Ron: Welcome back. On this end I considered our first session to be very beneficial, and I hope you did as well. Time flies by in this forum, and we are anxious to get started. Thank you for joining us, and let's get to the questions.
kokomo,in: I am a GM retiree and recently heard that GM employees and retirees were to receive a bonus in December is this true and if so how much is the bonus?
Ron:Modified 11/22/2006, 8 a.m.:
Yes. $800.
[The answer specifically addressed retirees. There is no bonus for active workers at General Motors. Retirees will receive a lump-sum payment of $800 and surviving spouses will receive 65 percent of this amount or $520.]
Indianapolis, Indiana: Can we start a group of U UAW activists to accomplish these things: Take back America, Preserve American Jobs, Address the health insurance issue, and energize our membership to get involved? I propose to call it "Bringing Back our Country" I propose that each one who signs up to commit to making either 5 calls a month, 5 email messages or 5 letters to their congressman or newspapers. Mail each participant a kit to enthus and inform and reward for efforts. Suggestions as to subject or issue can be offered. We can even use the PDF technology to pass on all how to etc. Retiree Bil Hill from Local 933. P S I made 1100 calls with Move-On to get out the vote in this last election
Ron: Thanks. Our group has been around for many years, and it's called UAW Community Action Program (CAP). Through CAP, our local unions and retiree chapters stay on top of the issues between elections, and they are politically motivated when elections roll around.
waterford, MI: If temporary workers get hired permanently will they have rights to stay at that facility before return to community and re-hire rights employees to that facility?
Ron: I am pleased to say that Vice President Cal Rapson communicated this afternoon with the local union leadership at Delphi facilities that an agreement has been signed with Delphi to convert supplemental temporary employees hired Nov. 20, 2006 or earlier to permanent status. There are some restrictions under certain circumstances, i.e., contract employees, and certain others. You can contact your local leadership for an update. This agreement will also be posted under "Delphi Update" on first thing in the morning.
Flint, MI: President Gettlefinger, Now that Delphi is blatantly disrespecting the UAW leaders and membership by refusing to negotiate and asking GM to pay for everything related to the labor restructering, do you regret not taking a strike action at Delphi sooner to put the UAW in the drivers seat?
Ron: No. I am very comfortable with the position our union is in at this point. Delphi is a rogue company that used the unfair bankruptcy laws to take advantage of their workers. Once again, in the final analysis an agreement has to be reached that our membership is willing to ratify.
Montrose/ Michigan: I would like to know how you are going to prevent the recent retirees from Delphi from losing their pensions. Thank You, retiree of Delphi local 651
Ron: The provisions of our agreement ensure the security of present Delphi retirees' pensions.
kokomo,indiana: is chrysler pension fund fully funded
Ron: The fund is in very good shape.
owosso,mich: Many of us that have retired had grieviences in process at time of retirement. Are we entitled to a fair settlement of these grieviences and also can we request this this settlement in writing? If this grievience is "whoped" I believe that the local is responsible to give me the reasons for this decision and can I request this settlement in writing? Thank You
Ron: You should contact your local union leadership to get an update on the grievance you are referencing.
Marquette, Michigan: Hello Brother Gettelfinger! A Local 6000 member here. This year, the union membership got off our butts and showed we can make a difference in state and national elections all because of the leadership you, your executive staff, Local Union Presidents and their executive staff, and all the activists displayed. The approach of educating our membership (especially regarding Right to Work legislation here in Michigan), instead of telling union members who to vote for was really appreciated according to our members attending District Meetings. Our work is not over so what can we do now to make sure those we aided do not forget us?
Ron: We can attend local union membership meetings and CAP council meetings to stay abreast of the issues. Additionally, you can sign up for the UAW's electronic activist network, UAWire, on our web site to keep informed of issues in Washington, D.C.
You are correct, it is incumbent on each of us to keep in contact with our elected representatives at the local, state and national level to see that our issues do not fall by the wayside.
Thanks for all of your help and support.
New York: Hello Mr. Gettelfinger. I'm a correspondent covering the union issues. After winning of Democrats in the midterm election, do you think whether U.S. government will change its not- friendly attitude toward the auto industry and UAW , or not ? In addition, what do you think of Japanese auto makers' rapid expansion in the US market ? Thank you very much.
Ron: Seeing how it took the President so long to meet with the Big 3 and the importance of this industry to the U.S. economy, I'm not sure what the administration will do. However, we have a lot of friends in Congress who will soon be in position to make a difference, and we're looking forward to working with them.
