Samantha Harris #1
Samantha Harris #1
Samantha - And now I would like to introduce to you the nucleus of Prestige; this team was assembled for the sole purpose of keeping prestige magazine on top as the premiere source for all things business, entertainment, and politics. This team has coordinated some of Prestige's most captivating interviews with some of the most influential people of our time. Just this past year alone, we've run stories on Apple CEO Steve Jobs, to South African President Nelson Mandela. We were the first magazine to interview President Barack Obama; well, he was a senator at the time but still none the less intriguing. Yes my friends last year indeed, was a success for Prestige, and I anticipate this year to elevate us into even greater heights.
Worker 3 - Good morning Ms. Harris, good morning everyone I don’t believe we have been formally introduced. Are these new investors?
Samantha- (continues as if she didn’t hear) - Everyone this, is Patricia. She is one of our senior writers; she has contributed much to the success of Prestige over the years and has proven to be a very valuable asset. However, Patricia still obviously has yet to master the art of speaking in turn. As such, she will be kindly asked to sit down and to refrain from talking again while I'm speaking. I do apologize for the interruption, but since the door has been opened for a formal introduction, let's get to it. You see Patricia before you so rudely interrupted me, I was going to introduce you. No, these are not investors. In fact, these are your replacements.
Workers - Our what! Ms. Harris we don’t understand. Is this some kind of joke?
Samantha – I’m afraid it’s no joke. You are all fired, and I expect your stations to be cleaned out within the hour. Trish, has boxes for you to pack if you need them feel free, they’re on the house.
Samantha side #2
Samantha – Let’s go.
Cory – Girl I aint goin nowhere with you. Jazz is waitin for me.
Samantha – Boy you been disappearing on her for the last 3 years. If she really was tired of it, and wanted to leave you don’t you think she woulda been gone already? Now Let’s Go!!
Cory – Where you tryna take me woman!
Samantha – Well Cory, I hate to have you in the middle of a cat fight, but I need to kill 2 birds with one stone and you’re just the man to help me do it. You see Cory, I’am going to use you tonight.
Cory – You gon do what???
Samantha – No, no, no in a good way. Ima make you feel so good (She gets up and grabs Cory and pulls him close to her seductively) you will never and I mean ever question what I like again… ya hear!!!
Cory – girl I been asking for some for sooo long, if I woulda known that all it takes for you to let me hit is to make you mad… I woulda punched you in the face a long time ago lol…
Samantha - And I would have I woulda whipped your
Cory – Whoaaaaaaa, just kidding baby girl. Anyway when you gon stop playing with my emotions. Sam you know how bad I want you. (He grabs her from behind and massages her, looking for sympathy he says.) It hurts my feelings when you would always reject me and act like I wasn’t your type. You really gon give me some of that there? Or you just playing games wit me?
Samantha – Tonight im yours…
Cory – And whats the catch?
Samantha- There is no catch. Well that loose lip tramp you call a wife is gonna find out sooner or later that what goes around comes around. What does the bible say? You reap what you sow right?
Cory –Oh wow you quoting scripture now?
Samantha – Whateva… you get my point! Besides you leavin her anyway so no sweat off your back right (She holds up her glass and says) Cheers to new beginnings.
Cory – Hmmm, now I know make up sex is good. Hmmmm Revenge sex must be 10 times better.
Cheers Baby!!!
Scene Ends
Samantha Harris #3Samantha Harris #2
Samantha – You got some nerve calling me names Jasmine. You don’t do nothing but sit up there and talk about people. You say Kayla acts holier than thou, but what about you? All you do is gossip, well this time it came to bite you in the behind cuz you gossiped about the wrong one this time. My name is Samantha Harris and if you didn’t know by now, I don’t play games.
Jasmine – I will get up and slap the hell outta you Samantha I aint Tiffany, I will hurt you…
Samantha – yeah yeah yeah, you like to gossip right? How come you never wanna gossip about how triflin your husband is, or how your marriage is in shambles; and you wanna sit back and act like everything is alright. I MEAN COME ON A MAN LEAVES AND DON’T COME BACK TIL 3 DAYS LATER, he doesn’t wanna have sex with you , he curses you out, He turns your own kids against you, He cant stand the sight of you half the time, and all yall do is fight !!! What is gonna take for you to get through that oblivious head of yours that he don’t want you no more! He’s cheatin on You DUMMY!!!! Wake Up and go gossip about that!!!!
Jasmine – You are a sad excuse for a human being you know that Sam, it’s gonna take a lot more to destroy my marriage than you pointing out problems that WE ALREADY KNOW ABOUT Samantha. That’s why we are here to try and work things out you miserable waste of a time! Go on about your business before it really gets ugly in here!
Samantha – See I knew the only way to get through to you was to take things to another level… Cory come here!!!
Cory – What!!
Jasmine – Who in the hell you think you talking to like that!
Samantha – I Said COME HERE Cory
Cory – Yes Baby.
Jasmine – Excuse ME!! Baby? Cory you betta be talking to me!
Samantha – He aint talkin to you STUPID!!! Me and Cory have been messin around for the longest, I mean he would call me at work and always meet me at Lucky’s and tell how you much you suck as a wife, a mother, and an over all woman. He caught me on a day when I was feeling some type of way and we did what grown folks do. Maybe if you were handling your business instead of worrying about mine you probably could have kept your husband!