Action Alert:Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Please contact your city council member today with this message:

  • Dinkytown has a distinct historic character at its heart - the crossroads of 14th Avenue and 4th St SE
  • Experts agree with public voices: protecting its historic character is critical forDinkytown to thrive
  • SUPPORT the Heritage Preservation Commission
  • DENY demolition of buildings in the heart of Dinkytown
  • FINISH the Dinkytownhistoric study and support growth with preservation.

TELL CITY COUNCIL: It IS possible to develop a thriving Dinkytown—while maintaining its historic character.

Public planning can guide growth and attract investment while protecting cherished character.

Please help us keep the heart of Dinkytown, USA alive, to thrive for generations to come.

City council contact information:NOTE – ZP=Zoning and Planning Committee

Ward / City council member / Email / Cmte / Phone
1 / Kevin / Reich / / ZP / 612-673-2201
2 / Cam / Gordon / / 612-673-2202
3 / Jacob / Frey / / 612-673-2203
4 / Barbara / Johnson / / ZP / 612-673-2204
5 / Blong / Yang / / 612-673-2205
6 / Abdi / Warsame / / ZP / 612-673-2206
7 / Lisa / Goodman / / ZP / 612-673-2207
8 / Elizabeth / Glidden / / 612-673-2208
9 / Alondra / Cano / / 612-673-2209
10 / Lisa / Bender / / ZPc / 612-673-2210
11 / John / Quincy / / 612-673-2211
12 / Andrew / Johnson / / ZPvc / 612-673-2212
13 / Linea / Palmisano / / 612-673-2213

What is happening, and why YOUR VOICE matters:

In 2013 planning, expert studies and public voices showed that the historic character of Dinkytown is both widely recognized, and essential for its economic health. At its core, its small, brick buildings create a historic character and its SOLE differentiating feature.

Doran Companies asked for demolition permits for three buildings at the heart of Dinkytown. The Heritage Preservation Commission denied the request, and directed staff to finish a historic designation study. Doran appealed, and now the City Council Zoning and Planning Committee (Th 2/13) and the full Council (Fri 2/21) have to decide.


A key fact for this decision is whether these buildings in Dinkytown are historically significant, and are associated with distinctive elements of neighborhood or city identity.

Findings AboutDinkytown’s Historic Character –Recognized, and Worth Protecting:

The Public Wants to Save Dinkytown for the Generations

Gophers from near and far, old and young, have called the intersection of SE 4th Street and SE 14th Avenue “home” for a time in their lives. They returnto Dinkytown today to re-experience a time in their lives when ideals were vital and opportunities were possible. That time—whether 1955 or 2005—is captured in the sight of these buildings, widely recognizable parts of Dinkytown’s identity. One thousand people spoke passionately about the area’s unique, eclectic and historic characterduring the Dinkytownsmall area planning.

Experts Agree: Historic Character is Critical to Economic Success

Economic studiescommissioned by the City in 2013 show that the health of Dinkytown depends on maintaining its historic character. Dinkytown’s history is its brand, and that brand sustains small, diverse businesses. The studies also point to the buildings in Dinkytown’s historic core as essential elements of its brand and vitality. “Placemaking”—maintaining a unique area identity—will be even more criticalto Dinkytownas the pre-WWI business district competes with the post-LRT development in other University District commercial hubs like Stadium Village and the West Bank.

Guidelines forThoughtful Development, Not Reckless Demolition

The current DinkytownSmall Area Plan proposesexpandingthe commercial area to the blocks surrounding the historic core, still relying on that core to maintain the character of Dinkytownto differentiate and sustain it. The plan also recommends defining the historic assets clearly and adopting design guidelines;that kind of planning and certainty attracts investment. The City has almost completed a historic study of Dinkytown to provide clarity and ensure Dinkytown’s assets are protected as it grows, and the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission directed staff to get that study done.

Dinkytown can grow and thrive—with thoughtful development and growth that gives back—not reckless demolition. That is good for business, and good for the city.

THANK YOU for acting to protect Dinkytown’s future as a thriving, vibrant place.