Updated May 2017

Approved 4/20/2010


Table of Contents


1.01Association Name

1.02Non-Profit Status



2.01Composition of the Board of Directors

2.02Role of Board of Directors

2.03Role of Executive Board

2.04Elections/Appointments of Board of Directors


2.06Good Standing

2.07Duties of Executive Board

2.08Duties of Head Coaches – Each Has One Vote (if in Good Standing).

2.09Duties of Voting Members – Each Has One Vote (if in Good Standing).


3.01Board Meetings

3.02Rules and Procedures of Meetings

3.03Order of Business

3.04Proxy Voting


4.01Standing Committees

4.02Ad Hoc Committees


5.01Selection of Head Coach


5.03Head Coach Qualifications

5.04Duties of Head Coach

5.05Assistant Coach Qualifications

5.06Duties of Assistant Coaches

5.07Coaches Conduct


6.01Amendments to Bylaws

ARTICLE SEVEN Affiliations

7.01Affiliations and League Play



9.01First Aid


10.01Selection Process

Attachment A Peters Township Parks & Recreation Department Philosophy of Youth Sports


Attachment C Coach’s Code of Ethics

Approved 4/20/2010




1.01Association Name

The name of this organization shall be called the Peters Township Junior Football Association (PTJFA).

1.02Non-Profit Status

The PTJFA shall be a non-profit association. Accordingly, the funds and assets of the PTJFA shall be used solely for the furtherance of its Objectives. No substantial part of the activities of the PTJFA shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the PTJFA shall not participate in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. No part of the PTJFA’s funds, assets, or earnings shall inure to the benefit of or be distributed to any member, officer, or other private person, except that the PTJFA shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of its Objectives. Upon the dissolution of this PTJFA, no surplus funds/assets of the PTJFA may be used for private inurement to any person; rather, any such funds/assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(3)(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal, state or local government for a public purpose.


The PTJFA supports the PetersTownshipPark and Recreation Department 's statement of their Philosophy and Goals for Youth Sports Programs, their Youth Exemplifying Sportsmanship Initiative, and their Sportsmanship Pledge and Guidelines for Enforcement of the Sportsmanship Pledge (Attachment A). The PTJFA fully agrees that the purpose of our program is to encourage and develop in children a love for football in a safe and positive environment, while teaching skill development, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Thus, the PTJFA shall have the following Objectives:

  1. Promotion of clean, wholesome competition in association with a high standard of athletics.
  2. Address the physical, social and emotional developmental needs of children.
  3. Encourage participation in sports as a means to develop a healthy lifestyle, learning sportsmanship and having fun.
  4. Learn and master the fundamentals of the game.
  5. Continue a positive relationship with the PetersTownshipHigh School staff.



2.01Composition of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of the following:

  1. Executive Board consisting of the following Officers:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Operating Secretary
  • Recording Secretary
  • Treasurer
  1. Head Coaches
  2. Voting Members who shall consist of the following:
  • Director of Equipment and Fields
  • Assistant Director of Equipment of Fields
  • Webmaster/Information Coordinator
  • Route 19 Representative
  • Assistant Route 19 Representative
  • Fundraising Director
  • Assistant Fundraising Director
  • At Large Representatives – up to three (3)
  • Any parent that attends 7 out of 12 PTJFA meetings within a calendar year will be entitled one vote (voting member). This starts on 01/01/2014. Attendance will be documented within meeting minute’s document monthly.

All Voting Members (except the Webmaster/Information Coordinator and the Director of Equipment and Fields) must have a child participating in a PTFJA sponsored program. However, this rule will be suspended in the event that no volunteer with a child in the program is nominated to fill a particular position.

2.02Role of Board of Directors

Shall include but not be limited to the following:

  1. Budget, equipment, fields
  2. Association rules, Bylaws
  3. Appoint At-Large Representatives

2.03Role of Executive Board

The Executive Board shall run the day-to-day operations of the PTJFA, select coaches, appoint committee chairs, interpret Bylaws, and implement directives of the Board of Directors.

