
According to the checking of Naasir-Ud-Deen al-Albaani,
translation by Jam`iat Ihyaa' Minhaaj Al-Sunnah

The numbers at the end of each entry are its chapter, hadith and page numbers. The first set refer to the S.M. Madni Abbasi translation, International Islamic Publication House. The second set the Muhammad Zafrulla Khan translation, Islam International Publications, 1989. Text is that of S.M. Madni Abbasi.

Denotes al-Albaani's comments.

1) "Safeguard the commandments of Allah, you will find Him before you," and "and every ordeal is followed by easy circumstances."

Narrated by `Abd ibn Humaid, as was mentioned by al-Hafiz ibn Rajab al-Hanbali in his Sharh of an-Nawawi's 40 Hadith, Jami` ul `Ulum wal Hikam, pg. 161, and he said, "It is DA'EEF " 5:62, pg. 53/ 5:62, pg. 20 (2nd part only)

2) "A wise person is one who keeps a watch over his bodily desires ..." (Tirmidhi)

Its isnad is DA'EEF. In it is Abu Bakr ibn Abi Maryam who became confused in his ahadith after his house was robbed. See Da`if ul- Jami` us-Saghir, no. 4310. 5:66, pg. 56/ 5:66, pg. 21

3) "A person will not be questioned about the beating of his wife." (Abu Daud)

Its isnad is DA'EEF as I have explained in Irwa ul Ghalil, no. 2034. 5:68, pg. 57/ 5:68, pg. 21

4) "Lose no time to do good work before you are caught up by one of the seven calamities ..." (Tirmidhi, who graded it hadith hasan)

There is weakness in its isnaad as I have explained in ad-Da`ifah, no. 1666 and I do not find support for it. 10:93, pg. 72/ 10:93, pg. 27

5) "The very first failing that developed among the Jews ..." (Abu Daud, Tirmidzi)

DA'EEF. 23:196, pg. 132/ 23:198, pg. 50

6) "If a woman dies while her husband was pleased with her, she will enter Paradise ." (Tirmidhi)

There are unknown reporters in its isnaad. See ad-Da`ifah, no. 1426. 35:286, pg. 184/ 35:288, pg. 69

7) "...they were sitting with ... when a man of the Bani Salamah tribe came and said ... Yes, by praying for them ..." (Abu Daud)

It is DA'EEF, in it is `Ali ibn `Ubaid who is unknown. 42:343, pg. 210/ 42:346, pg. 78

8) "A person asked Aaishah for charity and she gave him a piece of bread ..." (Abu Daud)

It is not sahih because of the aforementioned inqita (break in the isnaad) [not translated]. 44:356, pg. 217/ 44:359, pg. 81

9) "Anas ibn Malik relates ... if a young man honours an older person ..." (Tirmidzi, who says this hadith is not sound)

DA'EEF, has two weaknesses, ad-Da`ifah no. 304. 44:359, pg. 218/ 44:362, pg. 81

10)"Umar ibn Khatab relates: 'I solicited leave of ...'" (Abu Daud, Tirmidhi)

DA'EEF. 45:373, pg. 226/ 45:376, pg. 84

11)"Abu Hurairah relates ... the verse: 'That day she (earth) will relate her chronicles ...'" (Tirmidzi)

DA'EEF because of a weak narrator. 50:408, pg. 245/ 50:411, pg. 91

12)"Abu 'Amr ... Uthman ibn 'Affan ... A son of Adam has a right to have only three things ..." (Tirmidzi)

The hadith is DA'EEF as I have explained in ad-Da`ifah, no. 1063. 55:482, pg. 283/ 55:485, pg. 105

13)"Asma' bint Yazid ... the sleeves of the shirt ... reached only up to his wrist." (Abu Daud, Tirmidzi)

There is weakness in it, see ad-Da`ifah, no. 2458. 56:519, pg. 301/ 55:522, pg. 111

14)"This hadith has been covered ..." (refer to no. 4)

Its isnaad is DA'EEF... 65:578, pg. 334/ 65:581, pg. 123

15)"Atiyah ibn 'Urwah as-Sa'di ... no one can achieve the height of piety till he forsakes those practices which are harmless merely to guard himself against those which are harmful." (Tirmidhi)

