Notebook title: Hoot Vocab Part VII (7)
Directions: Write these in your notebook. Below the definitions, write a sentence with each work and underline the word.

Required Words
Perturbed: Disturbed greatly; made uneasy or anxious; thrown into a state of agitated confusion; shocked.
Dilemma: A situation requiring a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives; difficult situation.
Apprehension: Anticipation of misfortune or adversity; suspicion or fear of future trouble; uneasiness; worry.

Dilapidated: A building, automobile, etc. allowed to fall into a state of disrepair, as by misuse or neglect; fallen into ruin or decay; ramshackle; decrepit; unkempt.

Qualms: Uneasy feelings about the rightness of a course of action; sudden disturbing feelings; doubts; hesitations.

Challenge Words

Prone: having a natural inclination or tendency to something; liable.

Glowering: Looking or staring angrily or sullenly; scowling; frowning.

Vile: Wretchedly bad; hugely unpleasant, offensive, or objectionable; foul; filthy; vulgar.

Malevolently: Evilly; done in a way as to wish evil or harm to others; maliciously; hatefully.

Patronizing: Behaving in an offensive manner towards others so as to imply superiority

Notebook title: Hoot Vocab Part VII (7)
Directions: Write these in your notebook. Below the definitions, write a sentence with each work and underline the word.

Required Words
Perturbed: Disturbed greatly; made uneasy or anxious; thrown into a state of agitated confusion; shocked.
Dilemma: A situation requiring a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives; difficult situation.
Apprehension: Anticipation of misfortune or adversity; suspicion or fear of future trouble; uneasiness; worry.

Dilapidated: A building, automobile, etc. allowed to fall into a state of disrepair, as by misuse or neglect; fallen into ruin or decay; ramshackle; decrepit; unkempt.

Qualms: Uneasy feelings about the rightness of a course of action; sudden disturbing feelings; doubts; hesitations.

Challenge Words

Prone: having a natural inclination or tendency to something; liable.

Glowering: Looking or staring angrily or sullenly; scowling; frowning.

Vile: Wretchedly bad; hugely unpleasant, offensive, or objectionable; foul; filthy; vulgar.

Malevolently: Evilly; done in a way as to wish evil or harm to others; maliciously; hatefully.

Patronizing: Behaving in an offensive manner towards others so as to imply superiority