Identify Yourself
Individual and Collective Identities
This assignment provides students with the opportunity to explore, identify, and create a symbolic representation of key aspects of their identity.
Students will:
- explore the features and characteristics that help to shape their individual identities
- evaluate and judge these features and characteristics according to the degree to which they influence their individual identities
- express an understanding of the essential nature of their identities in a creative way
- explain their chosen features and characteristics
- justify the features and characteristics identified as most influential on their identities
Students should follow these basic steps in the completion of this assignment:
- Individually identify features and characteristics that form part of your identity. List as many features and characteristics as possible (minimum 12) from the following categories:
- traditions
- role modeling
- languages
- religion/spirituality
- the arts
- attire
- relationship to land
- ideological beliefs
- ethnicity
- experiences
- location
- geography
- values/beliefs
- personality
- friends
- family
- economic status
- physical features
- Choose one or two features /characteristics from each category that you would identify as being most important or significant to your identity. Use the following criteria in making these judgments:
- how much does the feature or characteristic impact how others see me
- how much does the feature or characteristic impact how I see and feel about myself
- Narrow the list further by sorting the selected features into 3 categories: extremely influential, very influential, and somewhat influential. Use the same criteria as you did in number 2 in order to do this. Then choose the 6 most influential features or characteristics that shape your identity.
- Now that you have your six features and characteristics you can to begin the formal portion of your assignment. The assignment will be completed in three parts:
- Part A: Symbolic Representation - Create (draw, paint, etc.) symbols that represent each of the six most influential aspects of your identity
- Part B: Written Explanation and Justification - For each of the six symbols, explain in detailed written form:
- the nature of the feature or characteristic
- how this feature affects how others see you
- how this feature affects how you see and feel about yourself
- Part C: Assignment Response – in a detailed fashion respond to the following questions:
- How does gender define you?
- To what extent is your identity defined by your age?
- How big a factor are your family’s customs and traditions to your identity?
- Where do you get your values?
- Who are your heroes and how do they impact your identity?
- How might your identity change if you moved to another province or country?
- Review your extended list of influential features. Which of these features are local in scope? Which of these features are global in scope? Explain.
- Symbolic Representation/10 marks
- Written Explanation and Justification/10 marks
- Assignment Response/10 marks
/ 30 Marks Total