2.04Elections/Appointments of Board of Directors

  1. Election of Executive Board

The election of the Executive Board shall be held annually at the regularly scheduled meeting in December. Nominations/volunteers for said positions shall be made annually. The Operating Secretary will accept candidate names up to one (1) week prior to the regularly scheduled December meeting at which time ballots will be distributed to all Board members. Those eligible to vote shall be the members of the Board of Directors in Good Standing as defined by the Bylaws. In the event of a tie, there shall be a re-vote. If there is still a tie after the re-vote the current Executive Board will vote to break the tie. All terms are for one (1) year.

  1. Appointment of Head Coaches

See Article Five.

  1. Appointment of Director and Assistant Director of Equipment and Fields

The PTJFA Board of Directors shall appoint the Director of Equipment and Fields, no later than the January regularly scheduled meeting each year.

  1. Appointment of Communication Director

The PTJFA Board of Directors shall appoint the Communication Director, no later than the January regularly scheduled meeting each year.

  1. Appointment of the South Hills Youth Football Representative (SHYFL) and Alternate Representative

The PTJFA Board of Directors shall appoint the SHYFL Representative and Alternate Representative no later than the January regularly scheduled meeting..

In the event that the PTJFA SHYFL Representative is elected to the SHYFL Board of Directors, they shall retain voting privileges for the duration of their term as a SHYFL Board member. The PTJFA Board shall appoint a replacement to serve as PTJFA’s representative to SHYFL.

  1. Appointment of the Fundraising and Assistant Fundraising Director

The PTJFA Board of Directors shall appoint the Fundraising Director no later than the May regularly scheduled meeting each year.

  1. Election of At Large Representatives - up to three (3)

The election of the At Large Representatives shall be held annually at a regularly scheduled meeting no later than February. Nominations/volunteers for said positions shall be made annually. The Operating Secretary will accept candidate names up to one (1) week prior to the regularly scheduled February meeting at which time ballots will be distributed to all Board members. Those eligible to vote shall be the members of the Board of Directors in Good Standing as defined by the Bylaws. In the event of a tie, there shall be a re-vote. If there is still a tie after the re-vote the current Executive Board will vote to break the tie. All terms are for one (1) year.


Should a vacancy on the Board of Directors occur during the year, the vacancy shall be filled at the next regularly scheduled meeting by election of the Board of Directors or by emergency meeting to the extent necessary.


The Board of Directors may remove any other member of the Board for failure to fulfill the Board member’s duties, by a vote of a majority of the Board in Good Standing.

2.06Good Standing

A Member of the Board of Directors shall be considered to be in Good Standing as long as the Board member has not been removed and has not missed 3 consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the Board during the Board member’s term (since their election/appointment date). All Board of Directors must attend any emergency meetings unless the Executive Board excuses the member’s absence.

If a Board member is absent from 3 consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the Board, the Board member is not entitled to vote until they have attended 3 consecutive Board meetings. Their presence at a third consecutive meeting reestablishes their Good Standing and they may vote at that meeting.

2.07Duties of Executive Board

  1. President – Has One Vote (if in Good Standing).

During the President’s one-year term, the President shall:

  • Preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors;
  • Shall enforce the observance of these Bylaws;
  • Recommend improvements to the Peters Township Junior Football Program;
  • Act as liaison between the PTJFA and the Head Varsity Football Coach and the PetersTownshipParks and Recreation Board;
  • Obtain appropriate field permits from PetersTownshipParks and Recreation Department.
  • Over see and appoint any ad-hoc committees
  • Have any other powers delegated to him and deemed necessary by the Board.
  1. Vice-President – Has One Vote (if in Good Standing).

