Center for Sharing Public Health Services

Self-Assessment of Cross-Jurisdictional Sharing Initiative Maturity

Self-Assessment of Cross-Jurisdictional Sharing Initiative Maturity

Context and history / The partnersdiscussed all potential areas of sharing that should be considered. /

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Context and history / The partners agreed about the issues that should NOT be considered because of lack of support. The partners know the boundaries of this initiative. /

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Context and history / The motivations of each key partner are clear. /

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Context and history / The model of sharing being considered has the support of stakeholders, policymakers, and those affected by the CJS initiative. /

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Context and history / An analysis of possible strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats (SWOT) to consider in the development of the new initiative’s action plan has been conducted by the key partners. /

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Context and history / The partners considered lessons learned from past CJS initiatives. /

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Context and history / There is a well-established, high level of trust among the CJS initiative partners. /

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Governance / The governance structure has clearly specified roles and responsibilities of each member organization, including the lead agency/fiscal agent. /

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Governance / The governance structure clearly articulates member decision-making responsibilities for goals, objectives, data collection, budget, and future planning. /

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Governance / The governance structure sets up conditions for continually improving communications, relationships and outcomes. /

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Governance / The organizational structure is adequate to assure proper management of the CJS initiative. /

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Governance / Conflict resolution is addressed in the governance structure or agreement. /

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Governance / There is an oversight committee that has the knowledge to evaluate if the shared services, programs or functions are happening as planned. /

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Fiscal and service implications / The CJS initiative strives for increasing both efficiency and effectiveness. /

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Fiscal and service implications / The implementation plan assures a service level that meets or exceeds current levels of performance. /

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Fiscal and service implications / The implementation plan assures a quality of service that satisfactorily meets expectations of alljurisdictions. /

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Fiscal and service implications / Flexibility is honored for services that need to be tailored to each jurisdiction. /

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Legal sharing agreement / The CJS initiative is governed by a written document executed by the governing body with the authority to enter into such an agreement. /

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Legal sharing agreement / The agreement articulates who will have the authority to make decisions. /

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Legal sharing agreement / The agreement is clear about who will have the authority for staffing decisions. /

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Legal sharing agreement / The agreement articulates who will have the authority to allocate resources. /

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Legal sharing agreement / The agreement articulates the financial commitment of each partner. /

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Legal sharing agreement / The agreement is clear about how and when a partner can opt out of the agreement. /

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Legal issues / Issues related to personnel and vendor contracts (e.g., benefits, collective bargaining agreements, procurement processes, travel policies, residency requirements, information sharing, etc.) have been addressed. /

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Legal issues / Liability and insurance issues have been addressed, if applicable. /

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Logistical issues / The agreement addresses buildings, office space, transportation, other properties and other logistical issues as needed. /

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Logistical issues / Recruitment of staff with the desired expertise in the location(s) needed is progressing as planned. /

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Strategic communications
plan / Internal communication protocols for the involved partners have been discussed and approved. /

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Strategic communications
plan / External audiences with whom the partners should communicate about the CJS initiative have been identified. /

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Strategic communications
plan / The messages, messengers and communication methods have been articulated. /

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Change management / A change management strategy has been developed for major shared service projects, especially those that impact management oversight, staffing and services. /

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Timeline / Partners have developed and approved a timeline that includes specific steps to assure success of the CJS initiative. /

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Monitoring / Partners have developed and approved an evaluation plan to measure success and effectiveness. /

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