2011-2012 Mandatory Training Frequently Asked Questions

Updated: 1/24/11

Has there been a change to the Training Requirements?

Yes. A new National Training Standard will be implemented in 20 BSA Councils across the USA, beginning in 2010, and then nationally in 2012. The Grand Canyon Council has elected to participate in the pilot program.

What is happening?

Position training has become mandatory, for all Top Leaders, in order to be re-registered in their respective units, at the end of first quarter 2011. Top leaders include Scoutmasters, Cubmasters, Varsity Coaches, Venture Crew Advisors, Explorer Post Advisors and Sea Scout Skippers.

Training has become mandatory for all direct contact leaders, in order to re-register, by the end of 2011. Direct-contact leaders include assistant unit leaders (ASM, ACM) and all den leaders.

All other adult volunteers (Committee Chairmen, Committee members, Charter Organization Reps) must complete appropriate training by the end of 2012

Why are we doing this?

The BSA has discovered over the years that the retention of both Scouts and leaders is significantly better if the leaders have been trained in the job they currently hold.

What training is mandatory?

Basic Leader Training comprises four parts:

ü Fast Start training, to be completed immediately after a new leader registers and before meeting with any youth member,

ü Youth Protection Training, to be repeated every two years,

ü “This Is Scouting” and

ü Leader Specific training, which is based on the leader's unit-level position.


ü Outdoor Leader Skills Training – Boy Scouts and Varsity only.

(Needs to be taken once but a refresher is recommended every 5 years)

More information on what classes are required to be considered trained in your program and position is here: http://www.grandcanyonbsa.org/training

How often do I need to attend training classes?

Each level of scouting requires its own training (i.e. Boys Scouts, Cub Scouts, Varsity and Venturing.) If a volunteer serves in the same scouting volunteer job for longer than 5 years, it is recommended that he or she attend the training again, to “refresh the skills” and update the information.

Where do I go for training?

There is a Council Training Committee which assists in setting up and monitoring all Training classes held in our council as well as making sure all courses are taught by competent, qualified instructors, according to national standards. In addition, each of the 22 districts in the Grand Canyon Council has a District Training Chairman who oversees the training course offered in each district.

The council has setup a website for information on classes and schedules see: http://www.grandcanyonbsa.org/training For general information or to enroll in the various online courses, go to http://www.scouting.org/training/Adult

How do I know if the Council has me recorded as trained?

The Grand Canyon Council keeps a record of all training done within the council. In addition, the unit roster you receive from the Council after each re-charter (filed at year end and returned early the next year) indicates if the records show the unit leader is trained. You can obtain a current unit roster from your District Executive or via Internet Advancement at https://scoutnet.scouting.org/iadv Individuals can see a record of what online training has been completed by clicking on Training Validation at http://myscouting.org

During the year, the District Training Chairmen will have access to a “Trained, Not Trained” report for their units. Additionally, an online training survey will be available from our council training webpage at www.grandcanyonbsa.org/training where you can update your training record at council.

How much time do I have to get trained?

Top leaders for each unit will need to be trained by the end of the first quarter of 2011. Top leaders are Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Varsity Coaches, and Venturing crew Advisors, Explorer Post Advisors and Sea Scout Skippers.

All direct contact leaders will need to be trained by charter renewal time at the end of 2011, in order to be re-registered. Direct-contact leaders include assistant unit leaders (ASM, ACM) and all den leaders.

All other adults associated with, and currently registered in, each unit will need to be trained by charter renewal time in 2012. This includes all Top Leaders, all direct contact leaders as well as Committee Chairmen, Charter Organization Reps, Committee Members, etc.

Do I have to wait to complete the training until the end of the year?

No. You can, and should, complete the training for the job you hold in Scouting, as soon as possible. All new volunteers should be trained in their respective roles within 180 days of taking on the job.

Will training be ‘grandfathered’ in?

Yes. If you are trained in the job you currently volunteer for, you are trained for this initiative if all of the following are completed: (Please note the following time limits on basic training courses)

1. Fast Start for your program (only needs to be taken once) (online course)

2. This is Scouting (only needs to be taken once) (online course)

3. Youth Protection Training (needs to be taken every 2 years) (online course)

4. Program level Leader Specific Training (needs to be taken once per position or when you change programs – Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts for example requires new training) A refresher is recommended every 5 years.

