1. Draw Bohr models/Lewis dot diagrams of the following atoms: Na, O, Al, He, etc.
  1. How do the following terms relate to the periodic table? period, family, symbol, atomic number, reactivity, valence, halogen, alkali metal, rare earth elements, chalcogen, alkaline earth metals, transition metal, noble gas, metalloid.
  1. Explain the relationship of the following terms: valence+electrons+stability, positive+negative+cation+anion, reactive+metal+non-metal, reactants + products.
  1. Predict the ion charge of the following elements: Cl, Xe, Ag, U, Na, S, Al, Ne
  1. A compound forms containing K and O. Identify the bond type, give the formula and the name, and draw either the Bohr model or Lewis dot diagram of the compound formed.
  1. A compound forms containing N and Cl. Identify the bond type, give the formula and the name, and draw either the Bohr model or Lewis dot diagram of the compound formed.
  1. Name the following compounds: CaF2, NO3, MgO, N2O5, NaBr, + more
  1. Give the formulas of the following compounds: dinitrogen pentaoxide, oxygen difluoride, carbon disulfide, lithium oxide, potassium iodide, magnesium fluoride.
  1. Compare ionic and covalent compounds, using examples. (bond formation, properties)
  1. Balance the following equations, and label as synthesis, decomposition, single displacement, double displacement, combustion or neutralization.

a. H3O + OH  H2O

b. KClO3  KCl + O2

c. KI + Pb(NO3)2  KNO3 + PbI2

  1. Chart the properties of acids and bases (include pH, taste, uses, and reactivity, and examples).


  1. Explain how the following are related, providing an example for each: scalar quantity+vector quantity, velocity+speed, acceleration+deceleration
  2. Two hikers walked a distance of 15.3 km around a lake in 4.4 h. What was their average speed?
  1. Describe how braking distance is affected by vehicle speed and surface friction.
  1. Plot the following data for a cyclist on a distance-time graph. Label the graph.

time (min):distance (km):







- What was the average speed for the cyclist’s trip?

- What might account for the change in speed during the 4th and 6th intervals?

- Estimate how far the cyclist will have travelled after 200 minutes.

  1. Describe the motion of a moving vehicle if the line on a distance time graph has the following characteristics:

- a steep slope- a short line on the graph

- a horizontal slope (no slope)- a long line on the graph

- an upward curving slope- a downward curving slope

  1. Use vector diagram on graph paper to show the resultant displacement for the walk from this classroom to the front desk in the office. (1 large stride = approx. 3 m) (hint you should have a total of 4 vectors)
  1. Do the following represent constant velocity or acceleration? Explain.

dd v


  1. How are air bags related to momentum and deceleration?
  1. If runner #102 accelerates from the blocks (starting line) to 6.3 km/hr in 8.0 s, and runner # 281 does it in 8.8 s, which runner is likely to win the race if it is a sprint. Explain your reasoning.
  1. A cyclist increases his velocity going downhill, from 0 to 6.7 m/s in 3.5 s. What is his acceleration?
  2. Provide and fully explain everyday examples to explain Newton’s 1st (2 parts), 2nd and 3rd laws of motion, as well as the law of conservation of momentum and impulse and momentum.
  1. How far does a car travel going 90km/h W for 4.5 hours? Does this calculation describe constant velocity or average velocity? Explain.


  1. Explain the difference between weather and climate.
  1. Identify and describe the four regions of the atmosphere.
  1. Explain how major ocean currents play a role in the World’s weather. (particularly our location in North America).
  1. Use a weather map to provide a forecast for a given area. Include the effects of warm/cold fronts, and high and low pressure systems.
  1. Define and provide examples for the following terms: warm/cold front, meteorology, radiation, conduction, convection, advection, prevailing winds, weather system, high pressure system, low pressure system, weather, climate.
  1. Briefly describe how a severe weather event of your choice is formed.
  1. Describe how the Coriolis effect impacts ocean currents, wind patterns, and weather patterns on earth.


  1. Explain how the sun is important to ecosystems.
  1. Define and explain the relationship between producers, consumers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and decomposers, providing examples for each.
  1. Be able to draw and label a food chain and food web for a prairie ecosystem.
  1. Explain the roles of photosynthesis and respiration in the carbon cycle, explain the difference between organic and inorganic carbon, and explain how humans have impacted the carbon cycle.
  1. What are the human impacts on the nitrogen cycle? (Discuss fertilizers, eutrophication etc.)
  1. Define bioaccumulation, and provide an example, using a diagram.
  1. What are the factors that increase or decrease a population? Use the terms natality, mortality, immigration and emigration to determine the change in a population.
  2. Describe the four limiting factors of populations, giving examples for each.
  1. Provide 3 density-dependent and 3 density independent factors for a population of deer in a prairie ecosystem.
  1. Define the following terms: extinction, carrying capacity, population density, biodiversity, sustainability, trophic level, ecological niche.
  1. Discuss the importance and relationship of each of the above terms to a dynamic ecosystem.


Date: ______

Time: ______

Time: 2 hours (minimum stay = 1 hour)

Total marks: 100

Percent of course: 25%

FORMAT: - 50 marks multiple choice

- 30 marks for problem type and short answer questions

- 20 marks long answer (Do 4 of 7 questions, each worth 5 marks)

SUGGESTIONS:- Write answers in full for maximum marks.

- Check all answers for careless errors.

- Make sure you have done all required questions. (Don’tleave anything blank).

- Use the exam itself as a resource for your answers.

- If an answer escapes you, leave it for now and come back to it later (it may eventually come to you).

- See me if you need help, but NOT on the morning of the exam!!! Do NOT ask for help just before the exam!!!

- For multiple choice, cover the choices while you think of the correct answer, do not look for patterns, eliminate obvious wrong answers + cross them out, do not second guess the exam, use logic!

BRING:- calculator

- pen and pencil (extra colours if you wish)

- ruler

- water and candy if you like

- your text if you signed one out (or go home and get it!)

DO NOT BRING:- your cell phone

- your ipod