Our union has always believed that automobiles sold here should be built here. Unfortunately, the foreign nameplate operations are continuing to import a lot of the vehicles that they sell here.
Mancelona, Michigan: Retiree Local 849 Dear Ron, After being thoroughly thumped by the voters and struggling to keep his poll numbers above 30%, Bush heads to Vietnam, a country whose war he avoided (checked the “no” box when asked if he would volunteer for overseas duty) . What a disgrace to this country! Bush is the second post-war U.S. President to visit Vietnam. Mr. Clinton went there to recover our M.I.A.’s by establishing a better relationship with the Vietnam people. Bush has made it clear that rather than dwelling on old animosities, he wants to focus on Vietnam as an “Emerging Trade Partner” and an “Economic Success Story”, (My opinion, there goes more of our jobs!!!) I hear Bus is pushing hard to bring Vietnam into the WTO…is this true? Ron, I would like to hear your opinion about Bush going to Vietnam.
Ron: The lame-duck session of Congress recently voted down Vietnam's entry in the WTO. As you are aware, China was admitted to the WTO with no strings attached and we are feeling the repercussions of that move every day.
We share the same opinion on the President going to Vietnam.
Kansas City, MO: Why is the international letting the locals fight it out over COA/MOA? Its putting union brother against union brother, not much unity there.
Ron: The International certainly is not encouraging locals to fight it out over COA-MOA's. It is up to each local union to negotiate changes in local agreements that are in the best interest of their membership. As you are aware, these agreements have to be ratified at the local level, so the membership has the final say.
spring hill: brother gettelfinger, i would like to know in the 07 contract talks if the issue of corporate seniority will be addressed vs the current structure? Seems that we have many different seniority dates like day one at Saturn in spring hill, Delphi getting 1/7/85. This need to be fixed UAW wide. Thank you for your time
Ron: Contract proposals are submitted by the local union and then reach the national bargaining committee by way of the various councils. It is too early to say what the demands will be.
spring hill tn: i work at spring hill manufacturing formerly Saturn, and have just heard we will not being getting the van as our new product? is this ture and if so what happens to us in march 07 when the shut the plant down?
Ron: This came up in today's noon discussion. You should review the answer that was given then. Thank you.
Waterford, Michigan: General Motors is heavily invested in China. Meanwhile, the big three bosses go to the President of the United States and from a media report I heard that one of the issues on the "Big Three's" list was fair trade. Do you think that fair trade is really an issue? Or, are the Big Three hiding behind this complaint trying to get Americans on their side so they'll buy more products? The Big Three sure does get cheap labor all over the world while leaving American workers holding the bag.
Ron: The Big Three's list, in addition to trade, included currency manipulation and health care. The intent of the meeting with the President was to level the playing field.
Products assembled by our members are very high quality and durable, and all of us hope the consumers will give the Big Three products manufactured in the U.S. consideration when buying a new vehicle.
Buffalo New York: When is the barganning convention and if you were elected to the Constitutional Convention are you also a delegate to the barganning convention?
Ron: A call letter will be coming out after the first of December announcing the dates for the Special Convention on Collective Bargaining, which will be held at Cobo Hall in Detroit, March 27-28, 2007. Delegates to the Constitutional Convention are also delegates to the Special Convention on Collective Bargaining.
West Carrollton: Ron.
Ron: Sorry, I missed your question.
NY/NY: My company gives us a 401k. Unfortunately we have not met with a representative from our investment firm for many years. (When I say investment firm I am referring to Scudder, which manages our 401k investments). Doesn't our company's management have a responsibility to bring a representative from Scudder to see us every 3 months, or at least once every year, to answer questions about our investments in our 401k plans and about the quarterly statements we get from Scudder? Bob Nearier
Ron: Please have your local union president contact your regional servicing representative for assistance with this matter.
Montrose/ Michigan: Local 651 doesn't seem to answer retirees questions about our retiree benefits or pensions. Who do we go to for answers.
Ron: You may contact our Retired Workers Department at 313-926-5231. Thank you.
Buffalo, NewYork: When will we UAW/GM Retirees get our Full Health Care an Pensions back? What are you doing to make sure this never happens again?
Ron: I very much appreciate your question. The decision to give concessions on health care at GM and Ford rested with me, and I accept full responsibility for taking this course of action. This was only done after a very careful analysis of the companies' finances by our inside and outside experts. While this was a painful decision for me personally, I was totally convinced it was the right approach to take to provide long-term security for our retirees. I appreciate the fact that our active workers supported our retirees. Their concessions enabled then-Vice Presidents Gerald Bantom and Richard Shoemaker to craft agreements that had minimal impact on our retirees.