5. Outdoor Leader Skills Training – Boy Scouts and Varsity (only needs to be taken once). Experienced leaders who have not taken this training have the option of attempting to test out. If interested in this option, contact Bill Nelson at

What about new leaders?

New leaders have 6 months to become trained. Each district offers classes in Leader Specific training in the spring and fall, and more classes will be offered in 2010 and beyond (it is anticipated we will have a course per month, somewhere in the council, as needed to meet the demand). The online courses are offered continuously. (1-3 above)

Are committee members affected by this policy?

Committee members and Charter Organization reps are not covered by the 2011 program. As of this time it is expected they will be required to complete training for these jobs by year end 2012 in order to re-register.

What about Merit Badge Counselors?

Merit Badge Counselors are required to take Youth Protection Training (online) prior to working with any youth. Training is located at www.myscouting.org and there is further information for them at www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/GuideforMeritBadgeCounselors.aspx

We normally register Scouts who age out at 18 as Asst. Scoutmasters, must they be trained?
All Assistant Scoutmasters, no matter their age must be trained to reregister at the end of 2011.

If I took Cub Scout Leader Specific Training as a Wolf Den Leader, do I need to take it again as a Cub Master?

It is required that Scouters take Cub Scout Specific again when you change positions within the pack (e.g., moving from Bear to Webelos or Tiger to Wolf, etc.), since there are separate modules for different positions. Since Wolf and Bear share the same training class module, you do not need to go through training again moving between these two program areas. Cub Scout Leader Specific Training is available online at: www.myscouting.org .

I know I completed my training, but the council records don’t confirm this. What do I do?

If your training was within the last five years, fill out the training survey form at http://www.grandcanyonbsa.org/training and submit it to council.

If your training was over five years ago, it is highly recommended that you retake the training. Significant changes have been made in all programs within the last few years.

What will happen in 2011 if the top leader is not trained?

Starting in the winter of 2011, if the Top Leader and Direct Contact Leaders are not trained, those individuals cannot be re-registered for 2012. Without a TRAINED, registered top leader, the unit will not be able to be re-chartered unless they replace the Top Leader.

What will happen in 2012 if the Committee Chair is not trained?

Starting in the winter of 2012, if a committee member is not trained, they will not be able to be registered. Any leaders not able to register, for training reasons, will need to be replaced by qualified, trained leaders on the charter for the upcoming year.

If I was trained in a different council how do I get it recorded at Grand Canyon?

If your training was within the last five years, fill out the form at http://www.grandcanyonbsa.org/training and submit it to council.

If your training was over five years ago, retake the training. Significant changes have been made in all programs within the last five years.

I would like to take online training but do not have a membership ID. What can I do?

You can take the training without a membership ID. You can complete the account creation process in MyScouting without entering your member ID. Enter it at a later date by logging on to MyScouting and clicking My Profile Click Modify Profile, and then click Modify Membership Information. Enter your member ID, scroll down to the bottom of the form, and click Submit. Your training will then be credited to your BSA member ID and unit. Need assistance? E-mail and include your user name (normally your email address) and contact information. Please include your council name (Grand Canyon) and headquarters city (Phoenix). You will receive a response by the close of business on the day following your inquiry.

How do I get my member ID?

Make sure your registration paperwork has been turned in and you are registered. All registered members have a member ID. Your member ID is located on your BSA membership card. You can also contact your local council to obtain this information. Additionally, you can contact your unit's Internet Advancement processor who can log on to Internet Advancement and obtain your member ID from the unit roster.

Will more classes be offered?

Classes are going to be added throughout the year. Check the Salt River District Calendar at www.azscout.org frequently. But don’t procrastinate; Fall of 2011 will be here before you know it!

Where can I go for help with this program?

For advice, guidance and mentoring, please contact your District Training Staff, the council training committee or the District Executive. There is a great deal of information on the Council website at www.grandcanyonbsa.org/training or the national website at www.scouting.org/training

If you have any questions, contact: Bill Nelson at 480 235-7749 or

Remember – Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader!

1/24/2011 Salt River District – Grand Canyon Council Page 2 of 4