Greater Milwaukee Synod, ELCA
Summary of the Synod Council Meeting
July 21, 2011, Bishop Jeff Barrow’s Home, Racine, Wisconsin
Ignited by God’s love, Burning for Justice, We embrace the world
Name / Cluster/Position / TermEnds 8/31
Mr. Gus Barnes / Milwaukee 1 / 2013
Mr. Michael Herold / Milwaukee 2 / 2013
The Rev. Eric Silberschmidt / Kenosha/W Racine Cluster / 2013
Ms. Beth Dorsey / Northwest / 2013
Ms. Esther Rusch / Northern Lakeshore / 2013
The Rev. Tracy Polzin / Racine / 2013
Mr. Donald Hintze / Milwaukee 3 / 2011
The Rev. Carolyn Fredriksen / Milwaukee 3 / 2015
Ms. Sally Newman / Milwaukee 4 / 2011
Mr. Al Van Lith / Milwaukee 4 / 2015
Mr. Kenneth Bischmann, AIM / Waukesha / 2011
The Rev. David Zandt / Waukesha / 2015
Ms. Janey Reed / Lake Country / 2011
The Rev. Steve Blyth / Lake Country / 2015
The Rev. Mark Jaramillo / At Large / 2011
The Rev. Kathy Boadwine / At Large / 2011
The Rev. Gary Grindeland / At Large / 2015
Ms. Debra Taylor / At Large / 2015
Mr. John Gruber / At Large / 2015
Ms. Susan Cyr / Vice President / 2013 (2)
The Rev. Karl Nelson / Secretary / 2011 (1)
Mr. Matthew Brockmeier / Secretary / 2015
Mr. Lee Johnston / Treasurer / 2013 (1)
The Rev. Jeff Barrow / Bishop / 2016 (1)
Vacant / Youth Representative / 2013
Call to Order
Vice President Ms. Susan Cyr called the Synod Council meeting to order at 6:42 pm, Thursday, July 21, 2011, at Bishop Jeff Barrow’s Home, Racine, Wisconsin. A quorum being declared,
Bishop Jeff Barrow gave opening devotions, reminding those present that the church is God’s business in our hands, not our business in God’s hands. Staff present were Mary Meyer and The Rev. Chuck Brummond. With the presence of new Council members, introductions were made.
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Greater Milwaukee Synod Council Meeting Summary – July 21, 2011
Bishop’s Report
The bishop, the Rev. Jeff Barrow, provided an oral report covering staff updates and consideration of On Leave from Call status. Regarding Synod staff, two hires are likely in the near term. The bishop provided insight into revisions made to job descriptions in order to make the best use of the gifts of those being hired. The bishop’s comments on On Leave from Call status led to Council action.
The Council voted to approve On Leave from Call status for the Rev. Suellen Myers, Rev. Scott Ruffatto, Rev. Mark Ziemann and Rev. Brian Alberti.
Treasurer’s Report
Synod Treasurer, Mr. Lee Johnston, reported that year-to-date income stood at 96.5% of budget, with the shortfall covered through this point by staff vacancies. Treasurer Johnston indicated that the current favorable variance was unlikely to continue through the year as vacancies are filled. He cited one over-budget item; technology purchases to support the new director of communications.
Synod Assembly Comments and Feedback
Discussion of the assembly focused on levels of participation, especially for young adults, and timing. While there may have been a modest increase in youth participation, the net result was not notable. Engagement by clergy in encouraging participation was seen as crucial moving forward, with note made that there needs to be a focus on rebuilding collegiality in the Synod.
Approval of 2012 Synod Assembly Dates
The Council voted to approve May 31st and June 1st and 2nd as the dates for the 2012 Synod assembly. There was discussion on location, with the sense that returning to Country Springs was likely the best path, for a number of reasons.
Churches Voting to Leave ELCA
Following two votes by the congregation, the first in February 2011 and the second on June 5, 2011, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church has decided to leave the ELCA. As a former LCA congregation they needed permission to depart. The only remaining question, beyond leaving, is the status of the congregation’s partnership activities with the Meru Diocese. Bishop Jeff Barrow is in communication with Meru’s bishop to discuss this question. The Council voted to approve the release of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.
Churchwide Assembly Voting Members’ Meeting
The final meeting for voting members prior to the Churchwide Assembly (Aug. 14-20) is scheduled for August 4th at Adoration Lutheran Church, Milwaukee.
Orientation for New Council Members
Vice President Susan Cyr will arrange an orientation session for new members of the Synod council prior to the September council meeting.
A handout was provided for the Living Into the Future Together taskforce. This initiative will be discussed in detail at the September Synod council meeting: Members are urged to carefully read the handout in advance of that meeting.
Collective Bargaining Task Force
As called for at the 2011 Synod Assembly, Bishop Jeff Barrow is in the process of forming a task force to address the question of collective bargaining posed by Resolution #6. The bishop reviewed with the council his approach to structuring the task force, emphasizing balance in the group. The Council voted to approve a motion to “Charge the Collective Bargaining Task Force to compile a list of options to facilitate a game plan for addressing the issue of collective bargaining and report its findings to the Synod council prior to the council’s January 2012 meeting.”
Other New Business
Sally Newman suggested that the Synod provide information to congregations on the implications of Wisconsin’s new concealed carry law, especially in terms of issues such as liability. This issue is currently being addressed by Amy Johnson, Director of the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Mr. Matthew Brockmeier
Synod Secretary-Elect
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