Señor Holloway español II

Dear Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

¡Bienvenidos a la comunidad riquísima de español! Welcome to an incredibly rich community in the world of Spanish! My name is Jeremy Holloway and I am very excited to teach the class of 2010-2014 here at Northview. I am amply motivated to make sure our students here at Northview not only meet the objectives and National/State standards for this school year, but also become contributors of enriching our community with the love of people and learning a secondary language.

By this time, you may have noticed the word: Community. This years Theme is Spanish II and III is: Community. The purpose of this theme is to better understand and value the collectiveness of a people. Together we can accomplish more!

Throughout the year we will work in collective/one on one partner groups, technological projects and portfolios, we will also gear our goal-setting and time management skills as we discover the Spanish language together. The students will be immersed into the Spanish language and culture in order to more deeply recognize the beauty of the Spanish world. Most importantly, we will learn how to help each other communicate with a completely new world. For this reason, I am very excited to help in this aspect.

I would like to share a little about myself. I was born in Toledo, Ohio. As a child/teenager I had no interest in learning a new language and later I discovered how much learning a new language positively effected those around me. I decided to take a mission trip to Nicaragua. When I returned my perspective of the world positively changed and so I was destined to learn a new language. As I look back I see how my life has been enriched! As I took Spanish for the first time in High school I almost failed (I had a terrible speech problem that made it very difficult for me to speak/read publicly) but I sought help and many teachers helped me to succeed. Since then I have traveled to various countries including Mexico, Argentina, Japan, and soon Korea, to more greatly develop my life and become a positive contributor to this society myself. I received honors in the University of Toledo and have been teaching now for 5 years.

It is my privilege and goal to stay in contact with both students and parents to form a well functioning force that helps our students excel. This will be made easier this year as a new parent/student/teacher communication system is formed via internet. You may use PAM -- the Parent Assistant Module (a part of the Esis grading system used district-wide) to check and update general information, your student’s academic progress in classes, any discipline related elements taken at school and send/receive messages to and from teachers.

I am determined to be a world-class educator and motivator for helping our students gain a love for another culture, love of acquiring bilingualism, and most of all developing a world view, a love of people, and relationship with a new found community of Spanish. May we both be pleased at the positive outcome of this wonderful gift: school year.


Bring the following in order to be successful in class:

Provided by school/fees:

- Covered, labeled textbook: Expresate 2 (Holt Rinehart & Winston).

- Northview Student Agenda Book with student name

- Monthly Spanish magazine

Required to purchase:

- writing utensils: pen (black/blue), pen (red) correction preferred, pencil, eraser, highlighter, Optional: whiteout, scissors, scotch tape, small post-it notes.

- Text cover

- Three-ring Binder (1 inch ring size)

- Five dividers for Binder:

(1. Class work, (2. Vocabulary, (3. Grammar/verbs, (4.culture (5. Miscellaneous

- Labeled, sturdy folder

- Labeled spiral notebook with ready-tear sheets

- *A flash drive is recommended*

- 1 ½ inch three ring binder for portfolio (if needed). *A storage pocket in the front is required.*

- Notepad – to make vocabulary notes

Kleenex Tissue donations for the classroom will be very helpful.


Quote on valuing discipline:

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Señor Holloway español II

Paw Pride Policies:

1.  Be on time and ready to work

2.  Be responsible

3.  Be respectful

4.  Follow instructions the first time



Student Meeting

Parent/Guardian contact

3 infractions = demerit(s) issued

Señor Holloway español II

Class Rules:





All work given will be meaningful and often require several days of research using technology, investigation, and/or outside authentic activity.

Use the Parent Assistant Module on the Internet (Esis) to check upcoming assignments (due dates, point value, descriptions of assignments) regularly. Assignments will be added to the grading system weekly and

grades will be added/updated for the assignments

within one week after the due date of the assignment.

·  Homework may require revisions or corrections to complete BEFORE credit will be given.

·  It is the student’s responsibility to record and complete any missing assignments, notes, etc. upon return from an absence.

·  The National Honor Society offers peer tutoring every day, all year in the guidance area. Students do not need a pass from a teacher to attend. This free service is recommended to all students, as needed.


The grading scale used in the classroom will follow the school-wide grading policy for all courses.

Students will be responsible for calculating the grades they have earned every time papers are returned. This grade sheet is called “calificacciones.”

Midterms will be given to ALL students.

