name: Tandi Tucker Toni
phone: 4107151060 x110
Company: Berkshire Realty Holdings, L.P.
address: 6996 Columbia Gateway Dr Suite 100
city: columbia
state: Md
zip: 21797

Category: Marketing

Theme: ******Great Outreach Marketing Idea***********

Objective: To target market large companies in your community's area.
Theme: Have a Berkshire Breakfast/Take a Berkshire Break Today/Enjoy Lunch on Berkshire

(Theme can be tailored to any Company or Community)
Break Task: Set up a Break table in the parking lot of a major organization in your area and hand out snacks such as ice cream and sodas in the summner or cookies and hot chocolate in the winter to employees as they leave for break time. Attach a flyer with your community's info and preferred employer discounts and incentives, as well as referral fees. You may wish to have promotional gifts and collateral material to give out also. This activity can be done in a break room or lobby too. Another fun preferred employer break activity is to hire an ice cream truck to come to the targeted company's parking lot and employees can pick their ice cream treat on you.
Breakfast Task: Same as above but you will pass out bagels, donuts, coffee, granola bars etc. along with your promotional material.
Lunch task: Same as above but you may wish to host a Make Your Own Sandwich or Taco party.
Visuals: Be sure to create as much "hooplah" as you can. If you are allowed, bring balloons, photographs of your community and amenities, power point presentations, etc. Do drawings for freebies to create tons of excitement about your community as well as to have a way to get business cards so you may follow up with potential residents.

Implementation: You will definately want to contact the Human Resources Department of the Company you wish to target to get permission to have the event at their location. I would encourage you to put a proposal together outlining what you wish to do as well as the benefits for the company and employees.

Cost: The cost of such and event varies depending on the size of company you are targeting. The cost can be minimal if you choose to do a Break or Breakfast Activity rather than a lunch.

Results: You will get LEASES if you implement this idea! My communities have experienced great success! You are able to create such a positive experience for the employees that they will have to visit your community to see what the "Hoopla" is about. Employees that are not looking to move will remember you when they do move or if they have a friend or family member looking to move, especially if you offer a referral fee. Remember, everyone loves something FREE!