Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC) and Kent County Council (KCC) are working together to create a new Cultural & Learning Hub for Tunbridge Wells. This exciting redevelopment brings together in one conserved and modernised set of buildings the Museum, Art Gallery, Library, Adult Education, Visitor Information and Gateway services. Our aim is to create a space to engage with art, culture and the heritage of Tunbridge Wells, learn new skills, socialise and be inspired.

As part of our funding from Arts Council England, we are exploring what might be provided in the new Hub for artists and creative professionals at all stages in their careers.

This questionnaire builds on workshop sessions held in July for artists to input their thoughts on the development of a new Cultural & Learning Hub. Anyone who attended those sessions, as well as artists, creative professionals and those with an interest in art are invited to respond.

This questionnaire is part of a wider dialogue about the Hub and how it will be used. Your answers will help us make decisions about future facilities and programmes within it.

Questionnaires returned to the Museum by 25 September will be included in a prize draw to receive a copy of Simon Faithfull’s art book Things. Please remember to leave your name and contact details.

Part 1: Artist development and resources for artists in the Cultural & Learning Hub

What facilities could be included in the Cultural & Learning Hub that would help you develop your artistic practice?

☐Studio spaces for hire

☐Film/digital screening presentation space

☐Retail space for local artists and makers to sell work

☐Specialist art library

☐Information about local artist networks and galleries

☐Exhibition space to hire for artists and makersto show work

☐Meeting space

☐Digital suite


Is there anything else that the Cultural & Learning Hub could provide that would help you develop your artistic practice?(No more than 300 words)

Would you be interested in participating in any of the following activities/services at the Cultural & Learning Hub? Please tick all that you would be interested in.

☐Seminars on presenting and curating your work for exhibition

☐Advice on funding and professional development

☐Talks by established artists

☐Talks given by artists exhibiting in the Cultural & Learning Hub

☐Artist residency opportunities


☐Peer to peer artist feedback sessions on work in progress

☐Talks about the collections at the Cultural & Learning Hub

☐Opportunities to use the museum collections as a resource for inspiration

☐Artist networking opportunities

☐Artist membership scheme

☐Bookable workstations

☐Shared creative spaces

Are there any other programmes of activity that you would like to see at the Cultural & Learning Hub?

Part 2: Printmaking at the Cultural & Learning Hub

We are exploring the potential to develop a printmaking studio in the Cultural & Learning Hub.

Have you done any printmaking before? If so, at what level?

☐No experience




Would you be interested in taking part in any of the following activities? Please tick all that you are interested in.

☐Introductory courses in printmaking

☐Specialist courses in printmaking

☐Talks by visiting artists


☐Classes/courses for primary age children

☐Classes/courses for secondary and sixth form age children

☐Professional development/networking opportunities

☐Members only access

☐Accredited courses

☐Hire/courses for external groups

How often are you likely to attend activities in the print studio?

☐Not at all

☐Less than once a month

☐Once a month

☐Once a week

☐More than once a week

What print presses would you use if they were available in the Cultural & Learning Hub? Please tick all that you are interested in.


☐Drypoint and Collagraph


☐Relief printing



What equipment would you use in the print studio? Please tick all that you are interested in.

☐Making photographic plates, including etching and photopolymer

☐Making photographic silkscreens

☐Darkroom facilities

☐Photographic artwork

☐Digital printing



How often would you be likely to access the facilities in the print studio?

☐Less than once a month

☐Once a month

☐Once a week

☐More than once a week

☐Other (please detail)

What times would suit you the most for accessing the print studio? Please tick all that you are interested in.





☐24 hour access

Is there anything else that you would like to be included in the print studio?

Part 3: About you

Tell us about yourself

What is your interest/profession? Please tick all the boxes that are relevant to you.



☐art/design student

☐art/design teacher

☐interested in art but not practising artist ☐other: please provide details

Please tick which of these you are involved in/ interested in:



☐Film/ Video/ Animation

☐Mixed Media/ Installation






Your age:

☐Under 18

☐18 - 25

☐25 - 40

☐40 - 55

☐55 - 70


Please provide the first half of your postcode______

Thank you very much for participating in our research.

Questionnaires returned to the Museum by 25 September will be included in a prize draw to receive a copy of Simon Faithfull’s art book Things. Please remember to leave your name and contact details.

☐Send me updates about the Tunbridge Wells Cultural & Learning Hub.

Contact details


Email Address/ phone no.:______

Under the Data Protection Act 1998 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council will hold your information securely to prevent unauthorized access to any personal information you give us. The Museum will not sell or share your personal data. Your information will not be kept for longer than specified in our retention policy which is one year for surveys and two years for customer correspondence.

If you have specified that you would like to receive updates about the Tunbridge Wells Cultural & Learning Hub, your details will be added to the relevant mailing list and will not be used for any other purpose.

Officer name / Venue / Date collected / Date of data entry