Digital Design 2017/2018


Course: ECOM 2414Digital Design.

Instructor: Dr. WesamAshour

Lecture times:

101 Saturday, Monday, Wednesday 13:00 - 14:00 K318

201 Saturday, Monday, Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 N406


Office Hours:

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday: 11:00  13:00.

Course Description:

This module introduces the concepts of the design and implementation of digital circuits. Laboratory experiments will be used to reinforce the theoretical concepts discussed in lectures. The lab experiments will involve the design and implementation of digital circuits. Emphasis is on the use computer aided tools in the design, simulation, and testing of digital circuits.

Course Objective:

Digital electronic circuits can be found inside many electronic devices such as cell phones, digital cameras, computers, and many other consumer products that process and use information in a digital format. This course teaches students a basic treatment of digital circuits and the fundamental concepts used their design. It provides coverage of classical hardware design for both combinational and sequential logic circuits.

Learning Outcomes:

• Knowledge and understanding:

- Minimize functions using any type of minimizing algorithms (Boolean algebra, Karnaugh map).

• Cognitive skills (thinking and analysis).

- Define the problem (Inputs and Outputs), write its functions.

- Implement functions using digital circuit (Combinational or Sequential).

• Communication skills (personal and academic).

- Have knowledge in analyzing and designing procedures of Combinational and Sequential Circuits

Text Book:

Digital Design (5th Edition), M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti.

ISBN-10: 0-13-277420-8

Contents: Ch.1: Digital Systems and Binary Numbers.

Ch.2: Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates.

Ch.3: Gate-Level Minimization.

Ch.4: Combinational Logic.

Ch.5: Synchronous Sequential Logic.

Ch.6: Registers and Counters.

Ch.7: Memory and Programmable Logic.

We will cover as much as we can!

Course web site:

Course Grading:

1- 25% Lab.

2- 5 % Quizzes + Teaching Assistant control.

3- 20% Midterm Exam.

4- 50% Final Exam.

Midterm Exam: Saturday, 4th November 2017, 13:00pm-14:00pm

Final Exam: Sunday,7th January 2018, 11:00am-01:00pm

Important Notice:

Sometimes (& suddenly) I will test you by giving Quizzes at the beginning of the lecture! - To solve it easily and to get the highest marks, you should always read the last two lectures before attending the class – Good Luck.

Important Advice:

From first day in the semester you should work very hard and you must activate your mind to think as much as you can!