Washington School Counselor Association
Technology Committee

A. Mission

The mission of the Technology Committee is to enhance the capacity of WSCA and all school counselors in Washington to use technology for the purpose of advancing high student achievement, operational efficiency and data-driven decision-making.

B. Tasks and Responsibilities

1. Website

Assure the WSCA website is supported with proper training and technological expertise to make sure the communication committee’s content can be posted in a professional and timely fashion. The Technology Committee will also provide time and energy towards research and analysis to make sure website services are current and appropriate to the mission and vision set out by the WSCA board.

2. Webinars

Provide technology support in the design and implementation to online professional development webinars for members of the School Counseling Association.

3. Blog Site

Develop and produce a process so School Counselors can blog best practices found within the School Counseling Profession. The Technology Committee will provide research and a plan for implantation of a blogging site and method of screening and posting appropriate comments.

4. Partnerships

The Technology Committee will seek partnerships with any organization or entity which provides student information system support to recommend and shape the types and kinds of technology tools and reports which will help school counselors in the field.

5. Conference Workshops and News Articles

Create, train, and provide support about emerging or current technologies which can promote and encourage best school counseling practices and job efficiently, which will promote more time spent with all students.

C. Deliverables

1. Website – Maintain and monitor current website ISP and infrastructure for twenty-four, seven hosting

2. Conference Workshops – Produce at least six issues per year and two conference workshops

3. Webinars – Produce and support six professional webinars a year

4. Blog Site – Develop and maintain a profession school counseling blog site