Its isnaad is DA'EEF as I have explained in Takhrij ul Halal, pg. 178. 68:596, pg. 341/ 68:599, pg. 125

16)"Ibn Abbas ... do not drink water in one gulp ..." (Tirmidhi)

Its isnaad is DA'EEF... Takhrij ul Mishkat, no. 4278. 111:758, pg. 415/ 111:761, pg. 153

17)"Asma bint Yazid ... sleeves of the shirt ..." (Tirmidhi)

DA'EEF as above, no. 13. 119:790, pg. 426/ 118:793, pg. 157

18)"Abu Hurairah ... while a person who was busy in prayer ..." (Abu Daud)

There is clear reason to doubt (that the hadith is according to Muslim's standard as claimed) as I have explained in Takhrij ul Mishkat, no. 761 and DA'EEF Abi Daud, no. 96. 119:797, pg. 429/ 118:800, pg. 157

19)"Qais ibn Bishr at-Taghlibi ..." (Abu Daud) (trans. note) The Arabic text adds after it: 'Narrated by Abu Daud with hasan isnad except for Qais ibn Bishr about whom they disagree regarding his strength or weakness as a narrator - and Muslim has narrated from him.'

I have not seen anyone who has clearly states that he was a weak narrator. Rather the weakness of the hadith is because of his father who is an unknown narrator. See al-Irwa, no. 2123. N.B. The translation mentions the Companions using a rosary. This is a lie, not occurring at all in the Arabic. May Allah protect us from attributing such a wicked innovation to any of the Companions. 119:798, pg. 430/ 118:801, pg. 158

20)"Safwan bin `Assal says that a Jew asked his companion to take him ..." (Tirmidzi)

Al-Albaani brings a long note, including: an-Nasai says of this hadith: 'hadith munkar' (see Nasbur Rayah, 4/258). In its isnad is Abdullah ibn Salamah about whom they differ ... among those who have declared him as weak are Ahmad, as-Shafi'e, al-Bukhari and others. (Da`if Abi Daud, no. 30) 143:889, pg. 463/ 142:893, pg. 170

21)"Ibn `Umar relates an incident ... end of the recital ..." (Abu Daud)

In its isnaad is Yazid ibn Abi Ziyad al-Hashimi ... about him al- Hafiz (Ibn Hajr) says, "DA'EEF, when he became old his memory suffered ..." 143:890, pg. 464/ 142:894, pg. 170

22)"Aisha ... Zaid ibn Haritha ..." (Tirmidhi)

In its isnaad is Muhammad ibn Ishaq, a mudallis, and he uses `an`anah (relates the hadith by saying `an (from)), being famous for it. 143:891, pg. 464/ 142:895, pg. 170

23)"Aisha ... she observed the Prophet (S) when he was in the throes of death ..." (Tirmidzi)

Its isnaad is DA'EEF. See Takhrij ul Mishkat, no. 1564. 147:912, pg. 472/ 146:916, pg. 173

24)"Husain ibn Wahwah ... that Talhah ibn al-Bara' became ill ..." (Abu Daud)

Its isnad is DA'EEF as I have explained in Ahkam ul-Jana'iz, pp. 13- 14 and ad-Da`ifah, no. 3232. 159:944, pg. 487/ 158:948, pg. 177

25)"Imam Shaafi'ee said it is better to recite the Qur'an near the grave ..."

Its being his saying is doubtful, rather a repudiation of this view is authentically reported from him ... and Ibn Taymiyyah signifies this is in al-Iqtida ... that this is not Imam Shaafi'ee saying. Rather it is a innovation. 161:947, pg. 488/ -

26)"Ibn `Umar ... met with nightfall ..." (Abu Daud)

Its isnaad contains unknown narrator/s even though ad-Dhahabi and al-Hakim say it is sahih and Ibn Hajr says its hasan. See ad- Da`ifah, no. 4837. 174:983, pg. 506/ 173:987, pg. 184

27)"Ibn 'Abbas ..." (Tirmidhi)

