Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado”


Before Reading Poe’s “Cask of Amontillado,” briefly respond to the following two questions below:

A) Recall a time when you did something dishonorable or shameful to someone else.

B) Recall a time when someone did something dishonorable or shameful to you.

As-you-read VOCABULARY list:

If you find yourself having trouble with Poe’s diction, check this list of pre-defined words from the text. If a word confuses you that is not on this list, you’re probably not alone. Look it up in a dictionary and be ready if someone else needs the word defined in class!

1.  Cask (noun): Barrel

2.  Amontillado (noun): A pale dry sherry wine

3.  Preclude (verb): To make impossible; to prevent.

4.  Impunity (noun): Exemption from punishment, penalty, or harm.

5.  Redress (verb): To set right; remedy or rectify.

6.  Retribution (noun): Something justly deserved; recompense

7.  Wont (noun): Customary practice, usage, habit

8.  Immolate (verb): To kill as a sacrifice.

9.  Motley (noun): The multi-colored attire of a court jester

10.  Nitre (noun): White, gray, or colorless mineral of potassium nitrate

11.  Roquelaire (noun): A knee-length cloak lined with brightly colored silk and often trimmed with fur that was worn by European men in the 18th century.

12.  Flambeau (noun): A lighted torch

13.  Medoc (noun): A red Bordeaux wine.

14.  Nemo Me Impune Lacessit (Latin): "No one injures (attacks) me with impunity".

15.  Catacombs (noun): Underground cemeteries consisting of chambers or tunnels

16.  Mason (noun): One who builds or works with stone or brick

17.  Freemason (noun) a member of a widespread secret fraternal order pledged to mutual assistance and brotherly love

18.  Trowel (noun): A flat-bladed hand tool used for digging

19.  Ignoramus (noun): An ignorant person.

20.  Fetter (noun): To put fetters on; shackle

21.  Rapier (noun): long, slender, two-edged sword with a cuplike hilt, used in the 16th and 17th centuries

22.  In pace requiescat (Latin): Rest in Peace