Liberty Arts Magnet

Building Leadership Team

Date: December 17, 2014

Team Members Present:

Angie Heffner / x / Matt Bica / Amy Knight / x
Suzanne Lyons / x / Jerilyn Johnson / x / AmandaCupples
Sally Windle / Tekla Murphy / Beth Bartels
Michelle VanBuskirk / Gayle Dixon / Lea Werling / x

Norms: Stay on task, No side-bars, Allow for 1 speaker at a time, Be open to others’ ideas, Maintain positive intentions, Keep cell phones on vibrate, Be on time.

Plan Strategy / Full Implementation of Math Solutions
Adult Implementation Indicator / 100% of the math teachers, building administrators and building coaches will have an understanding of the Math Solutions strategies.
Student performance Indicator / 80% of the students will be proficient on math quarterly assessments.

Math Solutions:

-Discussion of the talk moves being used / Implemented daily across content by teachers that were trained with Math Solutions. / Introduce Talk moves to all staff E.R, not yet scheduled with SLO process taking E.R. times
-Sharing of evidence of student work / Requested student work during TBT’s
-Discuss challenges / Workstations/ Time/ Rigorous Tasks/ Differentiation / Sheila in to model first and fourth grade classroom with new and struggling teachers. Focus will be onNumber Talks and discourse.
Shared 4 strategies to transform tasks during TBT.
-Share strategies / Anchor Charts also used across content. / Introduce Anchor charts, Talk Moves to all staff E.R., not yet scheduled with SLO process taking E.R. times. Questions to support Mathematical Practice Standards will be shared during TBT.

Data for 5 Step Process: Step 1 Collect and Chart Data:

Liberty Math Walk Thru Data

Learning Environment

Instructional Practices Inventory Observations

Lima City Schools


Reasoning and Sense Making

Instructional Practices Inventory Observations

Lima City Schools


Focus and Coherence

Instructional Practices Inventory Observations

Lima City Schools


Formative Assessment

Instructional Practices Inventory Observations

Lima City Schools


Step 2:Analyze student work specific to the data.
  • What did students do well and why?
  • What did students not do well on and why?
  • Were there common errors, misconceptions, urgent needs? Are there patterns or trends?

Strengths (and why) / Weaknesses (and why)
*Compared to the district Liberty did better as a whole implementing Math Solutions strategies and increasing discourse and rigor.
*Math Language/Discourse is consistently high
*Respectful learning environment very positive with Math Solutionsnoting lots of evidence
*Learning environment also very positive / *Focus and coherence were weak, but we felt that was a reflection of the amount of time in the walk-thru and what part of the lesson we observed more than a true reflection of those characteristics.
*Formative Assessment on the student side was weak, but also felt that was a reflection of the amount of time in the walk-thru and what part of the lesson we observed more than a true reflection of those characteristics.
*Evidence of Differentiation was weak again reflecting what part of the lesson we happened to observe.
Write SMART goal or determine where you are at in meeting building’s current SMART Goal related to the subgroups you are monitoring.
By the end of March 2015, Liberty Arts Magnet students’ grades 2-8 will make adequate yearly growth in quantiles on Scholastic Math Inventory.
Steps 3: Establish shared expectations for implementing specific effective changes consistently across all classrooms. What strategies being implemented by the ADULTS will be started/continued or stopped. / Step 4: Implement Changes Consistently
  • Who will implement? How often will we implement? How long will we implement?
  • What will you see in the classroom when the selected strategies are implemented?
How will we know if we implemented with fidelity
BLT felt it important to create a different tool for observations/walk thru’s that focuses on differentiation and reflects the small amount of time spent observing. / Building Coach will work with Title 1 Coordinator and Math Solutions Coach to create new walk thru form. Walk thru’swill continue weekly corresponding with TBT’s and Math Solutions work.
Communication to the DLT/TBTs and Reflection
Notes for: / Strengths/Successes / Obstacles/Challenges / Supports Needed
TBTs / K-4 Arts staff is 100% full implementation of the TBT process, sharing successful strategies, discussing challenges, and making positive changes that impact student learning.
6-8 TBT was broken into 2 groups with an Arts and ELA focus for one, and Math as the focus of the other. This has allowed for all members to actively share and participate in the TBT process allowing for full implementation. / Full implementation has become difficult to maintain this academic school year. SLO’s, Quarterly Testing, new Math and ELA adoptions, new grade cards, schedule changes, etc…..Our focus after break will be to jump back into TBT’s with full implementation and enthusiasm.
Step 5: At next 5 step meeting
SWIS data