I. MEASURABLE POST-SECONDARY GOALS: Your IEP must discuss what plans you have to live, learn and earn in your community upon graduation from high school. Please answer the following questions:
Employment: What job(s)/career field are you interested in after you finish your high school education?
Education/Training: What kind of education/training after high school will you need to achieve your job/career goal? After you graduate from high school what classes/course of study might support your interest area?
Independent Living Skills: Do you have the skills necessary to live independently upon completion of high school? What skills do you need to develop in order to live more independently in your community after you complete high school?
II. PRESENT LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE: What skills do you have or will you need to prepare you for living, learning and working in the community as an adult? What strengths, preferences and interests do you have that relates to the transition from school to post-school activities?
Academic Abilities:
· What classes do you enjoy and/or do well in?
· How do you learn best? (auditory, visual, hands-on, etc.)
· What do you like to do in your free time?
· What skills have you developed in and out of school? (Think about problem-solving, working as a member of the team, managing your time, computer skills, etc.)
· Have you identified a career of interest? If so, what skills/strengths do you currently have that will help you in that job/career choice or any future career?
· What classes or programs are you taking now to help develop the skills necessary for your future job/career choice?
Academic Needs:
· What classes or activities are you having difficulty in? Do you know why?
· How does your area of disability affect you in your classes, at home and outside of school? Are you able to explain your disability to others?
· What academic skills or coursework will you need to have to be successful in your future job or career choice?
· How might your academic needs impact your job or career choice?
Social Abilities:
· How do you get along with teachers, supervisors and other students?
· What do you think your strengths are in this area?
· How might this impact your future job/career choice?
Social Needs:
· What do you think your needs are in this area?
· How might this impact your future job/career choice?
Physical Abilities:
· How might your physical development affect your future job/career choices? Do you have the physical ability to perform your future job/career choice?
· What do you think your strengths are in this area? (For example, do you have good attendance?)
Physical Needs:
· What do you think your needs are in this area?
· How might this impact your future job/career choice?
Management Needs:
· What changes in the classroom environment do you need to help you to learn? (Ex. sitting near the teacher, written rules displayed, etc.) How could this impact your future job/career choice if these supports were not available?
· How do people help you to learn and succeed in the classroom? (Ex. 1:1 Aide, directions for assignments clarified, etc.) How could this impact your future job/career choice if these supports were not available?
· What material resources do you need that help you learn? (Ex. sets of books for home/school, copy of class notes, etc.) How could this impact your future job/career choice if these materials were not available?
III. COORDINATED SET OF ACTIVITIES: This is YOUR “To Do” list for the next year. These suggested activities can help you “check out” your career interest area(s) and help you to develop your plans for after high school.
· Instruction:
o What classes or programs can you take in the next year that supports your future job/career goals?
o What special education instruction do you need to help you move towards graduation?
· Related Services:
o Do you currently receive any related services (i.e. speech, assistive technology, counseling, occupational therapy, physical therapy)? If yes, what activities will be provided and how will these services help you in achieving your future career goals?
· Development of Employment and other Post-Secondary Goals:
o Have you done any research on your job/career choice?
o Have you job shadowed a professional in your career interest area?
o Have you met with your School Counselor to complete your Annual Guidance Review? If so, what was discussed? What recommendations did your Counselor have?
o Have you been involved in an internship program? Is this yes, where? If no, is this something you would like to do? Where could you do that?
o Are you volunteering in your career interest area? If yes, where? If no, is this something you would like to do? Where could you do that?
o Are you involved in a paid work experience program through school? If so, where?
o What clubs/programs/activities in and out of school are you involved in that help you to explore different careers?
o Are you able to explain your disability to others?
o How are your self-advocacy skills?
o If you are thinking of going to a training program or college, have you researched a list of programs/schools?
o Do you understand how accommodations are provided at a post-secondary program? If no, investigate how.
o Have you researched disability support programs at the programs/colleges of your choice? If not, investigate this.
o If applicable, have you met with a VESID Counselor?
o If applicable, have services through OMRDD/FLDDSO been explored?
· Community Experience:
o What help do you need to access services/resources in your community (i.e. library, recreational activities)?
o How will you get around your community?
o Do you have an after school and/or summer job?
o If you don’t have a job, do you know how/where to look for a job?
o Do you know how to fill out job applications?
o Have you put together a resume and cover letter?
o Do you know what kind of questions will be asked in a job interview?
o Have you ever done a practice job interview?
· Daily Living Skills (must be addressed in IEP):
o What skills do you need to work on in order to live independently upon the completion of high school? (ex. Laundry, cooking, what do to when you’re sick, etc.)
o Do you know about budgeting your money?
· Functional Vocational Assessment (must be addressed in IEP):
o Will you be participating in a vocational assessment?
o Have you completed a career interest inventory?
· Are the annual goals on your IEP helping you to develop the necessary skills to achieve your job/career goals?
· What annual goals do you think you need to work on to help you prepare for your future job/career goals?
Developed by the Midwestern Transition Coordination Site/DRAFT