The July meeting of the Jefferson Township Historical Society will be held on Saturday, July 18, 2015 at 10:00 am in the White Church Building located in Eldersville on Fire Road across from the fire hall. You can key into a GPS the address of 11 Fire Road, Burgettstown, PA 15021.

“Metal Detecting – A Unique Way to Save History” will be presented by Gary Adams, and his metal detecting partner- Rob Hilt. Both Gary and Rob have been detecting together for about a year. They have had the pleasure and opportunity to hunt many private homes dating back into the early 1800’s. During the winter months when the ground is frozen they spend a lot of time researching potential areas to hunt. They pride themselves on being respectful towards the owners and properties they are given permission to detect. They both belong to several different forums in which they are able to find new methods to research and greatly help with the identification of their finds. The most important principle value they both strongly believe in is the educational aspect of their hobby. They strive to teach others of their research, share their finds and most importantly they do this strictly as a hobby-nothing gets sold for profit. They have found significant historical pieces to include coins dating back to the 1700’s, a War of 1812 naval coat button and a prized possession of a Shako Hat Plate from the War of 1812 which will be featured in American Digger Magazine in its spring issue. If property owners do not want the relics they find, they proudly display them in shadow boxes. They are very excited to share their method of research, detecting techniques and their historical finds. Refreshments will be available and you do not need to be a member to attend the meetings.


A SECOND CHANCE to get a bargain at the “INSIDE” YARD SALE

The annual Yard Sale was rained out, so it has been rescheduled. You are being given a second chance to get a huge bargain at the “inside” Yard Sale on Saturday, July 11 only from 9:00 to 3:00 inside the White Church Building and also inside the new storage building in Eldersville. This Yard Sale will be held whether or not it rains because it will be inside. The White Church is air conditioned and handicapped accessible. Plan to have plenty of time to browse and buy. If you have any questions, please call President Jean Baltich 304 748 6376 or Dave Choman 724 947 2116.

AUGUST PROGRAM “What Happened to the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence?” will be the focus of the August program presented by guest speaker Deborah Davis. She retired recently after having worked 7 years for the law firm of Peacock-Keller and then 40 years at The Washington Hospital as an executive secretary to the President and CEO. She joined the Daughters of the American Revolution in 1972 and has served various positions at the State level, including State Regent of PSSDAR 2010-2013, and several national vice-chairmanships. As part of the speaker’s bureau, Deborah has a power point presentation on “What Happened to the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence?” Circle August 15 on your calendar now to attend this educational and history focused meeting.