American Power Dispatchers Association
Spring Upper Midwest Area Meeting
May 17 thru 19, 2007
Nebraska Public Power District
Lincoln Electric
Omaha Public Power District
Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska
Omaha, Nebraska
President Russ Mountjoy called the Upper Midwest Area business meeting to order at 10:04.
Roll Call of UMW Officers
Present were:
President Russ Mountjoy MISO-St. Paul
Vice President Bobby Adam ConAgra
Secretary Rudy Spack MHEB
Treasurer Todd Gosnell OPPD
Trustee Jane Cocker RPU
Standing Roll Call of Members
Dave Acton Alliant
Paul Beaudry GRE (retired)
Russ Johnson GRE
Bruce Haugen Hutchinson Utilities
Lonnie Weerts Hutchinson Utilities
Lee Anderson LES
Ken Hatfield LES
Brad Lafler LES
Brandon Parmer LES
Laurence Evan Rail LES
John Novak LES
Joel Woita MEAN
Don Herrly MDU
Curt Beyer MDU
Tim Porter MEC
John Wittkop MEC
Keith Irvine MHEB
Ian Cockerill MHEB
Garry Yonda MHEM
Joe Fretty MISO-St.Paul
Lonnie Lindekugel MISO-St.Paul
Bob Vargus MPW
John Stolley MPW
Mike Hansen MPW
Matt Fietek MP
Craig Lindahl MP
Len Wilcox MP
Brad Bailey NPPD
Brad Blake NPPD
Matt Lockard NPPD
Shannon Bolan NPPD
Pat Budler NPPD
Jake Burger NPPD
Dan Evans NPPD
Bob Kieborz NPPD
Joel Lee NPPD
Doug Rowlands NPPD
Kim Schoepf NPPD
Mark Staska NPPD
Chris Sullivan NPPD
Ronald Thompson Jr. NPPD
Tim Torczon NPPD
Craig Vincent NPPD
Randy Bohnet OPPD
Carla Fitzpatrick OPPD
Jes Gray OPPD
Richard Kalina OPPD
Tim Nissen OPPD
Jim Ocander OPPD
Margaret Sailors OPPD
Richard (Smitty) Smith OPPD (retired)
Rob Weaver OPPD
Phil Wilson OPPD
Roger Vanderpool REMC
Greg Lauinger SMMPA
Don Huseby SMMPA
Dave Patek WAPA
Kent Kennedy WAPA
Secretary’s Report
Secretary Rudy Spack read the minutes of the Fall 2006 UMW meeting, hosted by Minnesota Power in Duluth, Minnesota.
Don Herrly (MDU) made a motion to accept the Fall 2006 UMW meeting minutes as read and corrected. John Stolley (MPW) seconded the motion.
Motion Carried.
President Russ Mountjoy read an email from Larry Ryberg announcing his retirement from Dairyland Power Cooperative. He wished everyone in the Association the best and the continued success to the APDA. He plans to continue his membership in the UMW APDA as a “Life Member” and participate whenever possible and looks forward to seeing many of you at future meetings.
President Russ Mountjoy read a letter from John Theotonio (NERC) announcing the attempt to re-establish the North East Area.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Todd Gosnell read the report.
Income - $16,342.00
Expenses - $13,581.04
General Fund balance - $25,166.30
Scholarship fund balance – $31,003.11
Paul Beaudry (GRE retired) made a motion to accept Treasures Report as read. Keith Irvine (MHEB) seconded the motion.
Motion Carried.
Area Trustee Report
Jane Cocker (RPU) presented the Fall National Meeting minutes held in Denver, Colorado on September 20, 2006.
Vice President’s Report
DETC Committee Report
DTEC chair Randy Bohnet (OPPD) offered UMW APDA assistance on supplying NERC CEH credited trainers for future meeting hosts.
The scholarship committee has made the selections for the 2007 scholarships from the eligible applications. The 2007 Scholarship winning recipients are:
· Torrey Smith, stepdaughter of Russ Mountjoy (MRO)
Attending St. Olaf College - Northfield, MN.
· Andrew Zager, son of William Zager (XCEL)
Attending the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, WI.
· Kristina Brumm, daughter of Tom Brumm (XCEL)
Attending the University of North Dakota - Grand Forks, ND.
· Kaitlin Foley, stepdaughter of Tom Sandoz (OPPD)
Attending University of Missouri - Columbia, MO.
Each winner receives a scholarship for $1,000.
Unfinished Business
President Russ Mountjoy reported Midwest ISO-Carmel Fall UMW Area meeting will be offering an additional 4 hours of NERC CEH credited training on Thursday September 19/07.
President Russ Mountjoy had received the new APDA banner on display for the UMW Area that will be displayed at future meetings.
New Business
President Russ Mountjoy commented that Lifetime plaques were available to retiring members that could be requested by their company on the UMW APDA web site.
President Russ Mountjoy noted that new member nametags were available to send the request to Russ Mountjoy or Todd Gosnell.
Rodger Vanderpool (REMC) inquired about the number of scholarships been awarded each year. The membership decided it should be based upon the number of eligible applicants and the money raised over the past years meeting.
Paul Beaudry (GRE retired) mentioned that that he thought the 2008 meetings would be the 50th anniversary for the UMW area and he will attempt to verify this. If this is verified it was suggested that the UMW approach the National for additional funds from the promotional account towards hosting the meeting.
Larry Ryberg (DPC)
Carol Elrod (LES)
Paul Beaudry (GRE)
Tom Marchik (MEC)
Russ Overbye (GRE)
Don Haapanen (MP)
Paul Dietz (MEC)
Walt Zielke (NPPD retired)
Ed Archer (MPW)
Nick Whitly (MISO-Carmel)
Adam C. Pederson, son of Jerry Pederson (OTP)
Next Meeting:
Hosted by Midwest ISO, Carmel
Indianapolis, Indiana
September 20th to 23rd, 2007
Future Meeting:
May 29th to 31st, 2008 Alliant Madison, WI
Fall 2008 GRE Elk River, MN
We need meeting hosts starting spring of 2009.
Good for the Association
President Russ Mountjoy asked for a round of applause for OPPD, NPPD, MEAN, Les and their Co-sponsors and presenters:
– Transmission Outage Application (TOA)
– Rainbow Energy Marketing Company (REMC)
– Minneapolis Consulting Group (MCG)
– Systems Operations Success International (SOS)
– Pat M. Everly – OESNE
– Ron Gunderson – NPPD
– Marcel Martin – Alberta Electric
Spring 2007 Scholarship Raffle in Omaha raised $1,750.
Richard (Smitty) Smith (OPPD-retired) made motion to adjourn the meeting. Craig Lindahl (MP) seconded the motion.
Motion Carried,
Meeting adjourned at 11:08