Rochester, New York: Mr. Gettelfinger, We in Rochester, local 1097, have great respect for you. We have put our faith entirely in the hands of the International Union to help us through this. Our concern is, as much as flowback to GM makes good sense, many remaining members for one valid reason or another cannot leave our area. After retirements, buy-outs, etc. Our headcount will contain approximately 300 original GM employees, from a prior count of 1450. It would be especially hard to bow to any concessions, after learning we are a core facility and not slated to close, and are currently relocating the coopersville facility into ours, with an additional 300-400 jobs being added. We firmly believe Delphi has received enough relief, and we also believe GM has a liability to previous GM employees. We are prepared to fight to the finish here, and hope Delphi realizes this. The rumored buydown will in no way make up for the potential loss of income the wage cuts will bring.
Ron: I can appreciate your comments. This has been a long road for our membership as well as our leadership. Vice President Cal Rapson, his staff and our support departments are working extremely hard to stay on top of all of these issues. We will do all that we can to give our membership the best representation possible. We have done well to this point in taking care of our membership, and we will address your issues as best we can. Thank you for your support and understanding during this uncertain period of time in our union's history.
Elkhart,IN: I have never heard of a vote to resess a strike. Why was this an option for Local 364 after 6 months into a strike, and what contract would a member be under?
Ron: Under Article 50, Section 5, of the UAW Constitution, the membership can recess a strike after a special meeting has been called for that purpose. I am well aware that Local 364 members voted overwhelmingly to reject the company's last offer and also against recessing the strike.
Buffalo, New York: We need Universal Heath Care in the USA. I support a single payer Government plan so that all Americans , Rich, Middle Class and Poor, recieve the same quality health care. Do you support a single payer plan?
Ron: The UAW supports a single-payer, universal, comprehensive national health care program that covers every man, woman and child in America.
Chicago: It has been said that Ford retiree benefits are guaranteed through 2011 with the Veba. Is this VEBA agreement any stronger than our contract that was supposed to last through September of 2007?
Ron: I've already answered the first part of your question in the earlier discussion. The VEBA is secure.
Monroe La 1977: hey:just wondering if there is a date that we can expect to be told to leave plant in Monroe
Ron: Not at this time. the temporary workers at Delphi were recently told at their local union meeting, that there was a large possibility that they would be hired as full time workers by christmas. Is this true and if not is there a time frame for them to be hired?
Ron: Good news on this one. Please see the earlier response in this discussion and look for our Delphi Update on this web site tomorrow.
Hagerstown, Maryland: Dear Ron I work at the mack plant in Hagerstown MD. I have noticed that in our past three contracts we have heard nothing but concessions, while our employer made record profits! Do we, because we are not in detroit have to make concessions for GM, Ford, and Chrysler?
Ron: For brevity's sake, we have edited your question. Our union's approach to negotiations is different based on the particular circumstances with the various employers. Once your bargaining committee has reached an agreement, the membership has final say in the settlement.
Chicago: Is there anything that you see coming in the next negotiations that should help make a decision on a retirement eligible employee taking a buy out package from Ford?
Ron: It's too early to predict the outcome of any negotiations, but it is not our intention to go backwards in the '07 bargaining.
Flint, MI: Mr. Gettelfinger: Your response to the Delphi Retiree asking about what the Union is doing to protect Delphi retiree's who did not get to opt out for GM benefits seemed somewhat vauge. Talking to Local Union Benefit Reps. did not answer the question.I retired in 2004, from Delphi, and I know about the GM Guarantee, but I also am concerned about Delphi & GM stalling long enough so that I will no longer have any GM guarantee to fall back on. What is the UAW doing to insure that the GM guarantee will be activated to insure our pension & medical coverage? In solidarity,
Ron: Perhaps the response was vague but in order to address any question all of the facts need to be on the table, and it is important to begin with the local benefit representative to address these types of issues. In the event the benefit rep. does not have the answers, we have representatives in the national department who can assist members.
I would not be concerned about Delphi stalling in order to avoid the GM benefit guarantees.
Grand Blanc, MI: Mr. Gettlefinger, Earlier today you were asked the question do you think Delphi will default on or modify their pension plan? To which you responded; The benefit guarantees in our contract prevent them from defaulting. My question is that the benefit guarantees made by GM to qualified Delphi employees expire in Sept 2007 so why should anyone feel comfortable trusting Delphi to fund their pension plan beyond that? Obviously, I am assuming this is a serious topic in the upcoming 2007 GM negotiations?