Research Presentation

You will be researching an aspect of Himalayan culture, history, nature, or mountaineering, and present it to the class as an expert. Choose your topic from the list in this packet. Take notes from at least two reliable sources and then teach us in a 20-minute presentationthe key information we should know. This time also includes a reinforcement activity for your classmates so they can better remember the information. I’ll evaluate you at two stages of this project. First you will provide your presentation plan. Then you will do the actual presentation.

Your presentation plan should include

  • a brief outline of the key topics of your presentation
  • details about how each person will contribute to the presentation
  • the back-up plan if someone suddenly becomes ill and/or does not show up for the presentation…yes, you will still have to present. It will not be possible for a student to make above a C if he or she does not show up for the presentation.
  • notes about the reinforcement activity you will use to engage the class
  • a list of materials you might need me to provide
  • Works Cited page (MLA format) with a minimum of two reliable sources

You will submit your presentation plans to me by 3/18/16 The plan and questions and answers are worth 100 quiz points. This should be typed with all names on the first page.

The second part of your evaluation is your presentation itself, which is worth 100 test points.

  • Please teach us in your presentations.
  • Use some kind of visual aid, such as a model, poster, or costume.
  • Get us involved in a game, a contest, or a role-playing activity. Show us what you know, and help us to understand and remember.
  • Your presentation will be well researched and informative, clearly organized, and creative. When possible, connect your presentation to Into Thin Air .

Here’s how I’ll determine your final grade:

Depth of research and reliability of source material: 20 points

Organization, neatness, and clarity: 25 points

Quality of questions: 20 points

Reinforcement activity: 20 points

Creativity: 15 points

The Topics

Dalai LamaLife of BuddhaTibetan Buddhism Himalayan geology

Hinduism Chinese invasion of TibetTibetan Buddhist artThangkas

SherpasGeorge MalloryHAPE and HACERock and ice climbing

Reinhold MessnerSir Edmund HillaryEnvironmental impact of tourismJataka tales

AcclimatizationThe Royal KumariYeti loreTibetan language

My Works Cited page and presentation plan are due: 3/18

My final presentation (including the typewritten paper) is due 3/28.

Sample Presentation Plan

Outline (This is not a complete outline, but a sample of the form – yours will need to be double spaced and your outline will have a title related to your topic)

  1. Meaning of “Dalai Lama.”
  2. History of Dalai Lama
  1. Role
  2. Process of Selection
  3. 14th Dalai Lama
  1. Original name
  2. Parents
  3. Siblings
  1. Tibet
  1. Location on map
  1. High altitude desert
  2. Isolated
  1. Early history
  2. Chinese invasion in 1950s
  1. Motivations
  2. Challenges to Buddhist culture
  3. Dalai Lama regarded as enemy by Chinese government
  1. Dalai Lama’s escape
  2. Dalai Lama’s life in exile
  3. Dalai Lama’s current role

Presenters include: Student name #1, student name #2, student name #3. Include details about how each student will participate in the presentation. Verify that each student has everything that is needed for the presentation and include a back-up plan if someone does not show up.

Reinforcement Activity: I will lead the class in singing an original song that I wrote about the Dalai Lama called “Hello, Dalai!” The song emphasizes his significance to Tibetan Buddhists, the challenges he faces today, and a brief reference to his escape from Tibet during the Chinese invasion. The chorus describes how theDalai Lama is selected. I will require an LCD projector to show the lyrics, and I will also provide handouts of the same.

Materials and Time Needed:

LCD and screen

Expected total time, including reinforcement, questions and answers: 18 minutes

Works Cited (separate page)