JacobHespelerSecondary School – Business Department

Grade 12 Canadian and International Law

Course Description

This course explores elements of Canadian law and the role of law in social, political, and global contexts. Students will learn about the connection between the historical and philosophical sources of law and issues in contemporary society. They will also learn to analyze legal issues and cases, conduct independent research, and communicate the results of the inquiries in a variety of ways.

Course Information

Course Title: / Canadian and International Law, Grade 12 University Preparation
Grade: / 12
Course Type: / University
Course Hours: / 110 Hours
Prerequisite: / Any university, college, or university/college preparation course in Canadian and world studies, English, or the social sciences and humanities.
Course Code: / CLN 4U
Credit Value: / 1
Ministry Document: / Ministry of Education: The Ontario Curriculum: Grades 11 and 12 Canadian and World Studies.The curriculum document is available at

Course Units

Unit # / Description / Weight (100%)
1 / Heritage / 15%
2 / Rights and Freedoms / 15%
3 / Criminal Law Procedures / 15%
4 / Regulation and Dispute Resolution / 15%
5 / Methods of Legal Inquiry and Communication / 10%
6 / Summative Essay for the Course (15%) Exam (15%) / 30%

Essential Course Components

To be successful in this course you must be able to demonstrate all of the following knowledge and skills:

  • Evaluate different concepts, principles, philosophies, and theories of law and their history and relevance to contemporary society
  • Describe the relationship between law and societal values
  • Evaluate the influence of individual and collective action on the evolution of law
  • Describe the historical development of human rights legislation and constitutional law as well as the evolution of law in Canada
  • Explain the rights and responsibilities of individuals under the Canadian constitution
  • Analyze the conflicts and resolutions between majority and minority rights and responsibilities in Canada
  • Analyze theories about criminal conduct and behavior, as well as defining crime in Canada
  • Understand the Canadian legal system including the criminal trial process, components of the legal system and competing concepts of justice in Canada
  • Analyze the legal system and how it protects the rights of employers and employees
  • Explain major concepts and principles behind international law
  • Explain factors that influence the enforcement, interpretation and framing of global law difficult


Late and Missing Assignments: It is important for students to develop good personal management skills (such as time management and planning). These skills will be reflected in the learning skills area of the report card. All of the above listed skills/assignments in the Essential Course Components checklist must be submitted and/or demonstrated in order to earn this credit.

Attendance: Attendance in classes is an important part of learning, and absences should be avoided. When a student is absent, a parent/guardian must call the school’s attendance line on the date of absence, or provide a note explaining the absence for the student to submit the following day. Students are responsible for what they missed during their absence.

Cheating and Plagiarism: It is important for students to do their own best work. Most assignments for this class are done within the classroom, observed by the teacher, and this helps to minimize the chances of cheating and plagiarism. In the event that cheating or plagiarism occurs, the following consequences may be implemented, in consultation with administration, depending on the situation:

  1. The student may be required to redo all or part of the assignment or assessment.
  2. The student may be required to complete an alternate assignment or assessment.
  3. The student’s work may be treated as a missed assignment.

There may also be other consequences that are determined to be appropriate (e.g. detention, suspension, etc.) as per the school’s progressive discipline process. Parents/guardians will be informed about the infraction and the consequences.

Please refer to your student handbook for more details on these policies and other academic procedures.


Please sign below indicating you have read and understand the requirements for successful completion of this course.

Student / Parent/Guardian
Date / Date

Please indicate how you would prefer to be contacted for updates on your student’s progress: