kal touches same item again and pulls her hand away

Mom: Come on, please

Kal pulls stuffed cat out of can

Mom: Anything else?

Kal picks up “4” from a large puzzle

Mom: Yeah, (touches it) that feels kind of strange

Kal touches it again and makes a face, she picks up a stuffed caterpillar and shows it to mom. Mom is looking at dad, other daughter just asked for a doughnut, dad asks mom if she can have it, mom says no, she already had one

Mom: Is there more, or is that it?

Kal: (counts them) 1,2,3, there’s 3

Mom: I see something else over here

Kal: (picks up item her mother is looking at) Oh!

Mom: That feels funny too doesn’t it?

Kal touches it and pulls her hand away

Mom: Right

Kal blows the item out of her hand

Mom clears sorting space

Mom: Now what here is smooth, really smooth (5:52)

Kal touches a cap (?) and looks at her mother

Mom: I don’t know, it’s your decision

Dad: What’s really smooth?

Kal hands him the cap, dad points to something else

Kal picks up the item her father is pointing to and gives it to her father.

Dad: let me feel it (dad rubs his finger along the top) smooth, try that one, (points to the cap Kal is holding, she touches it), that’s a little bit bumpy, right? See, feel this one, then feel that one

Kal: You have to turn it around

Dad: Yes, but most of it, this one feels smooth, that one is a bit rough

Kal picks up the caterpillar and looks at her father

Dad: That’s kind of bumpy too

Mom: Smooth, smooth, smooth

Kalena picks up Frisbee ring (6:40)

Mom: Yes, that’s fine

Dad: What else, there’s more

Kal picks up a cat stuffed animal, she turns around to show her mother who isn’t there (went to stop the 2 year old from doing something)

Mom picks up the can and feels it, Kal takes it and feels it

Mom: That’s kind of smooth, what about this (mom picks up something and shows Kal)

Kal: No

Mom: How about this? (picks up the #4)

Kal: Yes

Mom: Kind of (she picks up Mr. Potato Head glasses),

Kal: Yes

Dad takes the glasses and puts them on

Mom: (to Kal) that’s funny (7:22)

Kal nods,

Kal: Give me (she takes the glasses from her father and puts them on)

Mom: How many are here?

Kal: 4?

Mom: Look at dad

Dad points to an item Kal missed, Kal looks

Mom: There’s one more

Kal: 5

Mom high fives her (7:47)

Mom: Is there anything here that’s sticky?

Kal: No, nothing

Mom: Nothing sticky?

Dad shakes his head in agreement, nothing in the pile is sticky



Mom: Okay, (looks back to paper), find everything that is light in color (8:05)

Kal points to something

Mom: No, not dark, no, bright,

Kal points to something else (the hammer)

Mom: No that’s dark too

Kal looks around, she points to the red car

Mom: (to dad) Is that bright or dark? What do you think?

Dad: I don’t know

Mom: I doubt it, that’s really dark

Kal: But there’s some bright here, if you look all around like this

Mom: Yes but we want really light in color, like you know yellow, or light blue, maybe orange

Kal looks at toys, she picks up the caterpillar

Mom: Yes! That color is light

Kal gets the cat

Mom: Yes, that’s light in color too

Kal picks up a red cap

Mom: No, that’s dark

Kal picks up the can (it is covered in brown construction paper with patches of other colors of paper on it)

Mom: Is that dark or light?

Kal: Look at these spots (points to colored patches)

Mom: Blue, red, brown, black, they’re all dark, we want light bright colors, that’s really not bright (9:00)

Kal: Watch what I can do (puts can on her head)

Mom: We’re looking for colors

Dad takes the can,

Dad: Look here (points to a yellow spot), bright or dark, which?

Kal: Bright (takes glasses off)

Dad: Fine

Mom: What else?

Kal points to caterpillar

Mom: Yes, what else?

Kal picks up white Buzz Lightyear toy

Mom: Yes, why?

