Mark Your Calendars
Feb 4
Rotaract Service Auction
Goods and services to auctioned off. 6 PM social hour, 7 PM auction to support their service trip to Nicaragua. At WTC Lunda Center
May 21 - 22
District #6250 Conference
In La Crosse! It does not get any easier to participate (and there will be NO registration fee!)
To Lynn Gundlachand all her helpers for another GREAT Super Event!
Fund Balances = 1/15/10
General $ 8,253
Playground - $ 8,497
RI Dues$ 1,254
RI Paul Harris$ 2,260
Polio Plus$ 1,175
PETS Conference$ 300
Dist 6250 Conference $ 400
Nicaragua$ 395
Community Entrance$ 2,947
Helping Hand$ 591
Rotary/Lions$ 1,197
Old Hickory Park Playground
The benches and tables have been constructed. The city will install them in the spring.
Congratulations to this year’s All-Stars! They are Clark BergJay Schnoor. They were both selected for their years of unselfish contributions to the quality of life in the La Crescent area and beyond.
Quotes of the Month
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is a force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington
A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me. Abraham Lincoln
Rotary Club of La Crescent
Club #2676
District #6250
Chartered March 10, 1982
Please help the playground project by bringingreceipts from anyQuillin’s store to Jon Amlaw.
We will soon be having elections for officers for the 2010-2011 Rotary Year. Nominations thus far are as follows:
Vice-President – None
Treasurer – Eileen Krenz
Director ’12- Sean Parker
Director ’12 - None
Please feel free to nominate (volunteer)yourself!
Rotary Works
This month’s grants went to the following:
Big Brothers/Sisters $2,200;
Boys & Girls Club $1,200;
Camp Winnebago $500;
Rotaract Nicaragua Service Trip $500.
Have you paid your dues? If not, please do so as soon as possible.
Also, please fill out your pledge card.
Programs: Sam Jandt
Greeter: Ron Wilke
Rotary Moment: John Benton
Songs: Earl Seaton
Setup/Takedown: Dahl/Chaput
Fines: Mary Grattan
2009-2010 Club Officers
President Steve Mau
President Elect Jon Amlaw
Vice President Lynn Gundlach
Past President Ron Wilke
Secretary Margaret Johnson
Treasurer Bev Jiardina
Youth Protection Officer Sam Jandt
Director ‘10 Bill Ohm
Director ‘10Sean Parker
Director ‘11 Larry Pupp
Director ‘11 Dan Wilson
Service to Club –Bev Jiardina
Membership Bev Jiardina
4 Avenues of Service Dinner Mary Grattan & Mac Dahl
Christmas Party Mary Grattan & Bev Jiardina
Newsletter Bill Ohm
Historian Mary Grattan
Changeover Dinner Mary Grattan & Bev Jiardina
Fund Raising Jon Amlaw
Applefest Tom Fuchsel &
Dan Wilson
Rose Sale Doug Harpenau
Super Event Lynn Gundlach
Service to Community –Bill Ohm
Highway Pickup Tom Fuchsel
Relay for Life Ben Barton
Rotary Lights Board Leo Chaput & Joe Thesing
Rotary Works Foundation Sean Parker & BoardJon Amlaw
Myrick-Hixon EcoPark Bill Ohm
PlaygroundDoug Harpenau & Mary Grattan
Memorial Day/Veterans Recognition
Chuck Dockendorff
Community Entrance Enhancement
Eileen Krenz
Interact Vacant
International Service – Steve Mau
Youth Exchange Doug Harpenau
Exchange Student Marie-Audrey Bache (France)
Host Families
Fall ‘09 Brad & Caryn Peterson
Winter ’09-’10 Arick & Anne Hendricks
Spring ’10 Joel & Deb Affeldt
The Rotary FoundationJohn Benton
Vocational Service –Eileen Krenz
Robotics/LEGO John Benton
Junior Achievement Tom Stahl
Health AwarenessEric Kiesau, Larry Pupp, Joe Caron
Rotary Club of La Crescent
P.O. Box 56
La Crescent, MN55947
The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands!
February 2010
2Groundhog Day
4 Rotaract Service Auction
5Program –Pennies for Peace
10 Board Meeting @ 7 AM
12 Birthday – Abraham Lincoln
12Program –MS Integrated Block
15 President’s Day
17 – Ash Wednesday
18 Birthday – Doug Harpenau
19 Program – High School On-Line Learning Hybrid Classes
22 Birthday – George Washington
26Birthday – Samuel Jandt
26 Program – Robotics
27 Birthday – Jon Amlaw
March 2 – Program – Attracting Families to La Crescent - Bill Waller/Don Smith
Programs: Ron Wilke
Greeter: Lynn Gundlach
Rotary Moment: Jon Amlaw
Songs: John Benton
Setup/Takedown: Chaput/Dahl
Fines: Leo Chaput
La Crescent Club Meeting
Friday @ 7:00 AM
La Crescent American Legion Club
509 North Chestnut Street
Area Make-up Opportunities
Monday Noon - La Crosse East @
Monday 6:00 PM - Onalaska @Seven Bridges
Tuesday 7:30 AM - La Crosse North @ Days Hotel (French Island)
Wednesday 7:00 AM – Holmen @Holmen Village Hall
Wednesday 7:30 AM – Valley View@ Famous Dave’s
Wednesday Noon - Winona @ Westfield Golf Course
Wednesday 7:00 PM – Rotaract @ Grounded Specialty Coffee
Feb 10th & 24th
Thursday Noon - La Crosse Downtown@ Radisson Center
Friday 7:30 AM - Caledonia @ Farmhouse Eatery