Ch 8: America Secedes from the Empire (1775–1783)

People to Know

Identify and state the historical significance of the following:

George Washington / Benedict Arnold / John Burgoyne
Charles Cornwallis / Thomas Paine / Richard Henry Lee
Horatio Gates / John Paul Jones / Thomas Jefferson
Marquis de Lafayette / Admiral de Grasse / Patrick Henry
John Jay / Abigail Adams / George III

Terms to Know

Define and state the historical significance of the following:

Mercenaries / Natural rights / Privateering
Republicanism / Natural aristocracy / Popular consent
Civic virtue / Second
Continental Congress / Common Sense
Declaration of Independence / Loyalists/Tories / Patriots/Whigs
Treaty of Paris of 1783 / Bunker Hill / Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Yorktown / Hessians

Know the following map:

Reading Questions:

  1. When & Why did the Second Continental Congress meet?
  2. What was the most important single action of the Second Continental Congress?
  3. Create a timeline & know the chronological order of the following:

Lexington and Concord / Publication of
Common Sense / convening of the Second Continental Congress
Adoption of the Declaration of Independence / Treaty of Paris of 1783 / Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Bunker Hill / Battle of Yorktown / Battle of Trenton
Battle of Long Island / Battle of Charleston /

“Give me Liberty or

Give Me Death”
  1. As commander of America's Revolutionary army, George Washington exhibited what characteristics?
  2. The Revolutionary War began with fighting in ______; then in 1777–1778, fighting was concentrated in ______; and the fighting concluded in ______. (General Location)
  3. Why did the colonial army eventually lose the Battle of Bunker Hill?
  4. What was The Olive Branch Petition?
  5. Why did the colonists delayed declaring their independence until July 4, 1776?
  6. What was the main purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
  7. In a republic, power comes from?
  8. What was the purpose of Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense?
  9. What were Thomas Paine arguments about government officials?
  10. “These United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states…” was introduced into the Second Continental Congress by Virginia delegate?
  11. What did Americans consider to be fundamental for any successful republican government?
  12. Who privately advocated equality for women?

Americans who opposed independence for the colonies were labeled ______or ______, and the independence-seeking Patriots were also known as ______.

  1. In what ways did the Patriot militia played a crucial role in the Revolution?
  2. Describe the characteristics of those Americans who continued to support the crown after independence had been declared?
  3. Why did many Americans remained loyalists during the Revolution?
  4. What happened to the Loyalists after the Revolutionary War?
  5. What did the colonial Loyalists do the help the British?
  6. Why did General William Howe did not pursue and defeat George Washington's army after the Battle of Long Island?
  7. How did George Washington help restore confidence in America's military?
  8. What was the strategy of the British in 1777?
  9. What were basic principles of the “Model Treaty”?
  10. Why was the Battle of Saratoga was a key victory for the Americans?
  11. Why did the French come to America's aid in the Revolution?
  12. Who was the American diplomat that negotiated the “Model Treaty” with France?
  13. The Armed Neutrality League was started by?
  14. The commander of French troops in America was?
  15. Describe the French aid to the colonies?
  16. When & Why did General Benedict Arnold turn traitor?
  17. Where did the colonists suffer their heaviest losses of the Revolutionary War?
  18. Why did some Indian nations join the British during the Revolutionary War?
  19. The Treaty of Fort Stanwix, the first treaty between the United States and an Indian nation, resulted in?
  20. What contribution did seagoing “privateers” make during the Revolutionary War?
  21. Why did fighting continue after the British defeat at Yorktown?
  22. American diplomats to the peace negotiations in Paris in 1782-1783 were instructed by the Second Continental Congress to do?
  23. Why did Britain give America generous terms in the Treaty of Paris?