I have spoken about it in Mishkat no. 2135 ... DA'EEF. 180:1000, pg. 512/ 179:1004, pg. 186

28)"Abu Darda' ... one who memorizes the first ten verses of Surat al- Kahf ... and in a narration: from the end of Surah-ul Kahf." (Muslim)

This particular narration 'from the end' instead of 'from the beginning' is shadh (reliable reporter contradicting more reliable reporters). 183:1021, pg. 521/ 182:1025, pg. 189

29)"Abu Sa'id Khudri ..." (Tirmidhi)

Its isnaad is DA'EEF as I have explained in Mishkat, no. 723, although its meaning is correct. 189:1060, pg. 535/ 188:1064, pg. 193

30)"Aisha ... Allah and his angels send down blessings on the right wing of the rows." (Abu Daud, citing on the terms of Muslim)

Al-Albani brings a long note ... the wording 'upon those on the right of the rows' is shadh or munkar, the correct narration being 'upon those who join up the rows.' See Mishkat, no. 1096, Da`if Abi Daud, no. 153 ... 194:1094, pg. 548/ 193:1098, pg. 197

31)"Abu Hurairah ... Let the Imam stand in the middle and close the gaps ..." (Abu Daud)

There are unknown reporters in the isnaad. See Da`if Abi Daud, no. 105. 194:1096, pg. 548/ 193:1100, pg. 197

32)"Ali ibn Abi Talib ... two rakaats before 'Asr ..." (Abu Daud)

But the wording 'two rakaats' is shadh and the correct version is 'four rakaats', see Da`if Abi Daud, 235. 200:1121, pg. 558/ 199:1125, pg. 200

33)"Abi Burdah ibn Abi Musa al-Ash'ari ... 'Abdullah ibn `Umar ... takes place from the moment the Imam ascends the pulpit and lasts till the prayer ends." (Muslim)

The imams have verified its being mauqof to Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, among them al-Daraqutni as I have explained in Da`if Abi Daud, no. 193. 210:1157, pg. 570/ 209:1162, pg. 204

34)"Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas ... we ... started from Mecca to Madina ..." (Abu Daud)

Its isnad is da`if ... al-Irwa, no. 467 and ad-Da`ifah, no. 3229. 211:1159, pg. 571/ 210:1164, pg. 204

35)"Abu Hurairah ... when anyone of you who gets up for the night prayer, he should start the same with two brief rakaats." (Muslim)

And this hadith is related marfu'an from Abu Hurairah by others - from his (S) action - which is correct - as for its being his (S) that is shadh as explained in Da`if Abi Daud, no. 240. 212:1179, pg. 577/ 211:1184, pg. 206

36)"Abu Hurairah ..." (Tirmidhi called it sound)

Its isnaad contains Qurah ibn 'Abdur-Rahman, and he is da`if because of his poor memory, and I have laid out the 'ulamas' criticism of him in the second hadith of Irwa ul Ghalil ... 222:1235, pg. 601/ 221:1240, pg. 215

37)"Mujibat-ul-Bahiliyah ..." (Abu Daud)

Its isnaad is DA'EEF as I have explained in at-Ta'liq ur-Raghib 'alat-Targhib wat-Tarhib, 2/82. 225:1248, pg. 606/ 224:1253, pg. 216

38)"Umm `Umarah al-Ansariyah ..." (Tirmidhi and said it was good)

And in some versions of Tirmidhi occurs 'hasan sahih', and there is reason to doubt both of these - ad-Da`if, no. 1332. 231:1266, pg. 612/ 230:1271, pg. 218

39)"Uqbah ibn Amir Juhani ... Allah will admit three persons into paradise on account of one arrow ..." (Abu Daud)

There is weakness in its isnaad ... Takhrij Fiqhus-Sirah, pg. 225. 234:1335, pg. 639/ 233:1340, pg. 227

40)"Abu Umamah ... " (Abu Daud)

Its isnaad contains al-Walid ibn Muslim, a mudallis and he has used 'an'anah (from) here. See at-Ta'liq-ur-Raghib, 2/200. 234:1348, pg. 643/ 233:1353, pg. 228

