Minutes for Board Meeting 1892nd May 2017 at Newclose Cricket Ground @ 6.30p.m.


Director Chairman:Graham Cooper

Director &Treasurer: Howard Downer

Directors: Hugh Wells, Martyn Richards, Phil Mew, Richard Webb, Ray Winter, Roy Cooper

Secretary Tina Cooper

OMG Chairman/ CDM: Stuart Chatfield

In attendance:-

County Child Welfare Officer: Helen Stone

Minute Secretary: Helen Stone


Hugh Wells

Phil Mew

Helen Stone

2.0 Minutes of the Last MeetingApproved

3.0. Matters Arising (not covered elsewhere)


4.0 Appointment of a Vice Chairman

The Chairman has previously spoken with Phil Mew who has agreed to be nominated as Vice-Chairman (given he was the only other party to stand at the EGM to be Chairman). His appointment was proposed by GC & seconded by MR with unanimous support from the board.

5.0 CDM and OMG Report

The CDM confirmed the appointment of Sophie Wade-Smith on a 5 month contract for the development of Women & Girls cricket especially focusing on the 2 Festivals later in the summer, these are set for Saturday 19th august & Friday 1stSeptember – she started on 24th April & will meeting with the Director for Cricket Development & the CDM this Friday.

The Handbooks are being printed & will be delivered to Newclose this Thursday – the Board members who are umpiring over the weekend will distribute to as many clubs as possible.

A mock-up of the proposed front page for the websitewas shown to the Board with positive response – the CDM is to distribute a PDF with the minutes for further comment / suggestion. The CDM & 3 other directors will have input onto the site once it is set up. It was also suggested selling advertising space which will be followed up.

All Stars is progressing, 44 sign ups on the Island so far with a push until the live dates at the end of the month – based on the Australian model they saw a bit spike in activity over the final 2 weeks to live the date.

The Chairman & CDM will arrange a meeting with the County Child Welfare Officer to ensure we remain compliant in the important areas.

Cricket Fest 2017 has been designed to replace the proposed club open days – more details to follow.

Beach cricket is set for 7th & 13th July in Ryde from 1pm, Kwick cricket Festival in Freshwater is planned for 12th July

6.0Roles and Responsibilities

Initial meetings have taken place – a full report at the next meeting is planned.

7.0IWCB Finance

An update on the actual numbers compared to the budget was provided & reviewed.

The club invoices have been sent out for payment; the Finance Director is away at the end of May so there may be a slight delay in processing coach payments until early June – all holiday pay for 2016 have already been made.

A discussion regarding the fuelling & servicing of the mini bus – the Chairman is going to look into options as we do not receiving discount from the current suppliers.

The Chairman & CDM will meet with the Trustees of Newclose Cricket Ground who wish to formalise the arrangement for use of offices / storage – the view of the Board was that we did not wish to pay any more than we are at present.

8.0 IWCB Pillars

Performance Cricket – The Director has offered his apologies for the meeting. It was raised that some of the Board members had received feedback with the clubs starting to play cricket there was too much cricket at the moment; the Chairman had already had a similar conversation with the Performance Director who will raise it with the Coach.

It was confirmed that we will only send one coach (preferably our salaried coach) to each county game to control costs with the exception of district games (first one at Arreton 14th May) where there will be 2. The games set up with Worcestershire are all away as they have no budget for travel.

Development Cricket – The Director reported that he is going to target meetings with schools & women / girls cricket first. He will meet with CDM / S W-S on Friday & then the schools who are likely to already have monitoring in place regarding games / players.

Island League Committee – The season is underway this week with the T20 competition. It was confirmed that Whitecroft have withdrawn from the all competition due to a lack of players – a number of clubs have already been in contact offering places for the players who are keen to play. Thanks to Ashley Goldsmith for so quickly rearranging the fixtures in Division 2 so quickly

Clubs Committee – A get together or gathering (trying to avoid the term meeting) is proposed for either the 15th or 22nd June when Robert Chambers (ECB facilities manager) will be available. We want to promote the exchanging of ideas to support the wider cricket community. Brading are to be approached to see if they would host the evening.

Meeting closed at 20.45, the next meeting will be 6th June 2017