Kal: it’s white, the same as these other two toys (points) (9:46)

Mom: Okay, right, what else? There’s more

Kal: That’s it

Mom: There’s more

Kal: (points to hammer and other tools), look, look, nothing white

Mom: right, nothing here (points to tools) but there’s more (points to a variety of things, each time Kal shakes her head no, gets to the yellow 4- Kal stops to think, then picks it up)

Mom: Yes (Mom points to a light orange toy)

Kal: Yes! (picks it up)

Mom: You have to pay attention, look at them all carefully, how many? (10:30)

Kal: (counts) 5

Mom: good (high-fives her),(light colored toys are cleared from sorting space) okay, now let’s see if we can find dark colors

Kal points to can

Mom: Yes

Kal picks up a black cap

Mom: Yes

Kal picks up a tool

Mom: Yes

Kal points to the red car

Mom: Okay, as long as we think of red as a dark color, that’s fine

Kal picks up something else red and looks at her mother

Mom: Why do you keep looking at me? You know

Kal: I think finished, (she picks up Buzz Lightyear toy)

Mom: Before we talked about light and dark, I don’t understand (11:25)

Dad: Are you serious or are you fooling around? You know the difference, is that light or dark? (Kal drops the toy, and reaches for a red toy microphone)

Mom: That’s fine

Kal yells into the microphone

Mom: ssssh, the camera can hear

Kal: Where’s Karen?

Mom: In the other room

I come in to see what is happening, Kal laughs

Mom: She just yelled into the microphone, (to Kal) is there more?

Kal picks up a wrench and puts it in

Kal: Finished, (she looks around) finished, (spots something and reaches for it) No that’s not (an orange paint brush)

Mom: No, that’s bright, there’s more

Kal reaches for hammer

Mom: Yes, see the black? That’s dark, how many?

Kal: 1,2,3,4 (four is a tool) (12:37)

Mom: Look at that one (number 4) it’s bright

Kal: But it’s the same (points to other tools)

Mom: (puts it with 3 other tools) See, dark, dark, that one’s light

Kal: Oh yeah, forget about that one, finished

(sorting space cleared)

Mom looks at the paper

Mom: Now look for short things, not long, short

Kal puts a group of things together

Mom: Look over there

Kal looks and adds something to her pile

Mom: Ok, good, finished? (13:33)

Kal: Yes

Mom: Ok, now we want long

Kal moves all tools over, she points to “bright” tool and shakes her head

Mom: Not long? Well okay

She adds the microphone

Dad: There’s one more

Kal looks and grabs the can

Mom: Well, okay, there’s one more

Kal grabs Buzz Lightyear (14:32)

Mom: Is that long?

Dad: (points to caterpillar) is this long or short, which?

Kal adds frame

Dad: what about this (holds up the caterpillar)

Kal: (adds the caterpillar and counts them) 10 (15:08)



Kal lays down

Mom: Now, which things are really noisy

Kal points to the hammer with her foot

Mom: Come on, sit right, why is that noisy?

Kal: Because you bang with it (15:32)

Mom: It’s for banging, ok, good

Dad: There’s more, what else

Mom: I think one more

Kal points, mom hands her the screwdriver,

Kal: No not that, other, (mom hands her the microphone)

Mom: Yes, (she laughs), finished, I think that’s all of them (high-fives her), how about red (16:10)

Kal picks up the car and looks at her mother

Mom: nods

Kal drops it in her lap

Dad: There’s more

Kal gets the wrench, she picks up another tool and shows it to her mother

Mom: Is that red? (She shows it to dad) I think this is more brown, what do you think? Is this red

Dad: Let me see (he takes the tool) No that’s brown, (he puts it to the side) look carefully, (he gives Kal the Mr. Potato Head glasses)

Red things cleared from sorting space

Mom looks at the paper

Mom: I don’t think there’s anything old here

Dad: Old, no

Mom: New? No, (to Kal) I’m curious, can you eat any of these things?

Kal: NO! of course not (17:10)

Mom: No, you can’t eat any of those, okay, how about, which is a toy and which is not a toy

Kal takes all toys in center, touches tool shakes her head no, takes toy next to tool

Mom: (points to hammer and other tools) not those, why? Why aren’t those toys?

Kal: Because the hammer is for banging, and they’re for dads and moms

Mom: Okay, these you can play with

Kal: (counts toys, gets up to 12)12 (18:00)

Mom: 12 things you can play with, good, good

Kal cleans up sorting area

Mom: Which is heavy which is not heavy?

Kal picks up the hammer and the wrench

Mom: Put them down, which is heavy?

Kal: 1,2 that’s it

Mom: That’s it, okay, good, okay, which things can roll? (18:43)

Kal picks up the can and rolls it

Mom: Good girl, anything else?

Kal tries to roll the screwdrivers

Mom: Kind of, good, is there anything else that rolls?

Kal reaches for hammer

Mom: No

Kal rolls the caterpillar (19:06)

Mom: Okay, kind of, look at that one (points to car)

Kal rolls the car

Mom: Use the wheels

Kal: Oops, (she pushes the car using the wheels)

Mom: Ok, good, you’re smart, okay, I think we’re done (19:38)