/ Wisdom Workforce Development
InternPosition Description

Wisdom of the Elders, Inc. is collaborating with partner organizations to provide environmental assessment and habitat restoration training opportunities for Portland’s Native American community. Wisdom Workforce Development (WWD) will provide specialized environmental assessment and restoration workforce training, service learning in local natural areas, and a job pipeline to meaningful environmental career pathways.

The WWD Internship Program engages participants in a holistic approach to environmental habitat restoration utilizing Native American traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and conventional science. This initiative is designed to strengthen Native workers’ workforce readiness skills, engagement in career pathways planning, cultural identity, positive health and wellness resiliency and provide a gateway to living wage jobs.

Wisdom Workforce Development Internship:

  • Complete three months of:
  • Classroom training using Wisdom’s culturally-tailored multimedia curriculum in environmental assessment and habitat restoration, traditional First Foods, native plants, traditional ecological knowledge, science ecological knowledge, invasive species, climate issues, workforce readiness, career pathways planning and field safety
  • Service learning activities in local natural areas and public parks
  • Receive a monthly stipend of $750.00 (paid bi-monthly-$350.00 each check)
  • Be eligible for hire by Wisdom Workforce Development, LLC once you have earned your WWD certificate of completion and receive a living wage ($15 hour) as a member of our Native American workforce team
  • Create your career pathways plan while receiving referrals to jobs, internships and job shadowing opportunities with local agencies, watershed councils and other organizations

Applicants must be 18 years or older and have:

  • High school diploma, GED, or higher education
  • Interest in environmental science, natural history, and land stewardship
  • Enthusiasm for engaging in the community and outdoors
  • Ability to work with a professional demeanor as part of a team
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
  • Ability to work indoors and outdoors: standing, walking, climbing, lifting, and carrying objects for periods of time in any/all weather conditions ranging from hot, dry, dusty, foggy, cold and rainy; work around heavy equipment; in areas with poison oak, nettle, and other plant species

Schedule: 20-23 hours per week for three months

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays

Essential Job Duties:

  1. Use hand and power tools (shovels, loppers, chain saw, power mower/trimmer, rakes, etc.) to safely and effectively remove non-native, invasive plants
  2. Use hand tools to safely and effectively build and maintain hiking/biking/equestrian trails and plant trees
  3. Learn native plant identification and native seed harvesting/propagation techniques, processes, and procedures
  4. Complete native plant/seed projects
  5. Complete natural resource projects and educational activities
  6. Learn to work as a member of a team, and practice doing so each day in the field
  7. Closely and consistently follow supervisor’s instructions to assure safety and quality on all projects
  8. Act in a safe, respectful, and professional manner at all times on the job
  9. Read the WWD Intern Program Manual more than once to become familiar with WWD policies

This job will at times be physically difficult, and you will get dirty, muddy, sweaty, scratched up, bit by bugs, and be very tired at the end of each day. You will work in all weather conditions from high heat summer days to cold and wet conditions nearly every day in the winter. But it’s also a very fulfilling position that will teach you a lot about yourself,build your employment skills, immerse you in nature, possibly interest you in a STEM career and prepare you for an entry-level job in the fields ofconservation, natural resources, and outdoor education.

Qualifications/Skills Required:

  1. Have an interest in conservation, completing natural resources projects, learning about the environment
  2. Have ability and interest in working outside in any and all weather conditions
  3. Ability to complete physically challenging work over 7 hour day, including digging, chopping, building, etc.
  4. Understanding or willingness to learn about a variety of hand tools and their safe and efficient use
  5. Ability to walk/hike upwards of 5 miles per day while carrying a backpack and tools
  6. Ability and attitude to openly participate in team building and other educational experiences
  7. Ability to easily get yourself to the Wisdom HQ no later than 8:50AM each work day
  8. Willing to work in cold, rainy weather; and in brush/forest, mud, and other natural settings without complaint.

General Responsibilities:

  1. Learn why we are doing this work. Why is this work important to our community, our state, our world?
  2. Accept tasks—without questioning—that you may consider unpleasant or unimportant.
  3. Follow all worksite safety rules, including safe use of tools & wearing gloves, safety goggles, etc.
  4. Take good care of all tools and equipment you use.
  5. Communicate with supervisors, co-workers and the public in a courteous and cooperative manner.
  6. Call/text WWD staff if you are going to be late or cannot come to work. (Review attendance policy)
  7. Find ways to work cooperatively with other team members.
  8. Ask questions when you do not understand something.
  9. Make progress toward meeting your goals and the goals of the team.
  10. Wear clothes appropriate to getting the work done safely and that project a positive image for Wisdom.
  11. Show up on time--EVERY time--ready to work with boots, gloves, water, and a lunch, and work hard all day.

