Kaua‘i Community College Governance Manual

September 2009

Rev. April 2012

Kaua‘i Community College

Governance Manual

September 2009

Rev. April 2012

Table of Contents

Governance Diagram Kaua‘i Community College 3

College Council 4


Classified Staff 7

Division Chairs 8

Faculty Senate 9

Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) 10

Governance Diagram University of Hawai‘i System 11

Board of Regents 12

President 14

Vice President of Community Colleges 15

Council of Community College Chancellors 15

Chancellor 16

Schedule of Deadlines 17

Governance Diagram

Kaua‘i Community College

College Council

Purpose (KCCM 1-7)

The College Council is the primary forum, which assures regular and in-depth dialogue among all stakeholders about our mission, strategic planning, priority setting, policy development, and budget development. The Council is an advisory body to the Chancellor and is charged with specific oversight of the development and updating of key College plans and policies to ensure that College actions are aligned with our mission and strategic goals. The Council votes on specific recommendations to be sent to the Chancellor. This widely inclusive forum also encourages and supports collegial collaboration and the campuswide, two-way flow of information to improve student learning and the College’s responsiveness to community workforce needs.


The membership consists of 17 voting and 5 non-voting members. The voting members are:

·  Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

·  Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

·  Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services

·  Director of Office of Continuing Education and Training

·  Director of University Center & Academic Support

·  Faculty Senate Chair

·  Curriculum Committee Chair

·  Assessment Coordinator and Committee Chair

·  Student Government Representative

·  Classified Staff: Unit 8 representative

·  Classified Staff: Unit 3 representative

·  Classified Staff: Unit 1 representative

·  Division Chairs (5 individuals)

The four non-voting members are:

·  Chancellor

·  Institutional Researcher

·  Hawaiian Studies Coordinator

·  Director of Community & Public Relations

·  Recording Secretary

The chairperson or representative of an advisory committee related to an agenda item may be asked to attend meetings and will participate in a non-voting capacity. Some committees are:

·  Safety and Operations Committee

·  Health and Wellness Committee

·  Information Technology Advisory Council/Website Committee

·  International Education Committee

·  Makaloa Council

·  Marketing and Enrollment Management/Outreach Committee

·  New Student Orientation

·  Sustainability Committee


·  Primary forum for campus governance.

·  Advisory body to the Chancellor.

·  Provide specific recommendations for the Chancellor

·  Communication link between council and department or unit

·  Provide collegial in-depth dialogue among stakeholders in following general areas:

ü  Mission

ü  Strategic Planning

ü  Priority Setting

ü  Policy Development

ü  Budget Development

ü  Improve Student Learning

ü  Responsiveness to Community Workforce Needs

Reference Documentation

KCCM 1-7 Establishment of the College Council is the Kaua‘i Community College Policy that describes the College Council’s make up and responsibilities in detail. It is located in CampusDocs>KCCM>KCCM 1-7.

KCCM 1-7



All students enrolled at Kaua‘i Community College or within the University of Hawai‘i System having paid the student activities fees of the home campus become voting members. An election is held in April of each year to fill the positions in Administrative Council and the Senate. The Administrative Council consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Human Resource Manager. The President serves as chairperson of the senate. There are 13 Senators, two representing each division and 3 at-large.


·  ASUH-KCC has a direct channel to the Chancellor and Dean of Student Services.

·  Selects a voting representative to the College Council.

·  Student voice and participation in co-curricular activities and academic affairs.

Reference Documentation

ASUH-KCC Constitution and Bylaws

Classified Staff


An individual is selected by members within the three units for voice and vote representation on the College Council. Bargaining Unit 1 (United Public Workers) consist of 17 individuals (custodians, grounds, and facility maintenance). Bargaining Unit 3 (Hawai‘i Government Employees Association) consists of 27 individuals in clerical support. Bargaining Unit 8 (Hawai‘i Government Employees Association), also known as Administrative, Professional, and Technical, consist of 28 individuals in various job classifications.