41)"Anas ... A person who goes (out of his house) in search of knowledge, he is on Allah's way and he remains so till he returns." (Tirmidzi said it was good)

DA'EEF, Takhrij-ul-Mishkat, no. 220, ad-Da`ifah, no. 2037. 241:1385, pg. 657/ 240:1390, pg. 233

42)"Abu Sa'id al-Khudri ..." (Tirmidzi)

It is DA'EEF. Mishkat, no. 222. 241:1386, pg. 658/ 240:1391,pg. 233

43)"Abu Hurairah ... Every magnificent and important project not begun with the praise of Allah ..." (Abu Daud)

The hadith is DA'EEF regarding its isnaad, faulty regarding its text as I have explained at the beginning of al-Irwa, (1-2). 242:1394, pg. 661/ 241:1399, pg. 234

44)"Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas ... that he along with ... went to ... had a ..." (Tirmidhi)

There are unknown reporter/s in its isnad as I have explained in at-Ta'liq 'alal Kalim it-Tatib, pg. 27, ... and the hadith's base is sahih, without the mention of the nawa or hasa (that the woman was supposed to be using), being brought by Muslim in his sahih from the hadith of Juwairayah. 244:1442, pg. 684/ 243:1447, pg. 240

45)"Imran bin Husain ... taught his father two ..." (Tirmidhi)

DA'EEF isnaad. In it is inqita' (break) and weakness. Ibn Hiban and Ahmad (4/44) have narrated it with another line of transmission which is sahih, but with the wording, "O Allah, forgive my wrong- doing, both the accidental and deliberate thereof. O Allah, I ask You to guide me rightly in my affairs, and I take refuge in You from the evil of my own self." 250:1487, pg. 709/ 249:1492, pg. 248

46)"Abu Darda ... One of the supplications of Daud ..." (Tirmidhi)

In its isnaad is 'Abdullah ibn Rabi'ah ad-Dimashqi, and he is unknown as Ibn Hajr says. 250:1490, pg. 710/ 249:1495, pg. 249

47)"Ibn Mas'ud ..." (Hakim)

In its isnaad is one who became confused in his ahadith. See ad- Da`ifah, no. 2908. 250:1493, pg. 712/ 249:1498, pg. 249

48)"Ibn `Umar ... Do not indulge in long talks without remembering Allah ..." (Tirmidhi)

In its isnaad is an unknown narrator, Malik narrates it as being the saying of 'Isa. See ad-Da`ifah, no. 920 ... The unknown narrator is Ibrahim ibn 'Abdullah ibn Hatib. 254:1518, pg. 732/ 253:1523, pg. 255

49)"Ibn Mas'ud ..." (Abu Daud, Tirmidhi)

In its isnaad is an unknown narrator. ad-Da`ifah, no. 1902. 258:1539, pg. 743/ 257:1544, pg. 259

50)"Abu Hurairah ... Avoid jealousy ..." (Abu Daud)

In its isnaad is an unamed narrator. See Mishkat, no. 4856. 270:1569, pg. 764/ 268:1547, pg. 266

51)"Wasila ibn al-Asqa'a ..." (Tirmidhi)

The hadith contains the 'an'anah of Makhul. Mishkat, no. 4856. 274:1577, pg. 769/ 272:1582, pg. 267

52)"Abu Hurairah ..." (Bukhaaree)

In its isnaad is a man whom Ibn Hajr declares as DA'EEF, along with others. See my book, Mukhtasar Sahih Bukhaaree. 277:1587, pg. 772/ 275:1592, pg. 269

53)"Abu Hurairah ..." (Abu Daud)

In its isnaad is Hilal al-Madani about whom adh-Dhahabi says: "He is not known." See al-Irwa, no. 2089. 280:1597, pg. 777/ 278:1602, pg. 270

54)"Ibn Umar ..." (Bukhaaree)

NOT DA'EEF. The hadith is narrated by Hafid ibn `Umar, i.e. Muhammad ibn Zaid ibn `Abdullah ibn `Umar, not from the words of Ibn `Umar. The hadith with this wording is not Bukhari's, but from al-Tayalisi. 288:1618, pg. 790/ 286:1623, pg. 276