/ Wisdom Workforce Development
Intern Application

Applicant Information

Full Name: /







Street Address


Apartment/Unit #





ZIP Code

Phone: /
Social Security No.:
/ Tribal Affiliation:______
Are you able to work with and around youth? / Yes / No
If no, pleaseexplain: ______


High School: /
Address (city, state):
Did you graduate?
/ YES / NO /
/ YES / NO /
College: /
Address (city, state):
From: /
Did you graduate?
/ YES / NO /
Other: /
Address (city, state):
From: /
Did you graduate?
/ YES / NO /


Please list three professional references.

Full Name: /


Company: /


Full Name: /


Company: /



Health and Wellness

Major health issues (diabetes, heart condition, mental illness, disabilities, etc.) / ______
Allergies (medications, plants, insects, etc.)
Previous injuries: /

Current injuries/limitations:

Emergency contact: /

Phone Number:

Disclaimer and Signature

_____ I agree to fulfill my work schedule of approximately 20-23 hours a week for 12 weeks (March-May).

_____ I am responsible for getting myself to the Wisdom Office on time each dayat 9:00AM. I understand that we start and end each day at Wisdom, and that I am expected to arrive on-site 10-15minutes beforehandand ready for class or service learning work.

_____ Monthly stipends are $750.00, in accordance with completion of each day of classroom training and service learning activities.

I have attached or provided my resume to the Wisdom Workforce Development staff.

I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release.

Signature: /


/ Wisdom Workforce Development
Release Agreement for Potential
Injury or Liability

Name: ______(Please Print Clearly)

Address: ______City ______State______Zip ______

Home Phone: (___) ______Date of Birth______

In case of emergency, notify (name): ______

Day Phone: (___) ______

In signing this hold harmless release, I understand and acknowledge that I may voluntarily participate in activities sponsored by or offered through Wisdom of the Elders, Inc. (Wisdom) and Wisdom Workforce Development (WWD), and Wisdom LLC. I further understand that all activities have risks to myself and others. It is understood that individuals who do not have any special professional training may lead some activities.

By signing this release form, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Wisdom, WWD andWisdom LLC, its Board of Directors, officers, employees, and agents from any claims for injury or damages that may arise from, or in connection with, any activities (such as transportation) in which I may voluntarily participate.

Furthermore, I understand that Wisdom, WWDand Wisdom LLC reserves the right to withdraw any or all announced parts of any activities should conditions warrant and to decline to accept or retain participants as members of any activity.

I understand that if I choose to drive my personal vehicle instead of riding with the transportation Wisdom, WWD and/or Wisdom LLC is providing for this event, I accept all responsibilities for any wear and tear on my vehicle as a result of this use (i.e.: maintenance to include engine damage, body damage, damage to tires, or any other related damage). I also understand that if there is an accident my auto insurance is primary and if passengers in my vehicle are injured and I am negligent, the liability for their bodily injury is my responsibility. Wisdom and/or Wisdom LLC is not responsible for traffic citations, towing, or parking tickets which may result from my use of my personal vehicle for this event.

I have fully read this release and agree to accept any risks that may be associated with Wisdom and/or WWD, LLC classes or activities. I also authorize my instructor, program leader, or qualified medical personnel to take whatever first-aid action is deemed necessary, in their sole judgment, to protect my health and/or safety in the event of any accident or emergency.

SIGNED: ______DATE: ______

/ Wisdom Workforce Development
Field Crew or Intern
Medical Information

Participant Name ______D.O.B. ______Age ______

Home Address ______City/State/Zip ______

Phone ______

Emergency Contact ______Emergency Phone ______

Name of Family Doctor______Phone______

Allergies (food, drug, insects, etc.) Special Health Limitations (diabetes, epilepsy, heart problems, injuries, etc.) ______



Medications and dosages now taking______


In the event of an emergency, Wisdom, WWD and/orWisdom LLC or its designee has my permission to call an ambulance to take me, the participant to the nearest physician or hospital.

Signature ______Date ______

After responding to a medical emergency please contact Wisdom Office staff or WWD crew leader immediately.