“Running to Save” 5K Run / Walk / Multi Distance Bike Ride
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Ashkum Village Park
Starting Times
Registration / Check In - 7:00am
5K Run / Walk - 8:00am
Ride Registration / Start – 7am-10am
Due to the overwhelming community support and success of our past 5k fundraisers,
we have decided to do it again! The Central High School track program has been reinstated
beginning with the 2015 season. Thanks to the Central Athletic Booster Club’s financial support,
along with the efforts of track participants, parents, and coaches alike, theHS track program was able to continue successfully the last 3 years. The “Running to Save” 5K will continue, with your support, to raise funds for the Central Athletic Booster Club to assist the sports programs and
facilities at Nash Middle School and Central High School.
We appreciate your support!!
Overall Award will be given to one male and one female 5K runner.
Overall winner will receive one award.
Individual Awards will be given in the following categories:
1st, 2nd 3rd place male and female 5K runners in each of the following age groups:
14 & under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60+
10 best 5K walk times
Area School with the most participants
Ride Info: 10 miles - 31 miles - metric century (65 miles)
Water and fruit will be available
Bike ride questions / information contact Dan Morrison @ 815/644-4682
Visit Clifton Central Athletic Booster Club on Facebook or for more information
Registration Form
Race day registration begins at 7:00 a.m.
M / F (circle one) Age as of 8/23/14______
Address ______
City______State _____Zip ______
Phone ______Email ______
Event: (circle one) 5K Run 5K Walk
If you enter as a walker, you MUST walk. If you plan to run at all, please enter as a runner.
Ride: (Please circle distance) 10 mile - 31 mile - metric century
Shirt Size: YM YL AS AM AL XL 2X 3X
Area High School:______
Student Teacher Staff (circle one)
5K / Ride: Pre-registration $18.00 Race Day $20.00
Must be pre-registered by August 8thto be guaranteed a shirt
Please make check payable to: Central Athletic Booster Club
Mail to: Carri Gray - PO Box 426– Clifton, IL 60927
For more information or questions, call 815/383-0926
I waive and forfeit all rights I, my heirs, successors or assigns may have to file suit against the Village of Ashkum, the Central High School track program, and its sponsors.
Signature ______
Parent Signature(if under 18) ______