During the Vice-President’s one-year term, the Vice-President shall:

  • Preside in the absence of the President;
  • Preside over registration with the Operating Secretary
  • Preside over the annual team selection process;
  • Be responsible for confirming that game officials are aware of the Peters home game schedule for the week (times, fields, etc.) and will be present for all home games.
  • Coordinate the selection of one Sportsmanship Committee representative for each age division (6 & 7 year-olds, 8 & 9 year-olds and 10 & 11 year-olds). The team Sportsmanship Committee Representative can be a Team Parent but cannot be a Head Coach, first assistant coach or any other member of the Board of Directors.
  • Receive all complaints of misconduct or protests from the Sportsmanship Committee representatives.
  • Along with Sportsmanship Committee representatives, make recommendations for action to the Executive Board.
  • Act as a liaison between all Team Parents and the Executive Board.
  • Perform any special duties delegated by the Executive Board.
  1. Operating Secretary – Has One Vote (if in Good Standing).

During the Operating Secretary’s one-year term, the Operating Secretary shall:

  • Prepare an agenda for all PTJFA meetings;
  • Retain custody of all papers belonging to the PTJFA;
  • Organize and manage the annual player registration process
  • Assist the Vice President with the annual team selection process
  • Assist the Webmaster/Information Coordinator in keeping members informed
  • Handle all correspondence for the PTJFA;
  • Submit annual incident/accident report to the Parks and Recreation Department by the end of the calendar year.
  • Provide Rt. 19 with team rosters, and master home game schedule
  • Annually renew the general liability/D & O insurance policy;
  • Receive/record all nominations.
  1. Recording Secretary – Has One Vote (if in Good Standing).

During the Recording Secretary’s one-year term, the Recording Secretary shall:

  • Keep an accurate record of all meetings including attendance and provide written monthly minutes, attendance reports, and agendas for each regular and special meeting (these will be made available to all PTJFA members).
  • Assist the Operating Secretary with the annual registration process
  • Collect game scores from Head Coaches and report game scores to Rt. 19 and to the Webmaster for posting online
  • Assist the Webmaster/Information Coordinator in keeping members informed
  1. Treasurer – Has One Vote (if in Good Standing).

During the Treasurer’s one-year term, the Treasurer shall:

  • Keep an accurate account of all income and expenditures;
  • Maintain all PTJFA funds and accounts;
  • Provide a written financial report monthly at the regular meeting.
  • Maintain a checking account in the name of the PTJFA.
  • Make all deposits and withdrawals to bank accounts.
  • Serve as a liaison with Emergency Medical Services personnel.
  • Arrange for payments to officials and emergency personnel hired by PTJFA
  • With the help of Committees, be responsible for yearly budgets.

All checks drawn from the treasury in excess of $250 and not allocated in the budget must be signed by the Treasurer and co-signed by the President or Vice-President. Those checks under $250 or approved by budget may be signed by the Treasurer only.

All expenditures in excess of $500 must be co-signed by the President or Vice-President and must have Board approval. There shall be no exceptions. Any person making an unauthorized expenditure will be held financially responsible.

Any funds raised by special committees or events will be turned over to the Treasurer along with an accurate written report.

2.08Duties of Head Coaches – Each Has One Vote (if in Good Standing).

See Article Five.

2.09Duties of Voting Members – Each Has One Vote (if in Good Standing).

  1. Director and Assistant Director of Equipment and Fields

During his/her one-year term, the Director and Assistant Director of Equipment and Fields shall:

  • Attend all meetings of the PTJFA.
  • Coordinate cutting and lining of fields prior to 1st official season practice and prior to all regularly scheduled games and any playoff games.
  • Schedule and track equipment refurbishment on an annual basis.
  • Schedule distribution of equipment during pre-season.
  • Track all equipment belonging to the PTJFA throughout the year.
  • Provide a complete and final inventory of PTJFA equipment on an annual basis in writing at the conclusion of the regular season, and no later than the regular meeting the following February.
  1. Communication Director

