Table S1: Structure of ANU-ADRI questionnaire and sources of items
Characteristics / Scale/ StudyDemographic information
Age, gender, Education, marital status, / Path Through Life Study (Australia)(Anstey et al., 2011)
Medical History
Diabetes / Ausdiab study (Australia)(Dunstan et al., 2002)
Depression / CESD and self report medical history
Hypercholesterolemia / Cardiovascular health and Cognition study(Rea et al., 2005)(USA)
Traumatic Brain Injury / Canadian Study of Health and Aging (Lindsay et al., 2002)(Canada)
Social and behavioral factors
Smoking / Fagerstrom test(Heatherton, Kozlowski, Frecker, & Fagerstrom, 1991)
Amsterdam growth and health longitudinal study (Bernaards, Twisk, Snel, Van Mechelen, & Kemper, 2001)(Netherland)
Alcohol / Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (Babor TF, 2006)(AUDIT)
Social engagement / Lubben’s Scale of social network and
Scale for Honolulu Asia Aging Study (Saczynski, et al., 2006)(USA)
Cognitive engagement / Rush Memory and Aging study (Wilson, et al., 2007)(USA)
Physical activity / International Physical Activity Questionnaire (Craig, et al., 2003)(IPAQ)
Fish intake / Cardiovascular health and Cognition study (Huang, et al., 2005)(USA)
Occupational Pesticide exposure / Developed for this study with experts
S2. Forest plots for pooled estimates of risk factors.
c)Brain injury
e)Cognitive activity
f)Social engagement
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