·  Information and feedback conduit for each classified staff unit

Reference Documentation

CampusDocs>KCCM>KCCM 1-7

KCCM 1-7

Division Chairs


The campus’ five major instructional divisions are: Language Arts and Humanities, Business, Trade Technology, Health and Education, and the Science and Math division. On a yearly basis, each division submit candidates for the chair position to the Chancellor for selection. Division chairs serve on a year-to-year basis for a maximum of three years.


·  Perform administrative duties for their respective division

·  Reports directly to the Dean of Instruction

·  Liaison for class scheduling

·  Faculty evaluation

·  Budgeting, requisition and accounting

·  Orientation

·  Liaison with other divisions

·  Faculty absences

·  Program review, projections, planning, and course changes

·  Conduct division meetings

·  Personnel action

Reference Documentation

Division Chair responsibilities in KCC Policy and Guidelines 4-2, attachments 1&2 in the campus intranet at CampusDocs>KCCM>KCCM 4-2

KCC Policy and Guidelines 4-2, attachments 1 & 2

Faculty Senate


The Faculty Senate comprises of 11 members from bargaining unit 7:

·  Chairperson (selected by membership)

·  3 elected at large

·  5 division representatives (selected by each division)

·  1 representing Academic Support (selected by unit)

·  1 representing Student Services (selected by unit)


·  Formal independent voice of the faculty

·  Participates fully in the determination and development of College policy in:

ü  Educational curricula

ü  Standards in teaching, scholarship, and services

ü  Personnel policies, academic freedom, and professional ethics

ü  Community relations

ü  Academic policies

ü  Campus environment

Standing Committees

o  Curriculum: oversees matters such as courses and program proposals

o  Building and Grounds: review matters pertaining to campus environment

o  Budget Advisory: develop and review campus budget with administration

o  Foundation: articulation in written communication, symbolic reasoning, global perspective

o  Focus: articulation in Hawaiian and Asian Pacific requirements

Reference Documentation

Charter and Bylaws of the Kaua‘i Community College Faculty Senate on the campus intranet at

CampusDocs>Faculty Senate>KCC FS Charter>Charter and Bylaws of FS07

Charter and Bylaws of the Kauai Community College Faculty Senate

Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC)


Chancellor appoints committee members for 2-year terms. The Chancellor may re-appoint individuals to serve additional terms. It is recommended that this committee be composed of at least six individuals from both faculty and classified staff who will represent the entire campus in promoting the role of ITAC. The lone standing committee member is a representative from Computer Services. The committee recommends the chairperson to the Chancellor to serve for the entire academic year.


·  Non-budgeted advisory role to the College Council.

·  Provide direction for professional development in information technology.

·  Develop and maintain iTech website.

·  Provide hardware and software directions for the campus.

·  Oversees campus purchases in technology related items to insure compatibility with existing infrastructure and meet the mission and goals of the campus.

·  Explore new technology initiatives for the campus.

·  Meet accreditation recommendations.

Reference Documentation

Information Technology Strategic Plan

Governance Diagram

University of Hawai‘i System

Board of Regents

University of Hawai‘i

Excerpt from the BOR Policy, Section 1-2

Section 1-2 The Relationship of the Board to Administration and University.

a.  Principles and Rules of Conduct.

(1) With respect to the duties and functions of the Board and the President, the following are the applicable principles:

(a)  It is recognized that the Board has been granted full legal power and authority to manage and control the affairs of the University, and the responsibility for the successful operation of the University and the achievement of the purposes as prescribed in the statutes rests exclusively with the Board.

(b) It is recognized that a distinction must be made between what may, for convenience, be called the “government” of the University, and the “administration” thereof. “Government” may be thought of as the establishment of the principles, the laws and policies, and “administration” as the carrying out and execution of these principles, laws and policies once approved by the Board. Therefore, the interpretation of all Board policies shall rest exclusively with the Board and may be rendered, as necessary, through its designee(s).

