or her peers. I love the various cultures represented in our room. Learning the unique customs of each family widens our knowledge and allows us to be respectful of our unique differences.

Visitors: All visitors must check in at the office, even in the morning before school,

Volunteering: Many of you have offered your services as a volunteer this year. Thank you in advance. I will be contacting you or PTA will to schedule times to assist us with an extra pair of hands. We love volunteers! In order to volunteer you have to complete a background check each year. You can complete the application online.


Writing: Reading and writing are closely linked. We will be writing both expository and narrative paragraphs and stories, mastering the correct uses of punctuation and grammar.

XYZ I am eXcited to work with You and Your child this year. Please make sure he/she gets plenty of ZZZZZ’s each night as we have exciting days planned for this year!

Co-Curr Schedule

Monday PE

Tuesdays Theatre

Wednesdays PE

Thursdays Art

Fridays Music

*Please make sure child wears tennis shoes to PE! To avoid forgetting the schedule, it would be helpful if your child wore tennis shoes every day, especially since they are outside running and playing at recess.

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."

Anne Frank

Linda Hagans

2nd Grade Teacher

Basswood Elementary

3100 Clay Mountain Trail

Ft. Worth, Texas 76137


Classroom Phone


Only rings before and afterschool and during conference time



8:20 – 9:10 AM







A Parent Resource Pamphlet

Arrival: School begins at 8:00 and considered tardy if they are not in the classroom at that time. Doors by the cafeteria are not opened until 7:30am. Please do not drop your child off unattended prior to that time.

Attendance: Learning and fun take place everyday! Please make sure your child comes to school on time except in cases of illness.

Birthdays: Invitations - If your child is handing out invitations at school, they must be given to all girls in the classroom (if a girl) or to all boys in the classroom (if a boy.) You can also hand them out to all students in the classroom, if you wish.

Treats - You may send nut-free treats to school for the class (no candles, balloons, gift bags, or “parties” are allowed). Cupcakes or cookies work best. We will celebrate your child’s birthday after lunch. Please send plates and silverware if you send a cake.

Box Tops: Our school is collecting “Box Tops for Education. Each label is worth 10 cents. Please send box tops in a zip lock bag labeled with the child/teacher’s name! Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Campus-Wide Class Parties: We are allowed 2 classroom parties per school year. These are days when the FMNV (foods of minimum nutritional value) rule does not apply. For the 2 parties this year, the room parent will contact parents for donations and to request any help/volunteers. Please make sure that items sent do not contain nuts for those students who may have nut allergies. Parents are always welcome to help and join us in the fun on party days. Due to the small size of our classrooms, please find alternative care for younger siblings on party days so our second graders can get the deserved attention on these special days. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Conference Time: 8:20 – 9:10 am. Please email or call to set up an appointment!

Communication: Communication between home and school is very important. Each Tuesday your child will receive a Red Basswood Folder with any flyers about different events or various organizational opportunities. I send group emails for reminders or information updates. I will also post the information on my website.

Dismissal: School ends at 3:00 pm on regular school days and 12:00 pm on early dismissal days. If your child is to go home a different way than his or her normal manner, please email me or call the school. For safety reasons, please bring your Dismissal Card with your child’s name and Teacher’s Name.

Emergencies: The school or I may need to contact you in case of an emergency. If your phone number, address or email changes, please notify me.

Field Trips: We may go on a field trip. The permission slip must be signed and returned.

Grades: The results of your child’s assignments/tests will be entered into Gradebook within 72 school hours and paper copy sent home. For any grades less than 70, I will reteach and provide the student with an additional opportunity to show understanding. The two grades will be averaged and entered into Gradebook.

Homework: Your child will receive a homework paper each Friday with most assignments due the following Friday. Spelling assignments are to be completed in your child’s spelling journal and returned the following day. Students are required to read 60 minutes a week and currently, they have the ability to get on RAZ-Kids and read books on their reading level. Daily Geography questions are completed in class and should be reviewed each night. There will be tests every Friday in Daily Geography and spelling. Please check your child’s homework and help only if they ask for it. As part of their homework, they should be reading at least 60 minutes each week.

Important Papers: Important notices will be sent home periodically. Please check your child’s orange Take Home Folder every day.

Job Well Done: Students are rewarded with various classroom rewards when demonstrating good behavior or staying on task. Please encourage your child to exhibit those character qualities.

Kindness: In our classroom kindness is expected from everyone. I create a family environment where student are supportive of each other and me.

Lunch: Lunch is from 11:25 – 11:55 with recess being 20 minutes after lunch. If your child purchases a lunch each day, you can pay online in advance on your child’s account.

Money: If possible, please put money in an envelope or zip lock bag in your child’s backpack. Be sure the envelope is labeled with your child’s name.

Newsletters: In lieu of newsletters, I have a website, http://mshagans2ndgrade.yolasite.com that is updated regularly. You can access the link on the Basswood Website or at the above address.

Organization: It is important that your child begin to form good organizational habits in second grade. The orange Take Home Folder is for things brought to and from school. This folder MUST be brought to school everyday. The folder contains their behavior/

study skills chart as well their weekly Daily Geography, homework sheet that contains spelling words, etc. that they work on each day and can study at night.

Practice: Just like any other thing you expect to be good at, the skills learned in school need to be practiced. Please provide time for your child to practice their math facts and reading.

PTA: The PTA is the school’s Parent Teacher Association. It is a way to promote and support communication between home, school, and the community. The cost is $10:00 to join.

Questions or Concerns: Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Reading: The reading expectations are high in second grade in order to prepare students for third grade and the state assessment tests. Please allow your child to read books to you. Ideas: when you are riding in the car or as you are fixing dinner at night. Share with your child your love of reading!

Scholastic Book Clubs: From time to time your child will be bringing home book orders. This is a great way to purchase books inexpensively, while helping our class earn points toward classroom items.

Talking: Talking to friends about feelings and ideas are important. There are, however, appropriate and inappropriate times to talk. I encourage you to support me in the enforcement of this rule because it does affect your child’s learning as well as other children.

Tutoring: I will begin afterschool tutoring fairly early in the year, but first I need to get to know the students and their current levels. I will send out more information at a later date. I will work with my neighboring teacher, Mrs. Chube, with one of us addressing math and the other addressing reading with our two classes.

Unique: We will value one another as unique and special individuals. I believe that each child has a unique learning style; therefore, I will be providing instruction to your child that may be different than his