/ SIUE Study Abroad Program in Seville
Tentative Dates: May 27 - June 25, 2011

Courses: All participating students will take the same two courses and earn 6 credit hours at SIUE. One will be taught by SIUE’s Joaquin FloridoBerrocal, Assistant Professor of Spanish (for which students will be assessed SIUE tuition) and the other taught bya CEA Global Campus Seville instructor (for which students will be assessed only the $75 study abroad fee).

The courses are:
SPAN 454 LITERATURA ANDALUZA (3 credits) - taught by Dr. Joaquin FloridoBerrocal
"POPULAR CULTURE IN SPAIN/ANDALUCIA" - CEA Global Campus in Seville course (for which students will earn 3 credit hours in either SPAN 311 or SPAN 491 at SIUE). --If you have taken credit for both of these courses talk to Dr. Florido.--
Program Fee: $3050 (with at least 10 participants)
Program fee includes:

  • CEA course (Popular Culture in Spain/Andalusia)
  • Airport pickup at San Pablo Airport in Seville, orientation program and welcome reception
  • Housing in homestayaccomodations including three meals per day with the family
  • 2 day-trip excursions within Spain
  • Various cultural activities such as tapas tasting, flamenco show
  • HTH Worldwide Insurance Plan.
  • Cell phone rental (outgoing calls paid by student)
    Additional Costs Not Included in Program Fee:
  • 3 hours SIUE tuition for SIUE course taught by Dr. Florido: SPAN 454 (assessed on Summer 2011 bursar bill)
  • $75 SIUE study abroad fee (assessed on Summer 2011 bursar bill)
  • Airfare to Seville, Spain (student will make their own flight arrangements)
  • Incidental expenses and personal spending
  • Optional overnight excursion to Granada $375

Priority Application Deadline: January 18, 2011
To apply submit the following items to Dr. Joaquin FloridoBerrocal:
1) SIUE Travel Study Application Form to be found at
2) 1 - 2 page essay discussing your reasons for wanting to participate in this program.
For additional information, please contact the faculty program leader:Dr. Joaquin FloridoBerrocal, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature PH 2331, 650-2991;