Journal of Clinical Engineering

Guidelines for Contributing Authors

Dec 2013

The Journal of Clinical Engineering is a quarterly, peer-reviewed publication. Manuscripts may be submitted on topics relevant to clinical/biomedical engineering or biomedical technology. Subject matter should directly relate to the engineering or technology involved in patient care and treatment or to technology in the broad field of healthcare delivery. Authors are invited to submit unpublished papers, brief articles, or extensive manuscripts for review. Manuscripts may be authored by engineers, scientists, BMETS, clinical personnel, physicians, managers, or others concerned with healthcare technology or engineering.


Manuscripts must be submitted electronically. Please contact the editor, Michael Levin-Epstein, at (or by phone 301-254-0089) before submitting a manuscript. Manuscripts (Feature Articles) should include a title page, an abstract, an introduction, major headings, conclusions, references or a bibliography, a two-sentence current description of each authors’ affiliation, including degrees held, contact information (e-mail and phone number) for each author, and a designation of the lead author.

Manuscripts will be reviewed by the editorial staff of the Journal of Clinical Engineering, and certain manuscripts may be designated for peer review or review by the Editorial Board. When page composition is complete, page proofs will be sent to the author for final review. Upon publication, each author will receive a complimentary copy of the Journal.


Conflicts of Interest

Authors must state all possible conflicts of interest in the manuscript, including financial, consultant, institutional and other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as none declared. All sources of funding should be acknowledged in the manuscript. All relevant conflicts of interest and sources of funding should be included on the title page of the manuscript with the heading “Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:” For example:

Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: A has received honoraria from Company Z. B is currently receiving a grant (#12345) from Organization Y, and is on the speaker’s bureau for Organization X – the CME organizers for Company A. For the remaining authors none were declared.

In addition, each author must complete and submit the journal’s copyright transfer agreement, which includes a section on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” ( Please note that authors may sign the copyright transfer agreement form electronically. For additional information about electronically signing this form, go to

Copyright Transfser Agreements

All authors must sign a copyright transfer agreement form prior to publication. The editorial office will provide the form to be signed. Articles will not be published without this documentation.

Title Page

The title page must include a brief, specific title; the name, degrees, title, work affiliation, city, and state of all authors; correspondence address and phone number; and acknowledgements (if any). The title page must also include all relevant conflicts of interest and sources of funding listed with the heading “Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding”.


Provide a 100-word description that abstracts the essential idea, work, and results of the paper and the applicability of the work to clinical engineering and technology.


The introduction should include a brief technical and historical background for the work. Sections of the paper should be divided by major headings and subheadings. The conclusions should briefly describe the major results of the work and be founded upon the results proven in the paper. Provide a short biography (no more than 100 words) for each author, including educational background, work and professional affiliations, and current areas of research.


Prepare references according to the style used in the American Medical Association Manual of Style, 10th edition (2007). References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text and should be placed at the end of the manuscript. When a reference is repeated in the text, use the same reference number each time. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the listing in the PubMed Journals database. If not listed there, journal titles should be spelled out.


Subhan A. Technology management interpreting codes and standards, part 4: ANSI/AAMI EQ56: recommended practice for medical equipment management programs. J Clin Eng. 2010;35(4):169-170.


Wang B. Evidence-based medical equipment maintenance management. In: Atles LA, ed. A Practicum for Biomedical Engineering &Technology Management. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co;



American Society for Quality (ASQ). Glossary: control chart. Accessed November 30, 2010.

Reference formatting is covered fully in chapter 3 of the AMA Manual of Style, 10th edition.


·  Figures should be sized to fit the width of 1, 1.5, or 2 columns with no extra white or black space surrounding them (they should be scanned at around the same size you would like them to be published). Column widths vary by publication. Measure the width of the columns in the journal to which you wish to submit.

·  Crop out or black out any patient identifiers.

·  If the figure or image contains text, make sure it’s embedded in the file, and use the Helvetica font (between 8-12 points).

·  Save each piece of artwork separately in TIFF or EPS format. PowerPoint is also acceptable.

·  Crop out any white or black space surrounding the image.

·  Line art should be saved at a resolution of at least 1200 dpi.

·  Photos or images should be saved at a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

·  Each figure should be saved as a separate file and saved separately from the accompanying text file.

·  For multi-panel or composite figures only: Any figure with multiple parts should be sent as one file with each part labeled the way it is to appear in print.

·  All figures must have captions and must be mentioned or referred to in the text.


Table it titles and column headings should be set in title case. For footnotes, all abbreviations should be spelled out in alphabetical order and prefaced by “Abbreviations:” Superscript letters should be used for specific footnotes (rather than symbols).

Equations and Formulae

Complex mathematical expressions, structured chemical formulae, and flow charts should be prepared by the author using the word processing program's equation editor or as drawings in black ink. All equations should be numbered as below, and may be referred to in the text as Equation 1, Equations 3-5, etc. The equation number should appear at the right margin.

E = I  R (1)

Request to Reproduce Copyrighted Materials




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Photograph Authorization and Release Form


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