Mrs. Melvin’s
Geometry Syllabus
Lorisa Melvin
Room #2405
Classroom Expectations:
1) Show respect to your peers, yourself, all equipment, and Mrs. Melvin!
2) Turn in your homework and be in your seat when the bell rings.
3) No food or drink except for bottled water.
4) Follow the electronic device policy. (my room is a ‘red zone’)
5) Have Fun!!!
Behavior Consequences:
-1st offense = verbal warning
-2nd offense = parent contact and/or teacher detention
-3rd offense = office referral
Cell Phone Consequences:
-1st offense = verbal warning (except on tests; automatic zero)
-2nd offense = automatic zero on assignment
Class Materials:
2 inch binder, 5 tabs, pencils, paper, and a positive attitude!!!
Tardy Policy:
You must be in the classroom when the bell exceptions.
-Planned Absence (extra-curricular activities) – must get all work BEFORE your absence and it is due when you return to class.
-Any other absence – you will get as many days you were absent plus one day to turn in all work. Example...absent 2 days = 3 days to turn in all work.
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Mrs. Melvin’s
Geometry Syllabus
Late Work (per AHS Policy):
-on time = full credit
-1 day late = max of 80
-2 days late = max of 60
-3 days late = max of 40
-4 days late = max of 20
-5 days late = 0
Reassessments (per AHS Policy):
-Students have one week to reassess after receiving graded test.
-Students may choose one test per 9 weeks to reassess but it may not be the last test due to grading deadlines.
-Students must attend one tutorial session.
-Students must make corrections to the original assessment.
-The two tests will be averaged together for the new grade.
-Students must complete the reassessment form requiring both teacher and parent signatures.
Tuesday 3:00pm-3:30pm
Friday 6:45am-7:15am
Cheating is not tolerated and will result in an automatic 0.
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