NAME: ______Date: ______

Define the following vocabulary:

1.  Predator an organism that hunts another organism as food

2.  Prey an organism hunted or caught by another as food

3.  Producer organisms that get energy from the environment, such as plants from sunlight, and make their own food

4.  Consumer organisms that get energy by eating other organisms

5.  Commensalism a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits but the other is not harmed

6.  Abiotic all the nonliving, physical features of the environment, including light, soil, water, and temperature, that help determine which species can survive in an area.

7.  Biotic living or once-living organisms in the environment

8.  Competition the demand for resources, such as food, water, and shelter

9.  Interdependent a relationship in which organisms are mutually dependent on one another

10.  Ecosystem a community of organisms and their nonliving environment

11.  Decomposer an organism that gets energy by breaking down the remains of dead organisms

12.  Habitat the place within an ecosystem where an organism lives

13.Runoff Rainfall and surface water that drains or flows from the land into streams, rivers, lakes, or the ocean

Answer the following questions:

1. For what resources may organisms have to compete? Food, water, shelter, space, mates

2. In what ways do organisms depend on each other? Mainly for food

3. How are organisms and their environment interdependent? The organisms rely on the environment to provide for their needs.

4. Explain the relationship between a parasite and its host. The parasite takes what it needs from the host, harming it in the process.

5. How can an organism’s species survive changes in their environment? By having the traits necessary to survive and pass them on to future offspring

6. What have humans done to harm freshwater and marine environments? Pollution, oil spills, chemical dumping, over fishing, not conserving water

7. What do plants need to adapt or compete for? Water, space, sunlight

8.  What are examples of ways that humans have impacted the ocean environment? Artificial reefs, recycling, fishing less, monitoring chemical dumping, conserving water

9.  Phytoplankton and Cod are in a producer/consumer relationship. This is because Cod – is a consumer that eats phytoplankton which is a producer

10. Which organisms are producers? Only the phytoplankton

11.  Which organisms are competing with the Leopard Seal for the Squid? Killer Whale and Elephant Seal

12.  What is the relationship between the leopard seal and the phytoplankton in the food web above? The leopard seal is a consumer and the phytoplankton is a producer

13.  Which organisms prey on the Penguin? The killer whale and the leopard seal

14.  What would happen next if the phytoplankton were killed by a strange disease? The Krill, Cod, and Zooplankton populations would begin to decrease

15.  Explain the relationship between sharks and pilot fish. What type of relationship is this? Sharks eat and drop food that the pilot fish eat beneath them. It is commensalism.

16.  How would squirrels be affected by the removal of trees in a forest? How would ferns be affected? The squirrels would not have homes or some of their food sources. The ferns would grow bigger because they get more sunlight and nutrients.

17.  What are some examples of decomposers? Bacteria, worms, mushrooms, fungus, mold

18.  What would happen in a freshwater ecosystem if the plants in the water all died? The other organisms would be affected because lack of food and oxygen.

PRE AP Questions for Review:

1.  Be able to explain what would happen in a food web if one organism were removed from that ecosystem.

2.  Be able to identify two benefits that result from a forest fire.