Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Hall-McNair


Mrs H Causon

NewboldVerdonPrimary School

and Community Centre

Autumn term 2015: Mr Codd’s class

September 2015

Dear parents/carers,

I have really enjoyed getting to know my new class and look forward to sharing with them many exciting experiences. As we begin the new academic year, here are a few reminders of how you can support your child during their time at Newbold Verdon Primary School:

Please make sure that your child has the correct PE kit in school on the appropriate days. For indoor PE this should comprise of a white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps. For outside PE lessons and activities they will also need a sweatshirt, some jogging bottoms and a pair of trainers. Earrings should be removed for PE. If their ears are recently pierced, your child should bring micro-pore tape to cover them for the initial 6 weeks.

School uniform should be worn at all other times. This includes a black or grey trousers/skirt and a white or blue polo shirt. Alternatively a white shirt can be worn. In addition a royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan can be worn and shoes should be black. No jewellery other than watches and ear studs should be worn.

We ask children to take their water bottles home every night and bring them in the next morning. This will stop children needing to fill them up during school time and will ensure bottles are regularly cleaned.

We will be teaching from the new curriculum, which became statutory lastyear. Changes include an increased emphasis on spelling, punctuation and grammar in literacy and children being secure in their times tables knowledge up to 12 x 12 in maths. For a more detailed look at the new curriculum, follow this link: curriculum.

This year we are introducing a new whole-school handwriting scheme, designed to rapidly improve children's handwriting and presentation standards and increase confidence and consistency. This is an exciting initiative for all staff and children and I have included guidance on letter formation and
vocabulary used on a separate sheet, as we very much value your support.

Spelling strategies will be covered on a daily basis in school. A spelling list has been attached which shows all the words children would be expected to know by the end of year 4. As well as these words, children need to learn a range of spelling patterns which will be taught in class.

This half term our Year 4 theme is ‘When in Rome…’.The topic is based around an important period of history and we will look at the key changes that shaped this era as well as focusing on what it was like to live in Roman Britain. We will hopefully be going on a school visit as well as doing lots of funart and DT linked to the Romans.


Fiction - Aesop's Fables and Horrid Henry


Information texts

Instructions and explanations


We will cover a broad range of topics and concepts every term in maths.


Myself and my relationships (new beginnings and belonging)


We are software developers

We are toy designers


Living things and their habitats

Animals including humans


Hinduism- life in a Hindu home

Caring for the natural world - values & behaviour


Making Roman shields

Roman pottery

Making catapults

Famous artists


Clarinets/Saxophones (details to follow)


PEis timetabled forWednesday and Thursday this term and we will be coveringinvasion games, dance & gymnastics. Please make sure your child has the correct indoor and outdoor kit available all week as we sometimes have opportunities to do extra PE sessions.

Your support with your child’s homework is greatly appreciated. Homework will be set every Friday and this will consist of spelling, punctuation and grammar worksheets. Children should hand their homework in on the following Friday. In addition to this, there will be maths tasks based on our current learning, on ‘My Maths’ ( Children can choose to complete one or both of the tasks set each week. The children are also working to try to achieve all of their times tables by the end of the year (off by heart and in any order). Children will be told on a Monday the times tables they will be focusing on, ready for a test every Friday. Homework club will continue to run (further details to follow).

Reading diaries are checked every Friday so please can you make sure that you sign for every date that your child reads. It is expected that children will read 4/5 nights per week – even if it is only for 5 minutes. Children who read five times or more in a week will receive an extra Dragon Wing!

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to come in and ask.

Yours sincerely,

Mr P Codd

Year 4 Class Teacher

Dragon Lane, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire LE9 9NG

Tel: 01455 822362 Fax: 01455 824913