(c)  The functions of the Board are concerned with the government of the University; and its duties, in nature, are legislative and at times quasi-judicial. The execution of the policies authorized and established by the Board is confided to the President, Vice Presidents, Chancellors, and other officers of administration of the institution. The Regents must not concern themselves directly with the administration of the University, or individually for collectively take part in administration, provided that it is the responsibility of the Board to satisfy itself, through proper channels, that the principles, laws and policies established by the Board are, in fact, being administered and that the administration is adequate. The term “through proper channels” refers to the obligation of the Board members to secure detailed information or information requiring careful compilation, either through the Secretary of the Board or through the Executive Officer of the Board. It is not intended to place any restriction upon members of the board conversing freely and frankly with any officers or other employees of the University. Any extended or detailed investigation or inquiry on the basis of which it is proposed to predicate board action should, however, be carried on in a formal, orderly manner with the approval of the Board and the knowledge of the President. Ordinarily where assistance is sought of the faculty in major matters of educational policy, the Board will act through the President; and such assistance will come through the academic senate or some committee thereof. Likewise, the administration shall communicate with the Board through the Secretary of the Board and only with permission of the Board’s Chairperson may the administration deal directly with a member of the Board. This is to insure that all Regents have equal access to information and given equal regard for their time and contributions.

(d) No member of the Board shall serve on committees of the University concerned with curriculum and educational problems when a matter is to eventually require the Board’s consideration,nor on any selection committees.

(e)  The primary duty of the Board is first to determine and set forth the objectives of the University, and second, to provide the means, in the form of adequate budget, personnel and materials, to achieve these objectives. In determining the objectives of the University, the assistance of the faculty will be sought and obtained through proper channels. (Sept.12, 1942; Oct. 1, 1942; Oct. 20, 1944; am: Oct. 18, 2002)

University of Hawai‘i System

Excerpt from the BOR Policy, Section 2-2

Section 2-2 Duties of the President

a.  The President shall be the chief executive of the University and shall exercise power under the Board for the government, protection, and advancement of the University on both its educational and its business aspects, in its colleges and subdivisions, and in each of its affairs and interests. All the University faculties shall be under the direction of the President, who shall be ex-officio a member thereof. (Jan. 13, 1966; Oct. 20, 1978)

b.  The President shall be responsible for and perform the following duties:

1)  Direct the development of plans and programs, and recommend policies designed to advance the instructional, research and service goals of the University, its campuses and its colleges.

2)  Maintain effective working relationships between the University and the Governor, Legislature, Federal Government, United States Congress, other government officials, the general public, and among the students, faculty and administration of the various campuses.

3)  Recommend plans and policies for the statewide vocational education programs in public institutions and for post-secondary education programs; and oversee the implementation of the plans and policies adopted to ensure a continuing high caliber of performance in academic, administrative and related activities.

4)  Delegate the day-to-day statewide staff work and coordination of University and University-related functions to the Vice Presidents, Chancellors, and other officers as he/she deems necessary. (am: Sept. 19, 2008)

5)  Delegate the administration and operation of each respective campus to the Chancellor of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, the Chancellor of the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo, the Chancellor of each Community College andthe Chancellor of the University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu. (Oct. 20, 1978; Sept. 17, 1993; am: May 16, 1997; am: Oct. 18, 2002; am: Sept. 19, 2008)

c.  The Board may also prescribe other duties and responsibilities as necessary. (Oct. 20, 1978)

d.  The President’s duty to abide by and apply the policies, rules and regulations adopted by the Board is expressed in the following statement. “The Board of Regents, recognizing that the University of Hawai‘i is a large and complex organization; that many policies, rules and regulations have been adopted or promulgated over the years; that the administration and governance of the University involves many individuals and committees acting in official, administrative or advisory capacities; that questions arise from time to time concerning the interpretation or application of a given policy, rule or regulation; and that the Board’s policy is to exercise control over the University through its Executive Officer, the President of the University, includes the understanding that the President has the principal responsibility to apply the policies, rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Regents. Questions that may arise within the University community concerning the proper application of a policy, rule or regulation are to be resolved by the President of the University, or his/her designee(s), if such resolution is required within the University community, and that all persons performing University functions in official, administrative and advisory capacities, individually or as members of committees, shall be guided by the opinion or ruling of the President or his/her designee(s) with respect to such questions, with the understanding that the interpretation of Board policies rests exclusively with the Board. (Sept. 19, 1974;am: Oct. 18, 2002)