Third Language Feedback


Name of the Show:

Your name:

Dates of the episodes:

Listen to the shows on the CDs. You can read the questions in advance to know what to notice when you are listening to the shows. Be sure to listen to the whole content of the CDs. Answer the following questions:

Spoken Word Content

Describe the content of each episode you listened to

Episode 1.

Episode 2.

Episode 3.

Would you say this show fulfill the needs of your community?

If so, how?

If not, why not?

Did the show explore political and social issues?

If so, was the point of view different from what one might hear from mainstream canadian news sources? Explain.

Was the point of view different from what one might hear from mainstream media from your community members’ country of origin? Explain.

In community radio, hosts are encouraged to share their opinions. However, it is important that they analyse issues with acknowledgement of the complexities and multiple aspects of situations, especially when they are controversial. Were the hosts in this show acknowledging various points of view? Explain.

What local (Ottawa) topics were discussed that related to your community?

Did the show advertise events going on in Ottawa?

What were they?

Were you interested in these events?

Other comments related to Spoken Word Content:


Did you know any of the music that was played?

Did you enjoy the music that was played?

Was there enough music played? Not Enough? A good amount?

Other comments related to Music:


What is the structure of the show? Explain how the show is divided, what tools and methods are used (sound clips, interviews, vox pop, etc)

Was the show flowing smoothly? Did the programmers seem to experience technical difficulties?

Was there any dead air?

Did the programmers identify the station and the dial regularly and play a produced Station IDs? (Station ID: 15 or 30 seconds, are produced by CHUO’s in-house production team, and can feature various personalities, will include call letters (CHUO), frequency (89.1 FM) and community of broadcast (Ottawa, University of Ottawa, National Capital Region, Outaouais etc.) One produced station ID must be played during every program but programmers are encouraged to do live station IDs each time you are on the air.)

Did the programmers play Show Promos? (Show Promo: 30 second spot that promotes CHUO programs including date, time, name of program and any other descriptive bits the programmer(s) wishes to include.)

Did the programmers play a Bridge at the end of the show? (Bridge: 1-minute transition between programs. They are designed to give the current programmer time to move out will the next programmer settles in, often creative piece of audio anything from a story, poem, skit, sound collage etc. To be aired at one-minute before the end of a program.)

Did the programmers play Public Service Announcements? (PSA (public service announcement): brief and informs the public about an event, or provides other brief information, about a safety issue, for instance. PSAs may be produced

(and be found on the Media Touch computer) but also can be LIVE READS.)

Did the programmers play Advertisements? (Advertisements: 30, 45 or 60 second pieces which have been PAID for to advertise an event, business or service. If there are ads for your show, they will be pre-scheduled on OMT.)

Other comments related to Structure: