This Training is taught by the Bureau of Forensic Services and will require registration by completing a Forensic Training Registration Application. Upon completion, the application can be emailed to r mailed to:
Upon our receipt of the application, we shall send the applicant a registration confirmation/denial email within 15 calendar days. The training is at no cost to the student. Lodging and meals are not provided. All applicants must be law enforcement officers or be an employee of a law enforcement agency with forensic related duties.
2015Summer/Fall Training Schedule
Crime Scene Photography
Dates:July 20-24, 2015
Location:Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission (MPOETC), Harrisburg, PA.
Course Description:This course provides training in the basic principles and fundamentals of a digital camera, lens selection, use of electronic flash, macro-photography and documentation. Requirement: Student must bring a SLR digital camera with manual, memory card/stick, tripod, sync cord, external flash unit, extra batteries for camera, normal lens (example: 50mm or 28-105mm) and macro lens (close-up lens for latent print photography),locking shutter release cable, and flashlight.
Crime Scene Photography
Dates:August 31-September 4, 2015
Location:Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission (MPOETC), Harrisburg, PA. Requirement: Student must bring a Digital Camera and manual.
Course Description:This course provides training in the basic principles and fundamentals of a digital camera, lens selection, use of electronic flash, macro-photography and documentation. Requirement: Student must bring a SLR digital camera with manual, memory card/stick, tripod, sync cord, external flash unit, extra batteries for camera, normal lens (example: 50mm or 28-105mm) and macro lens (close-up lens for latent print photography),locking shutter release cable, and flashlight.
Basic Crime Scene Investigation
Dates:September 14-25, 2015
Location: Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission (MPOETC), Harrisburg, PA.
Course Description:This is an introductory course into crime scene investigation. Course instruction provided in the areas of Physical Evidence, Crime scene Management, types of evidence found at the crime scene, proper collection techniques, submissions to Regional crime labs, and courtroom testimony. Each student will participate in the mock crime scenes. Prerequisite for registration: Crime Scene Photography or equivalent PSP approved training.
Shoe and Tire Impression Evidence
Dates:October 7-9, 2015
Location: PSP Departmental Headquarters, Harrisburg, PA.
Course Description: This course provides instruction in the history of shoe and tire impression evidence, search, documentation, and the collection of the impression evidence. Students will participate in several workshops including photography, measuring, and casting impression evidence. Prerequisite for registration: Crime Scene Photography or equivalent PSP approved training.
Advanced Latent Print Identification
Dates:October 26-November 6, 2015
Location:LancasterCountyPublicSafetyTrainingCenter, Manheim, PA.
Course Description: This course provides a refresher in the foundation of friction ridge analysis with respect to the history and science of fingerprints, pattern recognition and comparison techniques. Students will conduct challenging latent print examinations and comparisons. Each student will be required to successfully complete a written examination and competency comparison test. Students will also complete a mock case and participate in a mock trial. Prerequisite for registration: Basic Fingerprint ID Course or equivalent PSP approved training.