During the Communication Director’s one-year term, the Communication Director shall:

  • Attend regularly scheduled meetings of the PTJFA.
  • Design, update and maintain the PTJFA official website.
  • Design, publish, and distribute a PTJFA newsletter
  • Distribute information to PTJFA’s membership via e-mail and maintain an e-mail address list for this purpose.
  • Communicate website and newsletter issues to the PTJFA Board of Directors.
  • Responsible for website security and passwords.
  1. South Hills Youth Football League
  • Attend all PTJFA Board Meetings.
  • Attend all SHYFL League meetings.
  • Communicate discussions, decisions, and the minutes of the SHYFL league meetings to the members of the PTJFA Board of Directors.
  • Represent the best interests of the PTJFA to SHYFL League Board of Directors.
  1. Fundraising and Assistant Fundraising Director
  • Attend all PTJFA Board Meetings.
  • Develop an annual fundraising plan including establishing fundraising goals.
  • Coordinate all fundraising activities throughout the year.
  1. At Large Representatives – up to three (3), each with one vote
  • Attend all PTJFA Board Meetings.
  • Perform designated responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Board to support the mission and growth of PTJFA.


3.01Board Meetings

  1. Timing
  • All regularly scheduled meetings will be open to the public and will be held on the third Tuesday of the month, unless otherwise scheduled by the President.
  • The first scheduled meeting of each year will be held on the third Tuesday in January.
  • The Board has the power to change dates of any meeting or call special meetings.
  • There shall be at least one meeting per month throughout the year. During the season, the Board may schedule additional meetings as necessary.
  1. Emergency Meetings
  • Emergency meetings can be held upon request of the President.
  • The content of the emergency meeting will be limited to the reason for the emergency request.
  • The Operating Secretary shall send written notices to all Board members prior to the commencement of an emergency meeting.
  1. Quorums
  • A quorum at all meetings (annual, regular, emergency or otherwise) constitutes the presence of at least one half (1/2) plus one (1) of those eligible to vote (“Quorum Number”).
  • The Quorum Number will be based on the number of Voting Members in Good Standing (Executive Board members, Head Coaches and other Voting Members). This number may vary from year to year.
  1. Agenda
  • Written request regarding PTJFA concerns must be submitted to the Operating Secretary prior to the meeting in order to appear on the agenda. No written request = no floor to address.

3.02Rules and Procedures of Meetings

Robert’s Rules of Order (the most recent edition) shall govern the proceedings of all meetings.

3.03Order of Business

Any meeting shall proceed in the following manner:

  • Roll call
  • Approval of minutes of prior meeting (including additions or deletions)
  • Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report
  • Updates from voting members and standing committees as necessary
  • Old/New Business
  • Adjournment.

3.04Proxy Voting

Proxy voting will be permitted with proper proxy form (available from the Operating Secretary). There will be no proxy voting by phone or alternate person.


4.01Standing Committees

The following Standing Committees shall be established by the PTJFA:

  • Fields
  • Equipment
  • Sportsmanship
  • Fundraising

At the discretion of the Board, Committee Directors/members may be persons that are not members of the Board of Directors.

4.02Ad Hoc Committees

The Board may, from time to time, establish an Ad Hoc Committee to address a relevant issue, opportunity or problem. Members of an Ad Hoc Committee do not have to be Board members. The Executive Board may dissolve an Ad Hoc Committee once the purpose of the Ad Hoc Committee is accomplished.


Coaches volunteer their time to teach players the skills, disciplines and conduct that make for good sportsmanship. The coach is vital to the success of the program. As such, the coach must uphold the Bylaws and the League rules and regulations, or face suspension or expulsion. There should be solidarity among coaches as to goals, with emphasis on the PLAYERS’ welfare, interest, and attitudes that the players will learn by observing their coach. Therefore all rules/guidelines must be observed.