Grade / Range
A+ / 98-100 / C / 73-76
A / 93-97 / C- / 70-72
A- / 90-92 / D+ / 67-69
B+ / 87-89 / D / 60-66
B / 83-86 / F / 59 & lower
B- / 80-82
C+ / 77-79

Grading will involve but will not be limited to the following:

Projects (4 projects from class), composition (9 compositions), Homework (everyday), Pop Quizzes, Class participation (via email to teacher from student), Tests, Class Work (Journals, collaborative activities, presentations)

Extra Credit

Opportunities for extra credit will be available periodically throughout the year. Points will vary depending on extra credit assignment.

Late assignments

Late assignments are to be turned in the next day for 50% credit grade NO exceptions.


Below you will see a syllabus for the level of Spanish that you are taking. All curriculum is designed and inspired by the Ohio and National World Language Content Standards. Any activity can be altered, at any time, as deemed necessary by teacher.

Learning strategy resources will involve:

____Looking for context clues

____Looking for cognates and key words

____Reading for the gist

____Reading for the main idea

____Using pre writing (brainstorming, list/outline, diagrams, etc), drafting/editing and final copy

____Use of transition words in writing to extend thought

____Other reading strategies applied as needed (for example: Read Rate Re-Read)

Spanish II: ¡Exprésate 2!

Chapter and Theme / Goals
Capítulo 1:
Familiares y Amigos
(friends and relatives) / Nouns, adjectives
Present tense verbs
Reflexive verbs
Phrases with tener
Ir +a + infinitive
Informal commands: Affirmative and Negative
Present Progressive tense
City of Mexico
Capítulo 2:
En el vecindario (neighborhood) / Indirect object pronouns
Dar, Decir
Use of Saber and Conocer
Use of Ser and Estar
Expressions followed by infinitives
Cuzco, Peru
Capítulo 3:
Pueblos y Ciudades
(Towns and Cities) / Preterite: hacer, ir
Preterite: Car, Gar, Zar
Preterite: Andar, Tener, Venir, Dar, Ver
Formal Commands
Santo Domingo
Capítulo 6:
(Memories) / Imperfect tense
Imperfect of ir, ver, ser, haber
Preterite versus Imperfect

No hablen ingles:

In class, Señor Holloway will pronounce “No hablen ingles” At this time no student is allowed to speak in ingles. In the occurrence that a student speaks English during this period, the student will receive a “no ingles” card. This student will have the card until the next occurrence and the cycle repeats until the end of Thursday’s class. Which ever student has the “no ingles” card by Thursday has two choices to initial on Friday:

1.  Bring in a small snack for the class (cookies, crackers, etc…)

2.  Memorize and deliver an effective poem/song before the class

Class Participation:

Participation points are worth 10 points per day and are determined by the effort in which student remains in Target Language. Student will message teacher via : with additional comments by Friday their suggested participation points. Teacher is at liberty to adjust these points. Once score is recorded adjustments can NOT be negotiated and no tardy score will be accepted.

Projects and presentations:

Projects are the students’ responsibility. 80% of the students work will be prepared outside of the classroom. Each project/presentation will be graded using rubric grading system. Student audience will also contribute to presenter’s grade, thus all projects are measured collectively.

Online Text:

The Text used in this class is: The textbook, as well as additional activities, videos, practice tests/quizzes are available online at Use “keyword” exp2.ch1 (keyword varies by chapter) Students will receive a password in the early quarter. Class will visit computer lab to practice accessing this website.

Linguafolio Binder:

Every student will utilize a 3 ring binder (1 inch ring size) with pockets on the inside cover with plastic sleath on cover. Pages will be provided.


Tests will be provided via : . A number of activities, resources and links will also be available via this webpage. Students will be debriefed on the uses of Quia in the early quarter.
COMMUNITY is the theme of this year’s Spanish. By the end of the school year we will see how we each helped each other become significant contributors to our community, families and schools. I am confident that by complying with the above standards each student will experience quality building relationships at school and home.


In signing my name to this letter I pledge my commitment to Northview High School and the students. I ask that each student and his/her parent/guardian also sign in order to commit themselves to this class and these standards.

With Respect,

Señor Holloway


Please return the signatures (worth 10 points if turned in before Monday, August 31st)

Student Signature ______

(Print and sign)

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

(Print and Sign)

Convenient Phone Number ______

Email Address ______

(Print clearly)


(Allergies?) ______